sex structure
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Sugar Tech ◽  
2022 ◽  
Xian-kun Shang ◽  
Ji-li Wei ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Xue-hong Pan ◽  
Cheng-hua Huang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 58-70
Oleg Rybakovsky

The article summarizes the results of the reproduction and migration development of Saratov oblast n in the 20th — early 21st centuries. The origin of demographic waves in the age and sex structure of the population of the region over a century is substantiated. It is shown what demographic and social consequences led to such development of the region, in which depopulation has not stopped since 1992. There are identified the features of the current migration situation in Saratov oblast. The circle of close migration partners of the region and changes in its migration ties over 50 years is revealed. The character of the exchange of population with other regions of Russia is examined. The main factors of the negative demographic situation in the region are considered. The primary factor is the low level of socio-economic development, wages and incomes of the population. As a consequence, together with high proportion of the urban population and poor ecology this results in a low birth rate and a higher mortality rate than the national average. The latter factor is associated not only with the more "old" (than in the Russian Federation as a whole) age and sex structure of the population of the region. The unfavorable socio-economic situation in the region also generates an increased mortality rate for separate classes and causes of death. Indirectly, this is evidenced by a significantly higher (than in the Russian Federation as a whole) mortality of the population of Saratov oblast from diseases of the digestive system and from alcohol poisoning. In addition, the outflow of young people to economically more developed regions of the country and the decline in fertility leads to a decrease in the proportion of women in the most active childbearing age, which causes an even greater decline in the birth rate. And decrease in the share of young people as a whole leads to an increase in the pension burden on the able-bodied population and to a further decrease in the incomes of the entire population of the region. A general conclusion is made that it is necessary to more actively and effectively pursue a policy of equalizing the socio-economic and demographic development of the regions of Russia. It is necessary to create zones of advanced development not only in the Far East or in the Arctic. It is necessary to develop the economy and the social sphere in all underdeveloped regions of Russia at a faster pace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Aleksey A. Sazonov ◽  
Nicolay A. Maistrenko ◽  
Pavel N. Romashchenko ◽  
Ivan A. Makarov

The effectiveness of the original technique of hemorrhoidectomy with lateral ultrasonic dissection in the cutting mode was analyzed from a clinical standpoint and studied according to pathomorphological changes in tissues during its use. A comparative assessment of the immediate results of treatment as well as pathomorphological changes in the tissue of removed hemorrhoids in two groups of patients was performed. The main group included 30 patients in whom the original hemorrhoidectomy technique with lateral ultrasound dissection in the cutting mode was used. The control group consisted of 30 patients who underwent Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy using electrocoagulation. No significant difference was found between these groups in terms of the age and sex structure of patients, as well as the main clinical characteristics of the disease. In a comparative analysis of the immediate treatment results, the intensity of the pain syndrome and the incidence of postoperative complications were lower in the main group than in the control group. In the assessment of pathomorphological changes, the depth of coagulation necrosis and the severity of necrobiotic changes in the underlying layer after hemorrhoidectomy with lateral ultrasonic dissection in the cutting mode were significantly less than those after Milligan Morgan surgery using electrocoagulation. A significant difference was also revealed in the timing of tissue regeneration. The formation of active granulations in the postoperative wound area in the main group was noted on postoperative days 1416, while this process developed no earlier than on postoperative day 20 in the control group. As a result, complete epithelialization of wounds after hemorrhoidectomy with lateral ultrasound dissection in the cutting mode occurred much earlier, i.e., postoperative days 2630. A similar process after the Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy using monopolar coagulation was completed only on postoperative days 3638. Thus, the use of the original technique of lateral ultrasound dissection provides a more sparing effect on tissues, which is the key to a favorable course of the postoperative period and rapid rehabilitation of patients.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-66
I.I. Andrikevych ◽  

