polarization profiles
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Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 491
Juan Carlos González de Sande ◽  
Gemma Piquero ◽  
Juan Carlos Suárez-Bermejo ◽  
Massimo Santarsiero

A wide class of nonuniformly totally polarized beams that preserve their transverse polarization pattern during paraxial propagation was studied. Beams of this type are of interest, in particular, in polarimetric techniques that use a single input beam for the determination of the Mueller matrix of a homogeneous sample. In these cases, in fact, it is possible to test the sample response to several polarization states at once. The propagation invariance of the transverse polarization pattern is an interesting feature for beams used in these techniques, because the polarization state of the output beam can be detected at any transverse plane after the sample, without the use of any imaging/magnifying optical system. Furthermore, exploiting the great variety of the beams of this class, the ones that better fit specific experimental constrains can be chosen. In particular, the class also includes beams that present all possible polarization states across their transverse section (the full Poincaré beams (FPB)). The use of the latter has recently been proposed to increase the accuracy of the recovered Mueller matrix elements. Examples of FPBs with propagation-invariant polarization profiles and its use in polarimetry are discussed in detail. The requirement of invariance of the polarization pattern can be limited to the propagation in the far field. In such a case, less restrictive conditions are derived, and a wider class of beams is found.

2020 ◽  
Vol 644 ◽  
pp. A65
Véronique Bommier

Context. This paper presents a numerical application of a self-consistent theory of partial redistribution in nonlocal thermodynamical equilibrium conditions, developed in previous papers of the series. Aims. The code was described in IV of this series. However, in that previous paper, the numerical results were unrealistic. The present paper presents an approximation able to restore the reliability of the outgoing polarization profiles. Methods. The convergence of the results is also proved. It is demonstrated that the step increment decreases like 1/Nα, with α >  1. Results. Thanks to these additions, the results series behaves like a Riemann series, which is absolutely convergent. However, convergence is not fully reached in line wings within the allocated computing time. Development of efficient acceleration methods would be desirable for future work. Conclusions. Agreement between the computed and observed linear polarization profiles remains qualitative only. The discrepancy is assigned to the plane parallel atmosphere model, which is insufficient to describe the chromosphere, where these lines are formed. As all the integrals are numerical in the code, it could probably be adapted to more realistic and higher dimensional model atmospheres. However, this is time consuming for lines with a hyperfine structure, as in the Na I D lines. The net linear polarization observed in Na I D1 with the Zürich Imaging Polarimeter ZIMPOL mounted on the McMath-Pierce telescope at Kitt Peak is not confirmed by the present calculations and could be an artefact of instrumental polarization. The presence of instrumental polarization could be confirmed by the higher linear polarization degree observed by this instrument in the Na I D2 line center with respect to the present calculation result where the magnetic field is not accounted for. At this precise point, the Hanle effect acts as a depolarizing effect in the second solar spectrum. The observed linear polarization excess is found to be of the same order of magnitude in both line centers, namely 0.1%, which is also comparable to the instrumental polarization compensation level of this experiment.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (21) ◽  
pp. 6344
Christopher Hakoda ◽  
Eric S. Davis ◽  
Cristian Pantea ◽  
Vamshi Krishna Chillara

A piezoelectric-based method for information storage is presented. It involves engineering the polarization profiles of multiple piezoelectric wafers to enhance/suppress specific electromechanical resonances. These enhanced/suppressed resonances can be used to represent multiple frequency-dependent bits, thus enabling multi-level information storage. This multi-level information storage is demonstrated by achieving three information states for a ternary encoding. Using the three information states, we present an approach to encode and decode information from a 2-by-3 array of piezoelectric wafers that we refer to as a concept Piezoelectric Quick Response (PQR) code. The scaling relation between the number of wafers used and the cumulative number of information states that can be achieved with the proposed methodology is briefly discussed. Potential applications of this methodology include tamper-evident devices, embedded product tags in manufacturing/inventory tracking, and additional layers of security with existing information storage technologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 496 (3) ◽  
pp. 3623-3634 ◽  
V Dike ◽  
G B Taylor ◽  
J Dowell ◽  
K Stovall

