bourgeois society
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2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (65) ◽  
pp. 197
Wilian Augusto Inês ◽  
Bruno Vinicius Kutelak Dias

Resumo: O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo analisar e compreender a família nuclear burguesa oitocentista e como a figura feminina é representada no romance Rio do Esquecimento (2016), da escritora portuguesa contemporânea Isabel Rio Novo. A obra se desenvolve em torno de diferentes núcleos familiares e, por isso, optamos por analisar somente a personagem Maria Adelaide, da família Clarange. Frisa-se que o aporte teórico de nossa pesquisa é baseado nos circunscritos de teóricos que elaboraram estudos contundentes sobre a sociedade burguesa, a família nuclear e a figura feminina no século XIX, como: Hobsbawm (1977), Andrade (2013), Vaquinhas (2004), Kehl (2008), entre outros. Como resultado averiguou-se que a obra evidencia uma sociedade na qual predomina o autoritarismo masculino e a submissão da figura feminina no seguimento às regras sociais impostas pela sociedade machista e patriarcal, deixando de viver suas próprias escolhas e, consequentemente, sua liberdade, para expressar seus sentimentos e suas vontades, além de evidenciar a sociedade burguesa e como ela era obcecada pela aparência e pelas regras morais que muitos bravejavam e defendiam com orgulho, mas que uma grande parcela não as praticava, tornando ainda mais evidente a hipocrisia social.Palavras- chave: Família; Representação da mulher; Ficção portuguesa contemporânea; Isabel Rio Novo.Abstract: This article aims to analyze and understand the 19th century bourgeois nuclear family and how the female figure is represented in the novel Rio do Esquecimento (2016), by contemporary Portuguese writer Isabel Rio Novo. The work is developed around different family nuclei and, therefore, we chose to analyze only the character Maria Adelaide, from the Clarange family. It is emphasized that the theoretical contribution of our research is based on the circumscriptions of theorists who elaborated strong studies on bourgeois society, the nuclear family and the female figure in the 19th century, such as: Hobsbawm (1977), Andrade (2013), Vaquinhas (2004), Kehl (2008), among others. As a result, it was found that the work shows a society in which male authoritarianism predominates and the submission of the female figure following the social rules imposed by the macho and patriarchal society, ceasing to live its own choices and, consequently, its freedom, to express his feelings and his will, in addition to showing bourgeois society and how it was obsessed with appearance and moral rules that many proudly defended and defended, but that a large portion did not practice, making social hypocrisy even more evident.Keywords: Family; Representation of women; Contemporary Portuguese fiction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 120-128
Alfred Sjödin

“The Complete Man”: Body and Society in Viktor Rydberg The article treats the place of the body in the cultural criticism of Viktor Rydberg, not only as a central theme but also as an image with the potential to figuratively describe societal and even cosmic relationships. Rydberg’s ideal of the symmetrical and athletic body is seen in the perspective of his dependence on German neo-humanism and the gymnastic movement. The ideal of bodily symmetry figures as an image of universal man who defies the division of labor, while the deformed body inversely figures as an image of the lack of wholeness in a stratified bourgeois society. This is further elucidated by an analysis of Rydberg’s view of Darwinism and his fear of degeneration. In the final section, special attention is given to Rydberg’s broodings on the “Future of the White Race”. In this text, the body is a figure of the collectivity (the body politic) and its diseases signify political and moral crisis, while the remedy for this state of affairs lies in recognizing the unity of the living, the dead and the unborn in the body of Christ. 

Literatūra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-128
Vera Kotelevskaya ◽  
Maria Matrosova

The article suggests a comparative analysis of the modernist writing and apprenticeship topics in German and Russian fiction of the twentieth and twenty-first century. Writing is considered to be calligraphy, a writer’s craft, the character’s existence as a scriptor, a form of escapism, a (neo)mythological ritual of destruction and renewal of language and the world. Apprenticeship is explored in its connection with rhetorical culture of imitation and forms of rebellion against it, be it rebellion against the bourgeois society (R. Walser, H. Hesse, T. Bernhard) or the Soviet school and Social Realism (S. Sokolov, M. Shishkin). The literary tradition serves here as an object of imitation and/or deconstruction. This ambivalent attitude takes the form of irony, buffoonery, foolishness, schizophrenia and is rather often represented in the doppelganger motif. The study uses cultural-historical, comparative, narratological methods, leitmotif analysis, etc. The authors identifies new typological links between German and Russian literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 450-459
Roberto Remígio Florêncio ◽  
Juliana Albuquerque Rodrigues ◽  
Renata Xavier Monteiro ◽  
Maria Celma Vieira Santos

