small leaf
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2021 ◽  
Vol 911 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
Roy Efendi ◽  
P. Slamet Bambang ◽  
M Arif Subechan ◽  
M. Aqil ◽  
M. Azrai

Abstract The productivity of maize may be increased by using maize hybrid ideotype (erect leaves and small leaf angles) which is adaptive under high plant population density. The hybrids maize was desirable in increasing the plant density due to better light interception and space so that it can increase the yield per unit area. The aim of the research was to assess S3 lines that had good combining ability and to determine the traits associated with high yields under high plant population density (83.333 plants/ha). A total of 242 hybrids (F1) were examined from a crossed combination of 121 lines x 2 tester were evaluated with three commercial hybrid varieties such as Bisi 18, P 27, and P 36. The evaluation was carried under high plant population density (83,333 plants/ha) in the rainy season (November 2020 – February 2021). The research used an alpha lattice design with three replications. The results showed that the inbred lines had a greater effect on the yield character and yield components, while the leaf angle and leaf orientation effected by the tester. The lines that had good general combining ability for high yielding were M3B11P27T3-11-3-1, P27M3B11T3-1-4-2, P27M3B11T3-1-2-1, M3B11P27T3-8-4-1, P27M3B11T1-7-1-1, M3B11P27T1-1-1-3. The yield range of the hybrids were 8.43-9.90 t/ha, significantly higher than Bisi 18, P 27, P 36 varieties were 7.13 t/ha. Traits such as small leaf angle, erect leaf, root and stem lodging resistance, stem diameter, leaf length, ear diameter, and kernel row number were significantly correlated with high yield under high plant population density.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1572
Rafa Tasnim ◽  
Yong-Jiang Zhang

Wild lowbush blueberries, an important fruit crop native to North America, contribute significantly to the economy of Maine, USA, Atlantic Canada, and Quebec. However, its photosynthetic capacity has not been well-quantified, with only a few studies showing its low photosynthetic rates. Its small leaves make accurate leaf-level photosynthetic measurements difficult and introduce potential uncertainties in using large leaf chambers. Here, we determined the photosynthetic rate for five different wild blueberry genotypes using a big leaf chamber enclosing multiple leaves and a small leaf chamber with a single leaf to test whether using big leaf chambers (branch-level measurements) underestimates the photosynthetic capacity. Photosynthetic rates of wild blueberries were significantly (35–47%) lower when using the big leaf chamber, and they are not a crop with low photosynthetic capacity, which can be as high as 16 μmol m−2 s−1. Additionally, wild blueberry leaves enclosed in the big chamber at different positions of a branch did not differ in chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, suggesting that the difference was not caused by variation among leaves but probably due to leaf orientations and self-shading in the big chamber. A significant linear relationship between the photosynthetic rate measured by the small and big leaf chambers suggests that the underestimation in leaf photosynthetic capacity could be corrected. Therefore, chamber-size effects need to be considered in quantifying photosynthetic capacity for small-leaf crops, and our study provided important guidelines for future photosynthesis research. We also established the relationship between the Electron Transport Rate (ETR) and photosynthetic CO2 assimilation for wild blueberries. ETR provides an alternative to quantify photosynthesis, but the correlation coefficient of the relationship (R2 = 0.65) suggests that caution is needed in this case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yanlin An ◽  
Linbo Chen ◽  
Lingling Tao ◽  
Shengrui Liu ◽  
Chaoling Wei

High-quality genetic maps play important roles in QTL mapping and molecular marker-assisted breeding. Tea leaves are not only important vegetative organs but are also the organ for harvest with important economic value. However, the key genes and genetic mechanism of regulating leaf area have not been clarified. In this study, we performed whole-genome resequencing on “Jinxuan,” “Yuncha 1” and their 96 F1 hybrid offspring. From the 1.84 Tb of original sequencing data, abundant genetic variation loci were identified, including 28,144,625 SNPs and 2,780,380 indels. By integrating the markers of a previously reported genetic map, a high-density genetic map consisting of 15 linkage groups including 8,956 high-quality SNPs was constructed. The total length of the genetic map is 1,490.81 cM, which shows good collinearity with the genome. A total of 25 representative markers (potential QTLs) related to leaf area were identified, and there were genes differentially expressed in large and small leaf samples near these markers. GWAS analysis further verified the reliability of QTL mapping. Thirty-one pairs of newly developed indel markers located near these potential QTLs showed high polymorphism and had good discrimination between large and small leaf tea plant samples. Our research will provide necessary support and new insights for tea plant genetic breeding, quantitative trait mapping and yield improvement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 89-90 ◽  
pp. 89-100
Iryna Kovalyshyn ◽  
Andrii Pinchuk ◽  
Artur Likhanov

