bernoulli random variables
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Sheldon M. Ross

Abstract This paper is concerned with developing low variance simulation estimators of probabilities related to the sum of Bernoulli random variables. It shows how to utilize an identity used in the Chen-Stein approach to bounding Poisson approximations to obtain low variance estimators. Applications and numerical examples in such areas as pattern occurrences, generalized coupon collecting, system reliability, and multivariate normals are presented. We also consider the problem of estimating the probability that a positive linear combination of Bernoulli random variables is greater than some specified value, and present a simulation estimator that is always less than the Markov inequality bound on that probability.

Sangita Das ◽  
Suchandan Kayal ◽  
N. Balakrishnan

Abstract Let $\{Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n}\}$ be a collection of interdependent nonnegative random variables, with $Y_{i}$ having an exponentiated location-scale model with location parameter $\mu _i$ , scale parameter $\delta _i$ and shape (skewness) parameter $\beta _i$ , for $i\in \mathbb {I}_{n}=\{1,\ldots ,n\}$ . Furthermore, let $\{L_1^{*},\ldots ,L_n^{*}\}$ be a set of independent Bernoulli random variables, independently of $Y_{i}$ 's, with $E(L_{i}^{*})=p_{i}^{*}$ , for $i\in \mathbb {I}_{n}.$ Under this setup, the portfolio of risks is the collection $\{T_{1}^{*}=L_{1}^{*}Y_{1},\ldots ,T_{n}^{*}=L_{n}^{*}Y_{n}\}$ , wherein $T_{i}^{*}=L_{i}^{*}Y_{i}$ represents the $i$ th claim amount. This article then presents several sufficient conditions, under which the smallest claim amounts are compared in terms of the usual stochastic and hazard rate orders. The comparison results are obtained when the dependence structure among the claim severities are modeled by (i) an Archimedean survival copula and (ii) a general survival copula. Several examples are also presented to illustrate the established results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 109010
Renato J. Gava ◽  
Bruna L.F. Rezende

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Arthur Matsuo Yamashita Rios de Sousa ◽  
Hideki Takayasu ◽  
Didier Sornette ◽  
Misako Takayasu

The Sigma-Pi structure investigated in this work consists of the sum of products of an increasing number of identically distributed random variables. It appears in stochastic processes with random coefficients and also in models of growth of entities such as business firms and cities. We study the Sigma-Pi structure with Bernoulli random variables and find that its probability distribution is always bounded from below by a power-law function regardless of whether the random variables are mutually independent or duplicated. In particular, we investigate the case in which the asymptotic probability distribution has always upper and lower power-law bounds with the same tail-index, which depends on the parameters of the distribution of the random variables. We illustrate the Sigma-Pi structure in the context of a simple growth model with successively born entities growing according to a stochastic proportional growth law, taking both Bernoulli, confirming the theoretical results, and half-normal random variables, for which the numerical results can be rationalized using insights from the Bernoulli case. We analyze the interdependence among entities represented by the product terms within the Sigma-Pi structure, the possible presence of memory in growth factors, and the contribution of each product term to the whole Sigma-Pi structure. We highlight the influence of the degree of interdependence among entities in the number of terms that effectively contribute to the total sum of sizes, reaching the limiting case of a single term dominating extreme values of the Sigma-Pi structure when all entities grow independently.

2020 ◽  
pp. ijoo.2019.0038
Divya Padmanabhan ◽  
Karthik Natarajan

We study the problem of computing the tightest upper and lower bounds on the probability that the sum of n dependent Bernoulli random variables exceeds an integer k. Under knowledge of all pairs of bivariate distributions denoted by a complete graph, the bounds are NP-hard to compute. When the bivariate distributions are specified on a tree graph, we show that tight bounds are computable in polynomial time using a compact linear program. These bounds provide robust probability estimates when the assumption of conditional independence in a tree-structured graphical model is violated. We demonstrate, through numericals, the computational advantage of our compact linear program over alternate approaches. A comparison of bounds under various knowledge assumptions, such as univariate information and conditional independence, is provided. An application is illustrated in the context of Chow–Liu trees, wherein our bounds distinguish between various trees that encode the maximum possible mutual information.

Complexity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Xuegang Tian ◽  
Shaoying Wang

This paper is concerned with the event-based state and fault estimation problem for a class of linear discrete systems with randomly occurring faults (ROFs) and missing measurements. Different from the static event-based transmission mechanism (SETM) with a constant threshold, a dynamic event-based mechanism (DETM) is exploited here to regulate the threshold parameter, thus further reducing the amount of data transmission. Some mutually independent Bernoulli random variables are used to characterize the phenomena of ROFs and missing measurements. In order to simultaneously estimate the system state and the fault signals, the main attention of this paper is paid to the design of recursive filter; for example, for all DETM, ROFs, and missing measurements, an upper bound for the estimation error covariance is ensured and the relevant filter gain matrix is designed by minimizing the obtained upper bound. Moreover, the rigorous mathematical analysis is carried out for the exponential boundedness of the estimation error. It is clear that the developed algorithms are dependent on the threshold parameters and the upper bound together with the probabilities of missing measurements and ROFs. Finally, a numerical example is provided to indicate the effectiveness of the presented estimation schemes.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 1948
María Jesús García-Ligero ◽  
Aurora Hermoso-Carazo ◽  
Josefa Linares-Pérez

This paper investigates the distributed fusion estimation of a signal for a class of multi-sensor systems with random uncertainties both in the sensor outputs and during the transmission connections. The measured outputs are assumed to be affected by multiplicative noises, which degrade the signal, and delays may occur during transmission. These uncertainties are commonly described by means of independent Bernoulli random variables. In the present paper, the model is generalised in two directions: (i) at each sensor, the degradation in the measurements is modelled by sequences of random variables with arbitrary distribution over the interval [0, 1]; (ii) transmission delays are described using three-state homogeneous Markov chains (Markovian delays), thus modelling dependence at different sampling times. Assuming that the measurement noises are correlated and cross-correlated at both simultaneous and consecutive sampling times, and that the evolution of the signal process is unknown, we address the problem of signal estimation in terms of covariances, using the following distributed fusion method. First, the local filtering and fixed-point smoothing algorithms are obtained by an innovation approach. Then, the corresponding distributed fusion estimators are obtained as a matrix-weighted linear combination of the local ones, using the mean squared error as the criterion of optimality. Finally, the efficiency of the algorithms obtained, measured by estimation error covariance matrices, is shown by a numerical simulation example.

2020 ◽  
Sheldon M. Ross ◽  
Gideon Weiss ◽  
Zhengyu Zhang

Consider [Formula: see text] initially empty boxes, numbered 1 through [Formula: see text]. Balls arrive sequentially. Each ball has a binary vector [Formula: see text] attached to it, with the interpretation that the ball is eligible to be put in box [Formula: see text] if [Formula: see text]. An arriving ball can be put in any empty box for which it is eligible. Assume that components of the vector are independent Bernoulli random variables with initially unknown probabilities [Formula: see text]. In “A Stochastic Assignment Problem with Unknown Eligible Probabilities,” Ross, Weiss, and Zhang discuss policies that aim at minimizing the number of balls needed until all boxes are filled. When full memory is allowed, the optimal policy is identified in the sense that it stochastically minimizes the number of balls taken. Two random policies are considered and compared when no memory is allowed. A reordering rule is proposed when one can only keep partial memory.

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