Resumo: Ao analisar o comportamento feminino das personagens de Machado de Assis, o ensino da Literatura no nível médio pode ganhar elementos para provocar a criticidade do aluno-leitor. Este texto focaliza o perfil da mulher submissa, recatada e reprimida pelos costumes e hábitos da sociedade brasileira do século XIX, baseados no machismo e na preservação da moralidade. A escolha do tema se deu pela necessidade de se trabalhar uma literatura reflexiva, que promova a criticidade e busque desenvolver o hábito da leitura no Ensino Médio. Apresentamos excertos do conto Uns Braços para ilustrar o desejo reprimido de uma senhora da sociedade, infeliz no casamento, em relação a um jovem rapaz, que a admira em silêncio. Assim, suscita uma reflexão acerca da mulher burguesa da época, que reverbera nas mulheres da atualidade. Os objetivos pretendidos foram alcançados, uma vez que se torna notória a possibilidade de análise reflexiva dos contos machadianos, com seus personagens e acontecimentos que trazem reflexões para a vida humana, seja na contextualização da época, seja na reflexão crítica da atualidade. Palavras-chave: Literatura Brasileira. Sociedade Burguesa. Formação de Leitores.Abstract: By analyzing the female behavior of Machado de Assis' characters, the teaching of Literature at secondary level can gain elements to provoke the criticality of the student-reader. This text focuses on the profile of the submissive woman, demure and repressed by the customs and habits of nineteenth century Brazilian society, based on machismo and the preservation of morality. The theme was chosen because of the need to work on a reflective literature that promotes criticality and seeks to develop the habit of reading in high school. We present excerpts from the short story: "Uns Braços" to illustrate the repressed desire of a society lady, unhappy in her marriage, for a young man, who admires her in silence. Thus, it raises a reflection on the bourgeois woman of the time, which reverberates in women today. The intended objectives were achieved, since the possibility of reflective analysis of Machado's tales becomes notorious, with their characters and events that bring reflections to human life, whether in the context of the time, or in the critical reflection of today. Keywords: Brazilian Literature. Bourgeois Society. Reader’s training. 

Revue Romane ◽  
2021 ◽  
Tomasz Kaczmarek

Abstract François de Curel, mistakenly regarded as an author of the “problem play”, enjoyed a reputation of an innovator in dramaturgy during his lifetime. By rejecting the canonical form of the drama, he proposes works in which psychological analysis prevails over the dramatic progression of the action. In fact, in La Figurante, the French writer paints a portrait of the characters who resemble “marionettes” operated by unknown forces. In order to survive in bourgeois society, they assume the “masks” that social conventions demand of them and conscientiously play the comedy. However, under the facade and the artifices, the protagonists keep their existential anxieties which express their inner sincerity. In this context, the analysis of this play will lead us to seek affinities with the grotesque dimension of the Pirandello theater.

Nadezhda Vasil'evna Kotlyar

The goal of this research is to trace the evolution of views on public organizations (societies) of prerevolutionary Russia, determine the criteria for their classification based on various approaches, views and requirements of the time. The subject of this research is the classifications (typologies) of prerevolutionary societies that formed under the influence of sociopolitical realities, as well as their basic principles. The relevance of this topic is defined by the need to clarify the place and role of legal public initiative in the implementation of the demands of modern society through the prism of classification of public organizations. The research methodology leans on the synthesis of civilizational and formational approaches: public organizations of pre-evolutionary Russia are understood as a phenomenon of bourgeois society, subordinated to the interests of the ruling class, and at the same time, as the institution of modernizing society and nascent civil society. Systematic approach substantiates the polar conclusions of different epoch, and views the creation and activity of such societies as a gradual development of public initiative. Inductive method of transitioning from systematization to rather general representations allows determining the classification criteria for such organizations due to the specific role assigned to them at different stages of individual initiative in the Russian historiography. The novelty of this article consists in establishing correlation between the sociopolitical processes of prerevolutionary period of the Russian history and the classification criteria for public organizations adopted in the academic community. The author outlines the stages and principles of formation of the typologies of public organizations at different chronological segments of the late XIX – early XXI centuries. The article offers classification of prerevolutionary societies based on combination of the two categories: the “sphere” of public life and the “purpose” of activity of the organization.


