piezoelectric wafers
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Karen Saad ◽  
Hussein Tarhini ◽  
Mohammad S Harb ◽  
Samir Mustapha

The development of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems and integration in our structures is a necessity. It has proven to provide a robust and low-cost solution for monitoring structural integrity and can predict the remaining life of our structures. One of the most important aspects of SHM systems is the design and implementation of sensor networks. This study proposes a new hybrid model for optimizing sensor placement on convex and non-convex structures. We propose a novel framework in which two detection mechanisms are considered: pitch-catch and pulse-echo to provide coverage for a given surface. These two mechanisms will complement each other to minimize the number of sensors used while maintaining a high coverage. This combination also allows for better coverage of the corners and regions in the proximity of geometrical discontinuity (such as holes and openings). The monitored area is discretized into a set of control points. For a control point to be covered, it should satisfy the user-defined coverage level which is the number of sensing paths crossing that point. These sensing paths are provided by two modes of communications (pitch-catch and pulse-echo) between the actuator-sensor pairs. The model, which is solved using a genetic algorithm (GA), provides flexibility by allowing the user to input different parameters such as the attenuation distance of the propagating waves and the sensing path limits of both coverage configurations that can be determined through experimentation. The efficiency of the proposed model is then demonstrated by simulating different geometrical shapes. Significant improvement in the coverage of the monitored area, reaching 34.6%, was achieved when compared to the coverage provided by some preliminary solutions such as uniformly placing the sensors on the plate under study. Also, the advantage of combining both configurations (pitch-catch and pulse-echo) in the same model was investigated. It was shown that the latter highly impacted the coverage in the blind zones (corners and edges) where a single configuration is not effective. Afterward, experimental validation was carried out to evaluate the model’s accuracy in damage localization within the optimized sensor networks. The results demonstrated the proficiency of the model developed in distributing the sensors on the tested specimens.

2020 ◽  
Vol 116 ◽  
pp. 102312
Xin Zhang ◽  
Wensong Zhou ◽  
Hui Li ◽  
Yuxiang Zhang

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (22) ◽  
pp. 6438
Guangtao Lu ◽  
Xin Zhu ◽  
Tao Wang ◽  
Zhiqiang Hao ◽  
Bohai Tan

A novel piezoceramic stack-based smart aggregate (PiSSA) with piezoceramic wafers in series or parallel connection is developed to increase the efficiency and output performance over the conventional smart aggregate with only one piezoelectric patch. Due to the improvement, PiSSA is suitable for situations where the stress waves easily attenuate. In PiSSA, the piezoelectric wafers are electrically connected in series or parallel, and three types of piezoelectric wafers with different electrode patterns are designed for easy connection. Based on the theory of piezo-elasticity, a simplified one-dimensional model is derived to study the electromechanical, transmitting and sensing performance of PiSSAs with the wafers in series and parallel connection, and the model was verified by experiments. The theoretical results reveal that the first resonance frequency of PiSSAs in series and parallel decreases as the number or thickness of the PZT wafers increases, and the first electromechanical coupling factor increases firstly and then decrease gradually as the number or thickness increases. The results also show that both the first resonance frequency and the first electromechanical coupling factor of PiSSA in series and parallel change no more than 0.87% as the Young’s modulus of the epoxy increases from 0.5 to 1.5 times 3.2 GPa, which is helpful for the fabrication of PiSSAs. In addition, the displacement output of PiSSAs in parallel is about 2.18–22.49 times that in series at 1–50 kHz, while the voltage output of PiSSAs in parallel is much less than that in parallel, which indicates that PiSSA in parallel is much more suitable for working as an actuator to excite stress waves and PiSSA in series is suitable for working as a sensor to detect the waves. All the results demonstrate that the connecting type, number and thickness of the PZT wafers should be carefully selected to increase the efficiency and output of PiSSA actuators and sensors. This study contributes to providing a method to investigate the characteristics and optimize the structural parameters of the proposed PiSSAs.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (21) ◽  
pp. 6344
Christopher Hakoda ◽  
Eric S. Davis ◽  
Cristian Pantea ◽  
Vamshi Krishna Chillara

A piezoelectric-based method for information storage is presented. It involves engineering the polarization profiles of multiple piezoelectric wafers to enhance/suppress specific electromechanical resonances. These enhanced/suppressed resonances can be used to represent multiple frequency-dependent bits, thus enabling multi-level information storage. This multi-level information storage is demonstrated by achieving three information states for a ternary encoding. Using the three information states, we present an approach to encode and decode information from a 2-by-3 array of piezoelectric wafers that we refer to as a concept Piezoelectric Quick Response (PQR) code. The scaling relation between the number of wafers used and the cumulative number of information states that can be achieved with the proposed methodology is briefly discussed. Potential applications of this methodology include tamper-evident devices, embedded product tags in manufacturing/inventory tracking, and additional layers of security with existing information storage technologies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-154 ◽  
M. Y. Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi ◽  
Moon K. Kwak

This study presents the analytical solution and experimental investigation of the galloping energy harvesting from oscillating elastic cantilever beam with a rigid mass. A piezoelectric wafer was attached to galloping cantilever beam to harvest vibrational energy in electric charge form. Based on Euler-Bernoulli beam assumption and piezoelectric constitutive equation, kinetic energy and potential energy of system were obtained for the proposed structure. Virtual work by generated charge and galloping force applied onto the rigid mass was obtained based on Kirchhoff's law and quasistatic assumption. Nonlinear governing electro-mechanical equations were then obtained using Hamilton's principle. As the system vibrates by self-exciting force, the fundamental mode is the only one excited by galloping. Hence, multi-degreeof-freedom equation of motion is simplified to one-degree-of-freedom model. In this study, closed-form solutions for electro-mechanical equations were obtained by using multi-scale method. Using these solutions, we can predict galloping amplitude, voltage amplitude and harvested power level. Numerical and experimental results are presented and discrepancies between experimental and numerical results are fully discussed.

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