de bruijn graphs
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2021 ◽  
Jamshed Khan ◽  
Marek Kokot ◽  
Sebastian Deorowicz ◽  
Rob Patro

The de Bruijn graph has become a key data structure in modern computational genomics, and of keen interest is its compacted variant. The compacted de Bruijn graph provides a lossless representation of the graph, and it is often considerably more efficient to store and process than its non-compacted counterpart. Construction of the compacted de Bruijn graph resides upstream of many genomic analyses. As the quantity of sequencing data and the number of reference genomes on which to perform these analyses grow rapidly, efficient construction of the compacted graph becomes a computational bottleneck for these tasks. We present Cuttlefish 2, significantly advancing the existing state-of-the-art methods for construction of this graph. On a typical shared-memory machine, it reduces the construction of the compacted de Bruijn graph for 661K bacterial genomes (2.58 Tbp of input reference genomes) from about 4.5 days to 17—23 hours. Similarly on sequencing data, it constructs the graph for a 1.52 Tbp white spruce read set in about 10 hours, while the closest competitor, which also uses considerably more memory, requires 54—58 hours. Cuttlefish 2 is implemented in C++14, and is available as open-source software under a BSD-3-Clause license at

2021 ◽  
Mikhail Karasikov ◽  
Harun Mustafa ◽  
Gunnar Rätsch ◽  
André Kahles

High-throughput sequencing data is rapidly accumulating in public repositories. Making this resource accessible for interactive analysis at scale requires efficient approaches for its storage and indexing. There have recently been remarkable advances in solving the experiment discovery problem and building compressed representations of annotated de Bruijn graphs where k-mer sets can be efficiently indexed and interactively queried. However, approaches for representing and retrieving other quantitative attributes such as gene expression or genome positions in a general manner have yet to be developed. In this work, we propose the concept of Counting de Bruijn graphs generalizing the notion of annotated (or colored) de Bruijn graphs. Counting de Bruijn graphs supplement each node-label relation with one or many attributes (e.g., a k-mer count or its positions in genome). To represent them, we first observe that many schemes for the representation of compressed binary matrices already support the rank operation on the columns or rows, which can be used to define an inherent indexing of any additional quantitative attributes. Based on this property, we generalize these schemes and introduce a new approach for representing non-binary sparse matrices in compressed data structures. Finally, we notice that relation attributes are often easily predictable from a node's local neighborhood in the graph. Notable examples are genome positions shifting by 1 for neighboring nodes in the graph, or expression levels that are often shared across neighbors. We exploit this regularity of graph annotations and apply an invertible delta-like coding to achieve better compression. We show that Counting de Bruijn graphs index k-mer counts from 2,652 human RNA-Seq read sets in representations over 8-fold smaller and yet faster to query compared to state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools. Furthermore, Counting de Bruijn graphs with positional annotations losslessly represent entire reads in indexes on average 27% smaller than the input compressed with gzip -9 for human Illumina RNA-Seq and 57% smaller for PacBio HiFi sequencing of viral samples. A complete joint searchable index of all viral PacBio SMRT reads from NCBI's SRA (152,884 read sets, 875 Gbp) comprises only 178 GB. Finally, on the full RefSeq collection, they generate a lossless and fully queryable index that is 4.4-fold smaller compared to the MegaBLAST index. The techniques proposed in this work naturally complement existing methods and tools employing de Bruijn graphs and significantly broaden their applicability: from indexing k-mer counts and genome positions to implementing novel sequence alignment algorithms on top of highly compressed and fully searchable graph-based sequence indexes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104795
Uwe Baier ◽  
Thomas Büchler ◽  
Enno Ohlebusch ◽  
Pascal Weber

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (7) ◽  
pp. e1009229
Yuansheng Liu ◽  
Jinyan Li

Graphs such as de Bruijn graphs and OLC (overlap-layout-consensus) graphs have been widely adopted for the de novo assembly of genomic short reads. This work studies another important problem in the field: how graphs can be used for high-performance compression of the large-scale sequencing data. We present a novel graph definition named Hamming-Shifting graph to address this problem. The definition originates from the technological characteristics of next-generation sequencing machines, aiming to link all pairs of distinct reads that have a small Hamming distance or a small shifting offset or both. We compute multiple lexicographically minimal k-mers to index the reads for an efficient search of the weight-lightest edges, and we prove a very high probability of successfully detecting these edges. The resulted graph creates a full mutual reference of the reads to cascade a code-minimized transfer of every child-read for an optimal compression. We conducted compression experiments on the minimum spanning forest of this extremely sparse graph, and achieved a 10 − 30% more file size reduction compared to the best compression results using existing algorithms. As future work, the separation and connectivity degrees of these giant graphs can be used as economical measurements or protocols for quick quality assessment of wet-lab machines, for sufficiency control of genomic library preparation, and for accurate de novo genome assembly.

