historical essay
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2022 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 230-232
Jeff Brown

Genealogy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 68
Ed A. Muñoz

While there has been an explosion of scholarly interest in the historical and contemporary social, economic, and political status of U.S. Latinx individuals and communities, the majority focuses on traditional Southwestern U.S., Northeastern U.S., and South Florida rural/urban enclaves. Recent “New Destinations” research, however, documents the turn of the 21st century Latinx experiences in non-traditional white/black, and rural/urban Latinx regional enclaves. This socio-historical essay adds to and challenges emerging literature with a nearly five-century old delineation of Latinidad in the Intermountain West, a region often overlooked in the construction of Latina/o identity. Selected interviews from the Spanish-Speaking Peoples in Utah Oral History and Wyoming’s La Cultura Hispanic Heritage Oral History projects shed light on Latinidad and the adoption of Latinx labels in the region during the latter third of the 20th century centering historical context, material conditions, sociodemographic characteristics, and institutional processes in this decision. Findings point to important implications for the future of Latinidad in light of the region’s Latinx renaissance at the turn of the 21st century. The region’s increased Latino proportional presence, ethnic group diversity, and socioeconomic variability poses challenges to the region’s long-established Hispano/Nuevo Mexicano Latinidad.

Екатерина Валентиновна Александрова

Введение. Представлен ранее практически не исследованный материал исторических очерков Е. П. Ковалевского, посвященных событиям Дунайской кампании. Цель – изучить жанровое своеобразие очерков Ковалевского с точки зрения их содержания (осмысления событий), формы (проблема повествователя) и определить их роли в литературном процессе 1850-х гг. Материал и методы. В центре исследовательского внимания – «Три главы из политической и военной истории 1853, 1854 и 1855 годов», написанные непосредственным участником событий и одновременно представителем официальных кругов. Материалы, опубликованные в «Отечественных записках» в 1856 г., рассматриваются в сопоставлении с изданным только в 1868 г. (по политическим соображениям) произведением «Война с Турцией и разрыв с западными державами в 1853 и 1854 годах». В работе использованы сравнительно-сопоставительный и культурно-исторический методы. Результаты и обсуждение. Очерки Ковалевского представляют собой важный факт одного из первых осмыслений событий Дунайской кампании на фоне замалчивания официальными кругами политических причин начала Крымской войны. Двойственная позиция автора-повествователя и специфика содержания определили своеобразие жанровой формы – синтез документального изложения с элементами очерка и рассказа. Заложенная в «Трех главах…» этическая проблематика (проблема героя, патриотизма) и их поэтика (описание природы, роль повествователя) расширяют горизонты творческих поисков автора и дают толчок в осмыслении, подаче нового материала (форма и содержание) современникам. Заключение. Выявлены типологические свойства исторического очерка в творчестве Ковалевского и его художественные особенности. Исследование очеркового жанра на примере «военных рассказов» Ковалевского дает возможность выстроить линию творческой преемственности в русской литературе (Толстой и Достоевский). Работа будет полезна ученым историко-филологического профиля: с точки зрения генезиса, синтетической природы очеркового жанра (идея патриотизма неразрывно связана с позицией автора и ролью повествователя) и литературно-фактографического контекста событий Крымской кампании. Introduction. The material of historical essays by E. P. Kovalevsky, devoted to the events of the Danube campaign, which was practically not studied before, is presented in the work. The aim of the work is to study the genre content of Kovalevsky’s essays and determine their role in the literary process of the 1850s. Material and methods. The research focuses on the work “Three chapters from the political and military history of 1853, 1854 and 1855”, written by a direct participant of the events and at the same time a representative of official circles. Published in “Otechestvennye Zapiski” in 1856, it is considered in comparison with the work “The War with Turkey and the severance with the Western powers in 1853 and 1854” which was published for political reasons only in 1866. The research uses comparative and cultural-historical methods. Results and discussion. The research shows that Kovalevsky’s essays are the first artistic interpretation of the Danube campaign events against the background of official circles’ silence on the political reasons for the beginning of the Crimean war. The originality of the author’s creative manner is shown in the synthesis of a documentary narrative with elements of essay and story. The problems of essays (the problem of the hero, patriotism) and their poetics (the description of nature, the role of the narrator) expand the horizons of the author’s creative search and give an impetus to understanding and presenting new material (form and content) to contemporaries. Conclusion. Typological features of the historical essay and its artistic features in the work of Kovalevsky are revealed. The study of the essay genre on the example of Kovalevsky’s “war stories” makes it possible to build a line of creative continuity in Russian literature (Tolstoy and Dostoevsky). This work will be useful for scientists of historical and philological profile: from the point of view of genesis, the synthetic nature of the essay genre and the literary and factual context of the events of the Crimean campaign.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-96
Nikolay P. Zapivalov

