middle leaf
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Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1435
Yun-Im Kang ◽  
Youn Jung Choi ◽  
Young Ran Lee ◽  
Kyung Hye Seo ◽  
Jung-Nam Suh ◽  

Salt stress is a major constraint of crop productivity because it reduces yield and limits the expansion of agriculture. This study investigated salt tolerance in 26 cultivars of cut lilies (Lilium hybrids) by examining the effect of salt stress on the growth and morphological characteristics of flowers and leaves and their physiological properties (chlorophyll a fluorescence). Salt stress significantly affected the growth and development of cut lilies. Canonical discriminant analysis indicates that the middle leaf width, number of flowers, first flower diameter, petal width, and chlorophyll a fluorescence were correlated with salt stress, whereas plant height, the middle leaf length, days to flowering, and sepal width were less affected by the stress. The cultivars examined were divided into three groups: Group 1 included the salt-sensitive cultivars, which failed to develop normal flowers; Group 2 included cultivars sensitive to salt stress but tolerant to osmotic stress; and Group 3 was the salt-tolerant group, which developed commercially valuable flowers. In conclusion, the cultivars contained a variable range of cut flower characteristics and growth traits that can be employed for lily breeding programs and as material for molecular mechanisms and signaling networks under salt stress.

Rahayu Rahayu ◽  
Jauhari Syamsiyah ◽  
Laila Nikmatus Sa'diyah

<p>Soil degradation mostly occurs on land where a lack of surface coverage results in soil-aggregate destruction due to heavy rainfall. Turfgrass is an ornamental plant and covers the soil surface and, thus, potentially improves soil-aggregate stability. This study determined the potential of some summer grasses to improve soil-aggregate stability and was a pilot experiment using six turfgrass species: <em>Paspalum vaginatum</em>; middle-leaf <em>Zoysia sp.</em>; <em>Cynodon dactylon</em>; coarse-leaf <em>Zoysia sp.;</em> <em>Axonopus compressus</em>; <em>Zoysia matrella</em>. Turfgrasses were planted using stolons in a 0.6 m<sup>2</sup> plot unit with 5 cm x 5 cm space. Lawn maintenance included irrigation, fertilizing, and weeding. Soil characteristics were observed six months after planting and showed that turfgrass increased the soil-aggregate index from 42.3% to 83.0% in control, and carbon particles measuring 6.4 μm from 28.3% to 63.0%.</p>

Nativa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Cátia Cardoso da Silva ◽  
Adilson Pacheco Souza ◽  
Luana Bouvié ◽  
Brena Geliane Ferneda ◽  
Adelson Leite Neto ◽  

Objetivou-se neste trabalho gerar e validar 16 modelos simplificados para estimar a área do limbo foliar de árvores de Tectona grandis L. Foram coletadas folhas de árvores adultas em plantios homogêneos e em matrizes isoladas, nos estratos superior, médio e basal das copas, totalizando 1800 folhas. A área foliar real foi determinada usando o integrador de área foliar “Area Meter” (LI-3100C). Nos modelos de estimativa, considerou-se a área foliar como variável dependente, massa seca (MS) e as dimensões lineares da folha (comprimento – C e largura do meio da folha - L) como variáveis independentes. Para calibração e validação estatística, utilizou-se 70% e 30% das folhas, nesta ordem. Na avaliação do desempenho estatístico (validação) empregou-se o erro médio (MBE), raiz quadrática do erro médio (RMSE) e índice de ajustamento de Wilmott (dw). Empregou-se o método dos valores ponderados dos indicativos estatísticos (Vp) para definir qual a melhor modelo. Os modelos que empregam medidas conjuntas de C e L proporcionam melhores estimativas da área do limbo foliar de T. grandis, sendo indicado o modelo AF = 0,5776 C*L, que apresenta superestimava de 13,98 cm², espalhamento de 61,99 cm² e ajustamento de 0,99. Considerando a massa seca, recomenda-se o modelo AF = 91,9164 MS.Palavras-chave: Tectona grandis L.; indicativos estatísticos; morfometria foliar. ALLOMETRIC EQUATIONS FOR LEAF BLADE AREA ESTIMATION OF TEAK ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to generate and validate 16 simplified models to estimate the leaf limb area of Tectona grandis L. trees. Leaves of adult trees were collected at homogeneous plantations and isolated matrices, in the upper, middle and basal strata of the crowns totalizing 1800 sheets. The actual leaf area was determined using the “Area Meter” leaf area integrator (LI-3100C). In the estimation models, the leaf area was considered as a dependent variable, dry mass and leaf linear dimensions (length - C and width of the middle leaf - L) as independent variables. For calibration and statistical validation, 70% and 30% of the leaves were used in this order. In the statistical performance evaluation (validation) we used the mean error (MBE), quadratic root mean error (RMSE) and Wilmott adjustment index (dw). We used the method of weighted values of statistical codes (Vp) to define the best model. Models employing C and L joint measurements provide better estimates of T. grandis leaf limb area, with the AF = 0.5776 C * L model being overestimated 13.98 cm², scattering 61.99. cm² and adjustment of 0.99. Considering the dry mass, the model AF = 91.9164 MS is recommended.Keywords: Tectona grandis L.; statistics indicatives; leaf morphometry.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Cantik Sitta Devayani ◽  
Retno Hartati ◽  
Nur Taufiq-Spj ◽  
Hadi Endrawati ◽  
Suryono Suryono