Paul Gauguin was born in Paris, France on June 7, 1848. The dynamics of his life journey greatly motivated his search for something deeper and more meaningful in his life and work. Gauguin's disillusionment with the bourgeois society in his environment and his desire to create his art works encouraged his decision to devote himself totally as an artist, especially outside his environment. He traveled from one region to another outside Europe. This experience will influence his development as a painter. The trips that Gauguin often undertook were influenced by his work as well as seeking broader and deeper experiences. As a European he sought a "primitive" lifestyle that was neither tangible nor considered "exotic". He is looking for geographic answers to his professional and personal searches while living in Tahiti. By examining his personal life, it is known that Gauguin's wandering led him to a deeper spiritual life, which is reflected in his works and writings. In order to understand the expression of spirituality in his work, we will examine several major works by Gauguin that clearly depict images of Buddhism and other Eastern religions.

Л.И. Алмазова

В статье рассматриваются труды татарских богословов начала ХХ в. в контексте эволюции этических представлений татаро-мусульманского социума. В эпоху буржуазной трансформации на передний план выходят концепции свободы человеческой воли и ответственности, сменяющие веками формировавшиеся паттерны фатализма, неверия в собственные силы и возможности. Для обоснования собственной точки зрения татарские авторы пользуются классическими источниками — Кораном и Сунной пророка Мухаммада, находя в них достаточное количество цитат для убеждения слушателей в необходимости активной жизненной позиции, уверенности в себе, стремления к благополучию и земному процветанию. Данный подход коррелирует с описанным М. Вебером феноменом протестантской этики, способствовавшим, по его мнению, формированию буржуазного общества в Европе. Среди качеств, которые должны были выработать современники, Р. Фахретдинов (1959–1836), З. Камали (1873–1942) и другие авторы называют отвагу, стойкость, непреклонность, оптимизм в сочетании с мудростью, верность данному слову, способствующие прогрессивному развитию личности и общества. The article examines the Tatar theologians’ works of the early 20th century in the context of the evolution in the ethical ideas of the Tatar-Muslim society. In the era of bourgeois transformation, the concepts of human free will and responsibility come to the fore, replacing the patterns of fatalism, disbelief in one’s own strength and capabilities that have been formed for centuries. To substantiate their own point of view, Tatar authors use classical sources — the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, finding in them a sufficient number of quotations to convince listeners of the need for an active life position, self-confidence, desire for well-being and earthly prosperity. This approach correlates with the phenomenon of Protestant ethics described by M. Weber, which, in his opinion, contributed to the formation of bourgeois society in Europe. R. Fahrettinov (1959–1836), Z. Kamali (1873–1942), and other authors call courage, fortitude, inflexibility, optimism combined with wisdom, and loyalty to one’s word as qualities that should have been cultivated by contemporaries, contributing to the progressive development of individuals and society.

Iryna Shapovalova

The first definition of biopolitics M. Foucault offered in a series of his lectures on "It is necessary to protect society", which he gave to students at the Collège de France in 1975-1976. Under biopolitics, the scientist understood "a set of processes that include the proportion of births and deaths, the level of reproduction, population growth" [11, p. 257]. It should be noted that in M. Foucault's concept, biopolitics is meaningfully connected with biopower. Central to the concept of biopolitics (biopower) is the state, which provides the conditions for the reproduction of the population, supports its livelihoods and pursues policies in the health care system. Further conceptualization of the phenomena of biopolitics and biopower is due to the research efforts of J. Agamben, A. Negri and many other scientists. According to scholars, the power constructs of bourgeois society and capitalist relations of the late eighteenth century. - early XIX century ensured the socialization of the human body as a labor force and an element of the production process. Society's control over man began to be exercised not only through consciousness, ideology, "but also in the body and with the body." The human body has come to be seen as a biopolitical reality, and medicine with its technology as a political strategy. It should be noted that biopolitics (biopower) is a unique and extremely dynamic phenomenon that is undergoing constant transformation, which causes a constant expansion of the semantic range of biopolitics and biopower in modern social and philosophical discourse.

Phronimon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
John Patrick Giddy

A global pandemic such as that of the 2020 Covid-19 corona virus, causing great suffering and loss of life, brings home the difficult conditions that make for our fragile human life. But the question that religious belief poses, about “natural evil” in a world created by a loving God, satirised by Voltaire in the 18th century, masks the more existential problem, the possibility of greater human solidarity. In the background is the Deist view of God complementing the “polite society” of mutual benefit and guaranteeing the latter’s benevolent outcome. It is a worldview, as Charles Taylor (2007) explains, that has put aside the premodern idea of human transformation, that was symbolised by religious virtuosi, saints, theophanies, and so on, now looked upon with suspicion by modernity. But the possibility of transformation, of a generous human response to suffering, is what is called for in a pandemic. In Camus’ novel, The Plague, we see the more authentic response that resists being boxed in by religious enthusiasts to a constricted and ideological affirmation of a cosmic picture that obscures the fault-lines of bourgeois society.

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