The aim is тto study the clinical efficacy of Flavovir® in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in young children. Materials and methods. The study included 60 young children who received outpatient treatment at the primary health care centers of the Vinnytsia region in the period from 2019 to 2021. The inclusion criteria for the study were ARVI and age аfrom 1 month to 3 years; exclusion criteria were еaggravated premorbid background (immunodeficiency diseases, congenital malformations, etc.), the use of other antiviral drugs, influenza vaccination. According to this aim the children are divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 30 children with ARVI who received Flavovir® (Research and Production Company "Ecopharm" Ltd, Ukraine) in combination with symptomatic therapy. The second group consisted of 30 patients with ARVI who received only symptomatic therapy. The distribution of patients into groups was carried out randomly. The groups were representative for age, sex, structure and severity of disease. Results. During the study the drug Flavovir® showed an effective antiviral effect in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in young children. In ase of the introduction of Flavovir® in the treatment regimen of the examined patients, a positive dynamics of clinical disease was noted: the intoxication syndrome disappeared three times faster (Group I — duration on average 3.4±0.2 days; Group II — 10.4±0.6 days , p<0.05), catarrhal syndrome disappeared approximately two times faster (group I — duration on average 4.5±0.4 days; II group — 9.6±0.7 days, p<0.05); нthere was a reduction in the recovery time by almost two times (group I — on average 5.81±0.5 days, II group — 11.8±0.6 days, p<0.05). The drug is well tolerated by patients and safe for children. Conclusions. The results obtained allow to recommend Flavovir® in age-specific doses for the etiotropic therapy of modern acute respiratory viral infections in young children, taking into account the direct antiviral effect of the drug. The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The informed consent of the parents of the children was obtained for the research. The author declares no conflicts of interest. Key words: children, treatment, acute respiratory viral diseases, Flavovir.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-28
S. Yu. Nosyreva ◽  
A. S. Pankov ◽  
A. G. Korneev

The study of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in children is relevant and of interest for practical health care.Purpose: to identify the clinical and laboratory features of COVID-19 in the context of the six-month dynamics of the pandemic in children of the Orenburg region and to formulate recommendations for optimizing the diagnosis of this disease.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 2661 results of detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA (including 170 children) was carried out on the basis of the microbiological laboratory of the Orenburg State Medical University. Age and sex, structure of preliminary diagnoses, main clinical manifestations, frequency of testing and dynamics of the PCR threshold cycle in September 2020 and January 2021 were assessed.Results. The proportion of children examined in the Orenburg region from September 2020 to January 2021 increased from 4.6 ± 0.6% to 8.1 ± 0.7%. At the same time, the number of PCR + results also significantly increased from 5.0 ± 2.8% to 8.2 ± 2.6% (χ2 = 54.81; p = 0). The average age of children was 9—10 years old. The main reason for referral was pre-hospitalization screening not related to COVID-19. The proportion of PCR + results in this cohort was significantly lower in children than in adults. Among the clinically manifested forms in adults, the leading diagnosis was «pneumonia», and in children «ARVI». In childhood, a predominantly asymptomatic course of the disease was recorded. In children, unlike adults, PCR Ct values did not correlate with the severity and duration of the clinical manifestations of COVID-19.Conclusion. Due to the low diagnostic value of symptoms in children, it is more expedient to focus on epidemiological data and data from the results of laboratory examination methods. When interpreting the results of PCR diagnostics of COVID-19 for prognostic purposes, it is important to take into account the patient's age.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-51
J Patrick Vaughan ◽  
Cesar Victora ◽  
A Mushtaque R Chowdhury

This chapter reviews population measurements and the demographic and epidemiological transitions and how these may change over time. Knowledge of the population age and sex structure and distribution are essential to estimate those people at most risk and for estimating population access to services and programmes. Sources of population information are presented and factors highlighted for the quality of population data. Definitions of demographic rates and life expectancy, population growth, census procedures, death certification, and demographic surveillance are all outlined.

Vasyl P. Miklovda ◽  
Mykhailo I. Pitiulych ◽  
Volodymyr V. Hoblyk ◽  
Mykhailo M. Pitiulych

One of the dominant features of modern civilisation is the growing correlation between economic growth and the quality of its human potential, the level and condition of which are vital components of national wealth and the driving force of economic prosperity. Hence the increased attention to the analysis of current trends in demographic development of the population. This particularly concerns the lower administrative-territorial level, because it is there that the demoreproducing processes are developed and the life processes of the population take place. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the main trends of demographic development of the population of small rural settlements of Zakarpatska Oblast and identify factors that generate depopulation phenomena and, consequently, formulate recommendations for minimising the impact of said factors on the demographic processes among the rural population. In accordance with the set purpose, the study analyses the main trends in the demographic development of the population of small rural settlements in the Zakarpatska Oblast over the past 30 years. The demo-reproducing processes were studied considering the population structure in terms of natural and economic zones of the region, covering small villages of lowland, foothill, and mountain natural and economic zones. It was established that vertical zoning affects not only the conditions of business affairs and entrepreneurial activity of the population, but also the dynamics of natural population growth. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the dynamics of change in the population living in small settlements. The study identifies the main reasons that determine the strengthening of depopulation in small villages of the mountain natural economic zone. The authors prove the fact of decrease in the population density of small villages with their remoteness from regional centres and cities. The paper also features an analysis of changes in the age and sex structure of the population of small rural settlements, as well as identifies factors that deform the sex and age structure of the population, the effect of which in the near future will lead to decrease in the number of the economically active population and increase in budgetary expenditures for the maintenance of retired persons. The authors provide sound justification of the necessity of measures aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of demographic policy, thereby improving the quality of the human potential of the rural population, as well as preserving and reproducing its life and labour potential