Quantitative morpho-anatomical features of leaves of nine Clematis taxa (C. alpina ‘Pamela Jackman’, C. macropetala ‘Maidwell Hall’, C. integrifolia ‘Aljonushka’, C. ispahanica ‘Zvezdograd’, C. fargesii ‘Paul Farges’, C. texensis ‘Princess Diana’, C. tibetana, C. viticella, and C. heracleifolia) were determined with the aim to analyze their adaptation to the environmental conditions.Among investigated clematises, there were plants with hypostomatic (C. viticella, C. fargesii ‘Paul Farges’, C. heracleifolia, C. texensis ‘Princess Diana’, C. macropetala ‘Maidwell Hall’, and C. alpina ‘Pamela Jackman’), and amphistomatic leaves (C. ispahanica ‘Zvezdograd’ and C. tibetana). In C. integrifolia ‘Aljonushka’ leaves were hypostomatic, but few solitary stomata were also present on the adaxial surface. In the leaves of investigated taxa, the palisade coefficient ranged from 27.3% (C. alpina ‘Pamela Jackman’) to 49.9% (C. tibetana). The leaves also differed significantly in size. In particular, leaves of C. integrifolia ‘Aljonushka’ were almost ten times smaller than such of C. heracleifolia.As a result of UPGMA clustering, the plants that can survive in severe windy weather in open rocky areas, Clematis tibetana and C. ispahanica ‘Zvezdograd’, were joined in a separate cluster. The second cluster combined C. alpina ‘Pamela Jackman’ and C. macropetala ‘Maidwell Hall’ – cultivars blooming in the spring, during a period of significant difference in daily temperatures. A relatively small leaf area in plants from these two clusters may indicate an adaptation by reducing the transpiration area and general windage. The third cluster united the rest of investigated taxa, mostly – the mesophytic plants with a relatively large leaf area. However, due to similar morpho-anatomical structure of the leaf, the third cluster also comprised C. integrifolia ‘Aljonushka’ with the smallest leaves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 274
Fadillah Yusma Sugiyati ◽  
Budi Sutiya ◽  

Petroleum is an energy that cannot be renewed, but in everyday life, fuel oil is still the main choice so that it will recult in depletion of petroleum reserves. This study aims to analyze the quality of the charcoal briquette mixture of small leaf acacia wood charcoal whit a mixture of alaban wood charcoal. Parameters tested based on (ASTM D 5142 – 02). Charcoal briquette quality result obtained using Indonesian state standards (Indonesian National Standards – SNI). The results of research from small leaf acacia charcoal and alaban charcoal resulted in the average value of moisture content testing, density testing, ansh content testing, flight substance testing bound carbon content testing and calorific value testing. Testing of moisture content, density, ash content and calorific value met Indonesian standards, while testing for aerobic substances and bound carbon content did not meet Indonesian standards. The best quality charcoal briquettes that meet all the criteria of the Indonesian state standards (Indonesian National Standards – SNI) in treatment E (75% alaban charcoal and 25% small leaf acacia charcoal). The results obtained indicate that each treatment differences in the composition of charcoal powder have a significant effect on each parameter such as moisture content, density, ash content, flying matter, carbon content and calorific value.Keywords: Energy; Brike; Acacia; Alaban

Наталья Николаевна Лебедева

Целью данной работы являлось изучение влияния стимулятора роста Янтарин®, ВРК на морфогенетическую активность флокса метельчатого in vitro . В качестве трансплантов использовали введенные в культуру in vitro сегменты ткани с почками и мелкие листовые пластины флокса метельчатого. The Purpose of this work was to study the effect of the growth stimulant Yantarin®, IBS on the morphogenetic activity of paniculate Phlox in vitro. In vitro tissue segments with kidneys and small leaf plates of paniculate Phlox were used as transplants.

Plant Disease ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 104 (4) ◽  
pp. 1055-1059
James M. Orrock ◽  
Bala Rathinasabapathi ◽  
Brantlee Spakes Richter

Tea (Camellia sinensis [L.] O. Kuntze) is under investigation as a specialty crop in the United States. Anthracnose is a serious disease in global tea production, but there is no literature on the susceptibility of U.S. planting materials to this disease. We isolated a Colletotrichum species from symptomatic plants in a field trial and identified the pathogen as Colletotrichum camelliae based on morphology and sequencing of the ITS, GS, GAPDH, TUB2, and ApMat domains. A phylogenetic analysis showed that local field isolates were genetically similar to one another and grouped with isolates from C. sinensis in China, whereas a local isolate from an ornamental camellia (C. japonica) was more closely related to C. camelliae isolated from other Camellia spp. Six commercially available tea accessions were evaluated in detached leaf assays for susceptibility to this anthracnose pathogen. All accessions were susceptible to infection, with Fairhope and Small Leaf having the largest lesion sizes. In field observations, Fairhope, Big Leaf, and Small Leaf consistently had lower disease severity than Georgian over two growing seasons. This work documents the impact of anthracnose on U.S. tea varieties and may help shape future directions of tea research, breeding, and recommendations for growers in establishing a novel industry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 226 (5) ◽  
pp. 1399-1412 ◽  
Pengcheng Yin ◽  
Qingxia Ma ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Dan Feng ◽  
Xianbing Wang ◽  

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