Padang lamun berfungsi sebagai daerah asuhan, pemijahan, tempat mencari makan dan habitat bagi biota laut, diantaranya: ikan, meiofauna, maupun mikroalga epifit. Mikroalga epifit dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu unsur indikator dalam ekosistem perairan terkait dengan kesuburan dan pencemaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan kelimpahan mikroalga epifit pada daun lamun Enhalus acoroides yang  dilakukan pada Oktober 2018 dengan metode diskriptif. Penentuan stasiun penelitian menggunakan metode purposive random sampling dengan tiga stasiun yaitu di perairan Pantai Nyamplungan (Stasiun 1), Pantai Bobi (Stasiun 2) dan Pelabuhan Syahbandar (Stasiun 3). Sampel daun lamun E. acoroides dipotong menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu ujung (UA dan UB), tengah (TA dan TB) dan pangkal (PA dan PB) daun. Untuk mendapatkan sampel mikroalga epifit dilakukan dengan metode pengerikan. Hasil penelitian  di semua  stasiun ditemukan tiga kelas yakni Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae dan Cyanophyceae. Genus yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Navicula, Rhizosolenia, Oscillatoria, Gonyaulax dan Prorocentrum. Kelimpahan total mikroalga epifit tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun 3 (11.234 sel/cm2) dan terendah pada Stasiun 2 (6.717 sel/cm2). Kelimpahan mikroalga epifit pada ujung daun bagian permukaan atas (UA) menghasilkan jumlah tertinggi yakni 5.682 sel/cm² dan bagian yang terendah terdapat pada posisi tengah daun bagian permukaan bawah (TB) sebanyak 3.292 sel/cm². Posisi menempel pada bagian lamun berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan mikro alga epifit. Seagrass bed has a function as  nursery, spawning, and feeding ground, as well as a habitat for marine biota such as fish, meiofauna, and epiphytic microalgae. Epiphytic microalgae can be used as one of the indicators in aquatic ecosystems related to productivity and pollution. The aims of this study were to know the composition and abundance of epiphytic microalgae on Enhalus acoroides leaves. This research was done on October 2018 by using descriptive method. The sample was taken from three stations, ie.  Nyamplungan (Station 1), Bobi Beach (Station 2) and Syahbandar Port (Station 3). The seagrass samples of  Enhalus acoroides leaves were cut into three parts i.e. tip (UA & UB), middle (TA & TB)  and base (PA & PB) part of the leaves to obtain the samples of epiphytic microalgae by using scratching method. The results of the study found three classes, i.e.  Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae and Cyanophyceae. The genus most commonly found were Navicula, Rhizosolenia, Oscillatoria, Gonyaulax and Prorocentrum. The highest total abundance of epiphytic microalgae was at Station 3 (11.234 sel/cm2) and the lowest at Station 2 (6.717 sel/cm2). The abundance of  epiphytic microalgae based on different part of seagrass leaves showed that the upper surface of the leaf tip (UA) has highest abundance (5.682 cell/cm²) and the bottom surface of the middle leaf (TB) has the lowest abundance (3.292 cell/cm²). The posisiton of attachment affect on the abundance of epiphyte microalgae.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-82
MMH Khan