Xueyan Yang ◽  
Wanxin Li ◽  
Wen Jing ◽  
Chezhuo Gao ◽  
Rui Li ◽  

AbstractThis article analyzes the population dynamics in northwestern China from roughly 2010 to 2020. The area’s dynamics showed a slow, stable increase in population size, a stable increase in the population of non-Han ethnic groups, which increased at a more rapidly than the Han population, and population rejuvenation coupled with a population structure that aged. The biological sex structure fluctuated within a balanced range in northwestern China. Urbanization advanced in northwestern China, throughout this period, but the area’s level of urbanization is still significantly lower than the average level of urbanization nationally.

Chaika I.M.

The demographic problems of rural areas are interrelated with economic, social, and even political issues. Therefore, given the relevance of the topic, the article analyzes the demographic situation in rural areas based on indicators of natural reproduction and age-sex structure of the population. It should be noted that data processing in smaller administrative entities creates advantages for monitoring positive or critical trends and reflects a more contrasting state of the demographic situation. The research article describes the differentiation of the natural population growth rate at the level of administrative raions. The map «Natural increase (decrease) rate of the Ukrainian rural population in 2018» is presented for its visual display. Characteristic interregional differences in age structure can be traced on compiled histograms. Correlation between birth rates, mortality rates, and population share in age categories: 0–15, 16–59, 60 years and older is calculated to assess the interactions of natural movement and age-sex structure. The comparison of the data of the mean and median age by regions was performed to analyze the age structure of the rural population. The balanced sex structure in settlements is both an important factor and a result of the demographic situation. Therefore, the shares of the male and female population for each age group and in all regions of Ukraine are calculated in the process of performing the practical part of the research (as of 2018). Assessment of territorial differences in the demographic burden is of great social importance. The result of the analysis of the population data set in each age group showed that the greatest demographic load exists in Chernihivska, Khmelnytska, Sumska, Vinnytska, Kyivska, Poltavska, Luhanska, Cherkaska, and Zhytomyrska regions. The obtained results of the analysis of the above-mentioned demographic parameters are summarized in the conclusions. Based on them, areas with a critical demographic situation in rural areas have been identified.Key words: rural population, age-sex structure, depopulation, natural population movement. Демографічні проблеми сільської місцевості взаємопов’язані з економічною, соціальною та навіть політичною проблематикою. Тому, з огляду на актуальність теми, у статті здійснено аналіз демографічної ситуації у сільській місцевості на основі показників природного відтворення та статево-вікової структури населення. Варто зазначити, що опрацювання даних на територіально менших адміністративних утвореннях створює переваги для моніторингу позитивних чи критич-них тенденцій та відображає більш контрастний стан демографічної ситуації. У дослідженні описано диференціацію коефіцієнта природного приросту населення на рівні адміністративних районів, а для її наочного відображення представлено картосхему «Природний приріст (скорочення) сільського населення України, 2018 р.». Характерні міжрегіональні відмінності вікової структури можна простежити на складених гістограмах. Для оцінки взаємовпливів природного руху та статево-вікової структури розраховано кореляцію між коефіцієнтами народжуваності, смертності та часткою населення у вікових категоріях: 0–15, 16–59, 60 років і старше. Також з метою аналізу вікової структури сільського населення виконано порівняння даних середнього та медіанного віку за областями. Збалансоване статеве співвідношення є водночас вагомим чинником і результатом демографічної ситуації. Тому в процесі виконання практичної частини дослідження розраховано частки чоловічого та жіночого населення для кожної вікової групи та у всіх районах України (ста-ном на 2018 рік). Важливе соціальне значення має оцінка територіальних відмінностей демографічного навантаження. Результат аналізу масиву даних чисельності населення у кожній віковій групі показав, що найбільше демографічне навантеження існує у Чернігівській, Хмельницькій, Сумській, Вінницькій, Київській, Полтавській, Луганській, Черкаській та Житомирській областях. Отримані результати вищезгаданих демографічних параметрів підсумовано у висновках. На їх основі виділено території із критичною демографічною ситуацією у сільській місцевості.Ключові слова: сільське населення, статево-вікова структура, депопуляція, природний рух населення.

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