ABSTRACT Using the first station of the Long Wavelength Array (LWA1), we examine polarized pulsar emission between 25 and 88 MHz. Polarized light from pulsars undergoes Faraday rotation as it passes through the magnetized interstellar medium. Observations from low-frequency telescopes are ideal for obtaining precise rotation measures (RMs) because the effect of Faraday rotation is proportional to the square of the observing wavelength. With these RMs, we obtained polarized pulse profiles to see how polarization changes in the 25–88 MHz range. The RMs were also used to derive values for the electron-density-weighted average Galactic magnetic field along the line of sight. We present RMs and polarization profiles of 15 pulsars acquired using data from LWA1. These results provide new insight into low-frequency polarization characteristics and pulsar emission heights, and complement measurements at higher frequencies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 495 (3) ◽  
pp. 3052-3064
Kathryn Crowter ◽  
Ingrid H Stairs ◽  
Christie A McPhee ◽  
Anne M Archibald ◽  
Jason Boyles ◽  

ABSTRACT We present the first measurement of a non-zero magnetic field in the eclipsing material of a black widow pulsar. Black widows are millisecond pulsars which are ablating their companions; therefore they are often proposed as one potential source of isolated millisecond pulsars. PSR J2256–1024 is an eclipsing black widow discovered at radio wavelengths and later also observed in the X-ray and gamma parts of the spectrum. Here we present the radio timing solution for PSR J2256–1024; polarization profiles at 350, 820, and 1500 MHz; and an investigation of changes in the polarization profile due to eclipsing material in the system. In the latter we find evidence of Faraday rotation in the linear polarization shortly after eclipse, measuring a rotation measure of 0.44(6) rad m−2 and a corresponding line-of-sight magnetic field of ∼1.11(16) mG.

Nanophotonics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 1003-1014 ◽  
Yuttana Intaravanne ◽  
Xianzhong Chen

AbstractLike amplitude, phase and frequency, polarization is one of the fundamental properties of light, which can be used to record, process and store information. Optical metasurfaces are ultrathin inhomogeneous media with planar nanostructures that can manipulate the optical properties of light at the subwavelength scale, which have become a current subject of intense research due to the desirable control of light propagation. The unprecedented capability of optical metasurfaces in the manipulation of the light’s polarization at subwavelength resolution has provided an unusual approach for polarization detection and arbitrary manipulation of polarization profiles. A compact metasurface platform has been demonstrated to detect polarization information of a light beam and to arbitrarily engineer a polarization profile that is very difficult or impossible to realize with conventional optical elements. This review will focus on the recent progress on ultrathin metasurface devices for polarization detection and realization of customized polarization profiles. Optical metasurfaces have provided new opportunities for polarization detection and manipulation, which can facilitate real-world deployment of polarization-related devices and systems in various research fields, including sensing, imaging, encryption, optical communications, quantum science, and fundamental physics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 615 ◽  
pp. A42 ◽  
Aleksandar Cikota ◽  
Thiem Hoang ◽  
Stefan Taubenberger ◽  
Ferdinando Patat ◽  
Paola Mazzei ◽  

Highly reddened type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) with low total-to-selective visual extinction ratio values,RV, also show peculiar linear polarization wavelength dependencies with peak polarizations at short wavelengths (λmax≲ 0.4μm). It is not clear why sightlines to SNe Ia display such different continuum polarization profiles from interstellar sightlines in the Milky Way with similarRVvalues. We investigate polarization profiles of a sample of Galactic stars with lowRVvalues, along anomalous extinction sightlines, with the aim to find similarities to the polarization profiles that we observe in SN Ia sightlines. We undertook spectropolarimetry of 14 stars, used archival data for 3 additional stars, and ran dust extinction and polarization simulations (by adopting the picket-fence alignment model) to infer a simple dust model (size distribution, alignment) that can reproduce the observed extinction and polarization curves. Our sample of Galactic stars with lowRVvalues and anomalous extinction sightlines displays normal polarization profiles with an averageλmax~ 0.53μm, and is consistent within 3σto a larger coherent sample of Galactic stars from the literature. Despite the lowRVvalues of dust toward the stars in our sample, the polarization curves do not show any similarity to the continuum polarization curves observed toward SNe Ia with lowRVvalues. There is a correlation between the best-fit Serkowski parametersKandλmax, but we did not find any significant correlation betweenRVandλmax. Our simulations show that theK–λmaxrelationship is an intrinsic property of polarization. Furthermore, we have shown that in order to reproduce polarization curves with normalλmaxand lowRVvalues, a population of large (a ≥ 0.1μm) interstellar silicate grains must be contained in the dust composition.

Scilight ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (23) ◽  
pp. 230003
J. H. Majors

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