The research was carried out to know the abundance and damage severity of mealybug on sarupkathi variety of guava and to evaluate the efficacy of jet powder and Fighter 2.5EC for suppressing populations of mealybug during January to October 2014. Results revealed that the highest number of guava mealybug was observed on middle leaf (42/leaf) while the lowest number was on lower leaf (13/leaf). The highest percent leaf area covered by mealybug was found on middle leaf (78%) while the lowest was on fruit (18%). Maximum temperature and relative humidity had a positive correlation on the mealybug population while the rainfall showed a negative correlation. The highest percent mortality was observed in T2 treatment (Jet powder applied @ 5.0 g L-1 of water) at 24 HAT (hours after treatment) (86.05%) and 48 HAT (93.83%), respectively. At 72 HAT, the highest percent mortality was observed T3 treatment (Jet powder applied @ 7.5 g L-1 of water). In case of insecticidal control, the highest percent mortality was observed in T2 (100%) and T3 (100%) treatments, respectively followed by T1 (98.03%) at 24 HAT. Similar trends were also observed among all treatments at 48 HAT and 72 HAT, respectively. No significant differences were found among three doses of Fighter 2.5EC. The lowest percent mortality of mealybug population was found in T4 (Water spray forcibly) at 24 HAT, 48 HAT and 72 HAT, respectively. No mortality was recorded in untreated control at different HAT in both application of soap solution and insecticides. SAARC J. Agri., 16(2): 73-82 (2018)

Phytotaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 374 (4) ◽  
pp. 297

The genus Plaubelia Bridel has been identified at Shillong (Meghalaya) for the first time in India. Interestingly the plants are distinctly different from hitherto known species of the genus hence described here as P. khasiana sp. nov. It is characterized by rosulate habit of plants, leaves appressed falcate when moist, upper leaves larger than the lower leaves, broad at middle, leaf margin crenulate, involute up to middle, apex subacute to apiculate, costa ending below the apex and the presence of oval or round gemmae.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Robert W. Tairas ◽  
J. Pelealu ◽  
M. Tulung

abstract This study aims to understand the interaction of varieties and watering the papaya mealybug in Bangkok and local plants. Research using Completaly Randomized design (CRD) with treatments that Papaya of varieties Bangkok, Lokal, and Watering. Parameters measured were population nymph, imago, and the attack rate of the mealybug P. marginatus on the part of the plant consists of a trunk, the upper leaves, leaves the middle, and bottom leaves. The results showed that the population of nymphs on papaya local watering every day at the upper leaves of the plant has the highest population as much as 71.85 individuals per leaf and the lowest found in papaya Bangkok on watering every three days on the underside of leaves of plants of 1.85 individuals per leaf. Imago population at the local papaya with a watering every day at the middle leaf has the highest population of 27.85 individuals per leaf and the lowest found in papaya Bangkok with a watering every three days at the bottom of the leaf has a population of 1.71 individuals per leaf. The percentage of mealybug attacks were highest in local varieties of papaya with every day watering time (90.89%), followed by papaya local time watering every two days (70.35%), papaya Bangkok time watering every day (67.92%), local papaya time watering every three days (57.32%), papaya Bangkok time watering every two days (42.72%), and papaya Bangkok time watering every 3 days (40.04%). Keywords: Paracoccus marginatus, mealybug, papaya, population, watering

2016 ◽  
Vol 85 (2) ◽  
Marek Podsiedlik ◽  
Renata Nowińska ◽  
Leszek Bednorz

Twenty-three populations of <em>Senecio erucifolius</em> were sampled to study morphological diversity of the species in Poland. A total of 690 shoots, leaves, capitula, flowers, and fruits were characterized in respect to 27 quantitative traits and were subjected to morphometric analyses. Principal component analysis made it possible to distinguish two groups of individuals, corresponding to two infraspecific taxa – <em>S. erucifolius</em> subsp. <em>tenuifolius</em> (19 populations) and <em>S. erucifolius</em> subsp. <em>erucifolius</em> (four populations). The characters of the greatest importance in differentiating these two subspecies included the length of the upper lobe of the middle leaf, the width of the upper lobe, the width of the longest lateral lobe, the width of the upper lobe at the base, and the length of the tubular flower. Six of the 27 morphological features significantly differentiated populations within subspecies <em>erucifolius</em> according to a stepwise discriminant analysis. The length of the middle leaf, length of the tubular flower and width of the upper lobe at the base contributed most to the discrimination between the investigated populations. The discriminant analysis also showed considerable morphological heterogeneity of the 19 populations classified as subspecies <em>tenuifolius</em>. Seventeen characters significantly differentiated the populations, with the length of the achene and the ratio between the length and the width of the achene as the most important ones.

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 637-648 ◽  
J. Krawczyszyn

In the vascular cambium of Platanus Z and S domains appear in the course of formation of the first annual ring. Their arrangement is connected with the division of the stem into nodes and internodes. In each node a domain of Z and of S type occurs. The longitudinal boundaries between them run along the middle leaf trace and on its opposite side, and the transverse boundaries lie in the nodes. Z-type domains are found on the right below the base of the nearest upper leaf, and S-type domains on the left. As the young cambium forms further rings, the size and shape of the domains changes.

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