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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 633-638
Vilmos Voigt

Abstract It was never a secret that Thomas A. Sebeok was born in Hungary, and he always referred to his Hungarian background. He emigrated from Hungary (1936) to England and later (1937) to the United States, where he Americanized his family name, Sebők. As a scholar, he started Finno-Ugric studies (not only in Hungarian, but also in Cheremis). Sebeok continued as a general linguist, and then as a communication expert. From the 1960s, he became a semiotician, a key figure in building an international semiotic network. Sebeok often visited Hungary in connection with his research activities. He was a foreign member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and became Honorary Professor at Loránd Eötvöspapers University in Budapest. Such was the respect he garnered that an international congress was organized in Budapest in honor of his 70th birthday, and his papers and books were also translated into Hungarian. From his very wide range of interests, I mention here only the Hungarian context of studying animal signs. Prolific writer, excellent organizer, and eloquent speaker, Sebeok is unforgettable as a world-renowned person – with many ties to his home culture, which he referred to as his “Hungarian frame.”

Евгений Шилов

Андрей Джолинардович Щеглов - ведущий научный сотрудник Института всемирной истории РАН, историк-скандинавист, известный научными работами и переводами со шведского языка. Автор более сотни научных публикаций, иностранный член Шведского королевского общества по изданию рукописей, относящихся к скандинавской истории, переводчик классической шведской и финляндской поэзии (Карин Бойе, Гуннара Экелёфа, Юхана Людвига Рунберга). В 2002 г. им был опубликован в серии «Памятники исторической мысли» комментированный перевод рифмованной «Хроники Энгельбректа»1. В 2007 г. он явился одним из авторов коллективной монографии «Швеция и шведы в средневековых источниках»2, содержащей переводы и исследования памятников шведского средневековья и XVI в. В 2008 г. вышла в свет монография А. Д. Щеглова «Вестеросский риксдаг 1527 года и начало Реформации в Швеции»3. В 2012 г. был опубликован подготовленный А. Д. Щегловым комментированный перевод «Шведской хроники», написанной в XVI в. реформатором и историком Олаусом Петри4, а в 2016 г. вышли в свет переведённые и откомментированные «Шведские средневековые законы»5. В 2015 г. А. Д. Щеглов защитил докторскую диссертацию, на основе которой и была создана монография «Реформация в Швеции: события, деятели, документы». Andrey Jolinardovich Scheglov is a leading researcher at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Scandinavian historian known for his scholarly work and translations from Swedish. He is the author of more than a hundred scientific publications, a foreign member of the Swedish Royal Society for the publication of manuscripts relating to Scandinavian history, translator of classical Swedish and Finnish poetry (Karin Boye, Gunnar Ekelöf, Johan Ludvig Runberg). In 2002 he published a commentary translation of Engelbreckt's 1 Rhyming Chronicle in the 'Monuments of Historical Thought' series. In 2007 he became one of the authors of the collective monograph "Sweden and the Swedes in medieval sources, "2 containing translations and research monuments of the Swedish Middle Ages and the XVI century. In 2008, he published a monograph by AD Scheglov "Riksdag of Västerås in 1527 and the beginning of the Reformation in Sweden "3 . In 2012 A. D. Shcheglov published a commentary translation of the Swedish Chronicle written in the 16th century by the reformer and historian Olaus Petri4, and in 2016 the translated and commented Swedish Medieval Laws5 was published. In 2015. The Reformation in Sweden: Events, Actors, Documents.

O.A. Ivanenko ◽  

On 27 March Stepan Vidnianskyi celebrates his 70th birthday. He is a well-known Ukrainian scholar, expert in the world history, Head of the Department of the History of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine at the Institute of History of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine (since 1991), Doctor of History (1997), Professor (1999), Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine (2015), Honored Science and Engineering Worker of Ukraine (2001), Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2016), Honorary Doctor of the Uzhhorod National University (2005), Foreign Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2009), executive editor of the interagency collected scientific papers “The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings” (since 1993), author of about 600 scientific works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
K. A. M. Brenninkmeijer ◽  
A. S. Ginzburg ◽  
N. F. Elansky ◽  
I. I. Mokhov

Abstract This is the introductory article for the special issue of Izvestia, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics dedicated to the 2019 Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences awarded to Academician Georgy Golitsyn “for making an outstanding contribution to the study of atmospheric physics of the Earth and planets and the development of the theory of climate and its changes” and to foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Professor Paul Joseph Crutzen “for making an outstanding contribution to the chemistry of the atmosphere and assessing the role and biogeochemical cycles in climate formation.” This issue includes an article highlighting the contributions Golitsyn and Crutzen made to the study of physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, climate, and biogeochemical cycles, as well as articles written for this special issue with the participation or recommendation of the laureates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 317-335
Sergeĭ S. Demidov

Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin’s life (1883–1950) and work of this outstanding Russian mathematician, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and foreign member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, coincides with a very difficult period in Russian history: two World Wars, the 1917 revolution in Russia, the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the civil war of 1917–1922, and finally, the construction of a new type of state, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This included collectivization in the agriculture and industrialization of the industry, accompanied by the mass terror that without exception affected all the strata of the Soviet society. Against the background of these dramatic events took place the proces of formation and flourishing of Luzin the scientist, the creator of one of the leading mathematical schools of the 20th century, the Moscow school of function theory, which became one of the cornerstones in the foundation of the Soviet mathematical school. Luzin’s work could be divided into two periods: the first one comprises the problems regarding the metric theory of functions, culminating in his famous dissertation Integral and Trigonometric Series (1915), and the second one that is mainly devoted to the development of problems arising from the theory of analytic sets. The underlying idea of Luzin’s research was the problem of the structure of the arithmetic continuum, which became the super task of his work. The destiny favored the master: the complex turns of history in which he was involved did not prevent, and sometimes even favored the successful development of his research. And even the catastrophe that broke out over him in 1936 – “the case of Academician Luzin” – ended successfully for him.

Webbia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-183
Riccardo M. Baldini

Nelly Nychkalo

The article highlights the main directions of creative cooperation of scientists and educators of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine. Certain directions are analyzed, the dynamism of this process, its expansion and deepening caused by a combination of factors are characterized. The leading among them is the human factor, which determines humanization, spirituality, internal motivation in the “man-man” system. Particular attention is paid to the understanding of the role of the scientist’s personality, his state vision and influence on this process. A vivid example of such a scholar is Franciszek Szlosek, Doctor Habilitated, Professor, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of The Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Scientific Society “Poland-Ukraine”. His name, ideas, concrete and fruitful activity, aimed at developing international cooperation, became part of the history of Ukrainian pedagogical science and education at the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 2-4 ◽  
Natalia Tarasova

Abstract On 28 July 2016, I received the following message from Sir Martyn Poliakoff, Professor at Nottingham University in the UK and a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who I have known for years. He wrote:

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