important stage
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Yuriy Tyrkalo ◽  

Based on the study of theory and practice, the article reveals issues related to methods and algorithm for assessing entrepreneurial risks, as well as presents the relevant conclusions and proposals in this direction, in particular: the choice of tools for assessing (methods and algorithm) of entrepreneurial risks with proper normative and legal regulation is an important stage in the process of entrepreneurial risk management, where quantitative assessment of entrepreneurial risk is in addition to qualitative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 52-56
I. E. Korneeva

To optimize the management of infertile women the estimation of efficacy of endoscopic methods of treatment (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy) in this category of patients was undertaken. With the method of retrospective analysis clinico- laboratory and endoscopic examination of2785 sterile pairs was carried out. The results of the study showed that endoscopic methods are not only the most important stage of diagnostics but also the first pathogenetically substantiated stage in treating female infertility. It became clear that half of the patients demonstrated from 2 till 5 factors in pathogenesis of reproductive function abnormalities that brings on the necessity of elaboratingthe algorithm of treatingparticular patients considering the disturbances revealed.So, to increase the effectiveness of treating the patients in question, distinct standards of medical care should be put into practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 468-480
Elena A. Markova

In this paper weve tried to analyze the translation of L. Glck poem about Persephone (poetry collection Averno), carried out by Ekaterina Dais. A brief outline of literary work of Louise Glck is given. Using the method of hermeneutic commentary, the leitmotifs of her poetic and prose works are characterized. Understanding these motives is an important stage in the pre-text work, since the complex codes (often implicative) presented in poems about Persephone cannot be adequately deciphered without prior knowledge, and, therefore, it is not possible to evaluate the efforts of the translator, the tactics chosen by her. The material for the analysis is the poem Wanderer Persephone from the poetry collection Averno. Another goal of the article is to acquaint the Russian-speaking reader with the work of the original American poetess, which is currently reflected in the Russian scientific discourse.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1664
Nikolai G. Lehtinen ◽  
Robert Marskar

Electric streamer discharges (streamers) in the air are a very important stage of lightning, taking place before formation of the leader discharge, and with which an electric discharge starts from conducting objects which enhance the background electric field, such as airplanes. Despite years of research, it is still not well understood what mechanism determines the values of a streamer’s parameters, such as its radius and propagation velocity. The novel Streamer Parameter Model (SPM) was made to explain this mechanism, and to provide a way to efficiently calculate streamer parameters. Previously, we demonstrated that SPM results compared well with a limited set of experimental data. In this article, we compare SPM predictions to the published hydrodynamic simulation (HDS) results.

Abdul Qader Nael

Childhood is an important stage of human life that has been valued in different forms by different societies and nations of the world. According to Muslim jurists, this stage of life begins from birth and continues until puberty. Afghan modern laws and many related international legal documents consider the age of 18 to be the end of childhood. Human beings at this important stage of life, called "children", have a lot of rights because of their weakness, inability to live independently, and because they need to be assisted to pass this important stage of life well and become effective persons in the society. One of the most important rights of a child is having access to a sound and effective education. Caring for this right of children is the responsibility of their parents, relatives, and the government, respectively. In view of this, Islamic Sharia and modern laws, both national and international, recognize the right to education as one of the most important rights of a child, and have enacted many legal provisions in this field and obliged the parties involved to implement them.

ANRI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (4) ◽  
pp. 60-76
Lev Belovodskiy ◽  
Aleksandr Panfilov

This year marks the 35-th anniversary of the events related to the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Chernobyl NPP) and their most important stage - the closure of the destroyed 4-th power unit with a special structure, which was initially called the «Sarcophagus» (later the «Shelter» object). This article presents information about the period May-November 1986 in the aspect of radiation safety of the builders of this unique facility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Árpád-Botond György ◽  

"The wedding and the marriage was a very important stage of early modern society life, it was not only a social event, but the boundary between childhood and adulthood. For a noble like Mihály Teleki, successful marriage helped to develop in administration and to improve economic resources. To Mihály Teleki marriage is an opportunity of upward social mobility. In this paper we discuss about these matrimonial strategies and we identify their meanings. Keywords: Mihály Teleki, early modern society, matrimonial strategies, Transylvania "

Nikolai G. Lehtinen ◽  
Robert Marskar

Electric streamer discharges (streamers) in air are a very important stage of lightning, taking place before formation of the leader discharge, and with which an electric discharge starts from conducting objects which enhance the background elecric field, such as airplanes. Despite years of research, it is still not well understood what mechanism determines the values of streamer parameters, such as its radius and propagation velocity. The Streamer Parameter Model (SPM) is aimed to understand this mechanism, as well as to provide a way to efficiently calculate streamer parameters. Previously, we demonstrated that SPM results compared well with a limited set of experimental data. In this Brief Report, we compare SPM predictions to the published hydrodynamic simulation (HDS) results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012012
Z N Tarova ◽  
L V Bobrovich ◽  
I P Krivolapov ◽  
A A Korotkov ◽  
O A Borisova

Abstract The study and analysis of the condition of garden plantings is the most important stage in assessing their profitability and determining the feasibility of further production. Bonitet assessment and inventory are one of the options for such an assessment. The paper presents various methods of assessing graft-rootstock combinations of apple trees in the conditions of the Central Chernozem region. The bonitet class of garden plantings has been determined, the growth characteristics of trees and their relationship with the sub-tree inventory and bonitet assessment of graft-rootstock combinations have been analyzed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
Sukaina Hasan Khayif

The current research deals with an important category of society, namely, children in the primary education stage (fourth primary), which is an important stage of human development, as the child of different sex witnesses changes from different aspects of sexual, mental and emotional development. After the researcher took and looked at a group of drawings of children of financially poor families who are 9 years old, it became clear to them some characteristics and psychological dimensions that emerged clearly and tangibly, which were developed by children in the form of subconscious projections through shapes, colors and lines, in drawing children of poor families Of the parts of the human body, we clearly notice the psychological dimensions through drawing those parts, as it tends to draw (the size of the human head is large), which indicates that the child suffers from frustration or excessive sensitivity and excessive preoccupation with fantasies, and exaggeration in drawing the size of the head greatly expresses On the individual's need to depend on others. Also, drawing the head in a large size is due to the feelings of inferiority felt by children who live in a financially poor family.

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