Algorithmica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Lavinia Egidi ◽  
Felipe A. Louza ◽  
Giovanni Manzini

Jarno Alanko ◽  
Bahar Alipanahi ◽  
Jonathen Settle ◽  
Christina Boucher ◽  
Travis Gagie

2021 ◽  
Barış Ekim ◽  
Bonnie Berger ◽  
Rayan Chikhi

DNA sequencing data continues to progress towards longer reads with increasingly lower sequencing error rates. We focus on the problem of assembling such reads into genomes, which poses challenges in terms of accuracy and computational resources when using cutting-edge assembly approaches, e.g. those based on overlapping reads using minimizer sketches. Here, we introduce the concept of minimizer-space sequencing data analysis, where the minimizers rather than DNA nucleotides are the atomic tokens of the alphabet. By projecting DNA sequences into ordered lists of minimizers, our key idea is to enumerate what we call k-min-mers, that are k-mers over a larger alphabet consisting of minimizer tokens. Our approach, mdBG or minimizer-dBG, achieves orders-of magnitude improvement in both speed and memory usage over existing methods without much loss of accuracy. We demonstrate three uses cases of mdBG: human genome assembly, metagenome assembly, and the representation of large pangenomes. For assembly, we implemented mdBG in software we call rust-mdbg, resulting in ultra-fast, low memory and highly-contiguous assembly of PacBio HiFi reads. A human genome is assembled in under 10 minutes using 8 cores and 10 GB RAM, and 60 Gbp of metagenome reads are assembled in 4 minutes using 1 GB RAM. For pangenome graphs, we newly allow a graphical representation of a collection of 661,405 bacterial genomes as an mdBG and successfully search it (in minimizer-space) for anti-microbial resistance (AMR) genes. We expect our advances to be essential to sequence analysis, given the rise of long-read sequencing in genomics, metagenomics and pangenomics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. e1008928
Paul Medvedev ◽  
Mihai Pop

Many students are taught about genome assembly using the dichotomy between the complexity of finding Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles (easy versus hard, respectively). This dichotomy is sometimes used to motivate the use of de Bruijn graphs in practice. In this paper, we explain that while de Bruijn graphs have indeed been very useful, the reason has nothing to do with the complexity of the Hamiltonian and Eulerian cycle problems. We give 2 arguments. The first is that a genome reconstruction is never unique and hence an algorithm for finding Eulerian or Hamiltonian cycles is not part of any assembly algorithm used in practice. The second is that even if an arbitrary genome reconstruction was desired, one could do so in linear time in both the Eulerian and Hamiltonian paradigms.

2021 ◽  
Lauren Mak ◽  
Dmitry Meleshko ◽  
David C Danko ◽  
Waris N Barakzai ◽  
Natan Belchikov ◽  

Background: De novo assemblies are critical for capturing the genetic composition of complex samples. Linked-read sequencing techniques such as 10x Genomics' Linked-Reads, UST's TELL-Seq, Loop Genomics' LoopSeq, and BGI's Long Fragment Read combines 30 barcoding with standard short-read sequencing to expand the range of linkage resolution from hundreds to tens of thousands of base-pairs. The application of linked-read sequencing to genome assembly has demonstrated that barcoding-based technologies balance the ffs between long-range linkage, per-base coverage, and costs. Linkedreads come with their own challenges, chief among them the association of multiple long fragments with the same 30 barcode. The lack of a unique correspondence between a long fragment and a barcode, in conjunction with low sequencing depth, confounds the assignment of linkage between short-reads. Results: We introduce Ariadne, a novel linked-read deconvolution algorithm based on assembly graphs, that can be used to extract single-species read-sets from a large linked-read dataset. Ariadne deconvolution of linked-read clouds increases the proportion of read clouds containing only reads from a single fragment by up to 37.5-fold. Using these enhanced read clouds in de novo assembly significantly improves assembly contiguity and the size of the largest aligned blocks in comparison to the non-deconvolved read clouds. Integrating barcode deconvolution tools, such as Ariadne, into the postprocessing pipeline for linked-read technologies increases the quality of de novo assembly for complex populations, such as microbiomes. Ariadne is intuitive, computationally efficient, and scalable to other large-scale linked-read problems, such as human genome phasing.

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