In this article, the prospects of Paleozoic oil in the regions of West Siberia are considered. After a brief historical essay on the discovery of Siberian oilfields, the author suggests a new paradigm in petroleum geology and gives his recommendations on the further development of petroleum industry.

Respect is one of the central concepts in contemporary moral thought. It plays a prominent role in everyday, pre-philosophical moral thinking, as well as in recent moral theory and applied ethics. Yet basic questions about the concept and role of respect have received less attention than might be expected. This volume takes up some of these basic questions. The book is not meant to be a comprehensive handbook that covers all aspects of the topic of respect, nor is the focus of the book mainly historical. Rather, the aim is to give leading experts in the field a chance to present their latest ideas and point the research on respect in new directions. Following an introductory historical essay, Part I addresses questions of what respect is, its nature and basis. Part II examines questions in moral theory, for example what exactly ought to be respected, what role respect plays in morality, and which different types of respect are appropriate and morally significant. Part III deals with the practical application of requirements of respect. The essays in this volume will be of interest both to scholars and students working on issues of respect and to anyone interested in this central moral notion.

Igor Tsyrkot ◽  
Petro Kovalchuk ◽  
Igor Biryuk ◽  
Igor Martsenyak ◽  
Iryna Kukovska ◽  

The article presents the history of one of the relatively new areas in medicine - applied kinesiology, which is actively developing in the United States, West Europe and is popularized and actively implemented in Ukraine. The authors present the basic principles of kinesiological influence, concepts and statements underlying applied kinesiology. Considerable attention is paid to the characteristics of the main diagnostic method of applied kinesiology, which is manual muscle testing (MMT). The uniqueness of this diagnostic method, which can help in the diagnosis of neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction before the signs of chronicity of such processes, has been stated in the article. It is noted that MMT is a very important diagnostic tool, which is increasingly being used in combination with other clinical research ethods. The article emphasizes the constantly growing interest in the methods of applied kinesiology in Ukraine. Conclusions are made about the possibility and necessity of integrating the course on the basics of Professional Applied Kinesiology into educational programs of higher education institutions in the field of "Health Care" (III-IV level of accreditation) which will increase the level of  training of medical professionals, allow the implementation of these methods in clinical practice and significantly improve preventive and diagnostic processes. 

Tatiana Savchuk

Formulation of the problem. The first imagest hyroid gland can be found in ancient Egyptian and ancient Chinese sculptures date back 2700 years to oursera. Historiographical base. The thyroid gland was known already the authors of antiquity and the Middle Ages, although they described goiter and cretinism, but have not yet linked these diseases to the disorder gland function. The purpose of the study - to analyze the historical milestones in the formation of thyroidology. Main part. As early as 1600 year BC were among the first, Chinese doctors in treatment of enlarged thyroid gland steel use seafood and seaweed, but they do not knew that the therapeutic effect arises from iodine. Large scientist Gallen believed that the thyroid gland is a kind"Buffer" between the heart and the brain. In the 19th century it became actively develop thyroid surgery, with the main problem of surgeons remained high mortality. In 1881, Billroth was one of the first in Europe to report 48 successful thyroid surgeries. Upon receipt artificial thyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism (insufficiency thyroid hormones) a new era began. Another half of the 20th century was marked by active research causes of autoimmune diseases such as diffuse toxic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis. Detected antibodies to thyroperoxidase, antibodies to thyroglobulin, antibodies to TSH receptors. Conclusion. Definitely the future of development knowledge in the field of thyroid gland according to research in the field genetics of diseases, creation of new drugs and methods diagnosis of autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland.

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