continuous relaxation
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2021 ◽  
Zhuoer Xu ◽  
Guanghui Zhu ◽  
Chunfeng Yuan ◽  
Yihua Huang

AbstractDecision trees have favorable properties, including interpretability, high computational efficiency, and the ability to learn from little training data. Learning a decision tree is known to be NP-complete. The researchers have proposed many greedy algorithms such as CART to learn approximate solutions. Inspired by the current popular neural networks, soft trees that support end-to-end training with back-propagation have attracted more and more attention. However, existing soft trees either lose the interpretability due to the continuous relaxation or employ the two-stage method of end-to-end building and then pruning. In this paper, we propose One-Stage Tree to build and prune the decision tree jointly through a bilevel optimization problem. Moreover, we leverage the reparameterization trick and proximal iterations to keep the tree discrete during end-to-end training. As a result, One-Stage Tree reduces the performance gap between training and testing and maintains the advantage of interpretability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed One-Stage Tree outperforms CART and the existing soft trees on classification and regression tasks.

2021 ◽  
Liping Pang ◽  
Menglong Xue ◽  
Na Xu

Abstract In this paper, we consider the cardinality-constrained optimization problem and propose a new sequential optimality condition for the continuous relaxation reformulation which is popular recently. It is stronger than the existing results and is still a first-order necessity condition for the cardinality constraint problem without any additional assumptions. Meanwhile, we provide a problem-tailored weaker constraint qualification, which can guarantee that new sequential conditions are Mordukhovich-type stationary points. On the other hand, we improve the theoretical results of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm. Under the same condition as the existing results, we prove that any feasible accumulation point of the iterative sequence generated by the algorithm satisfies the new sequence optimality condition. Furthermore, the algorithm can converge to the Mordukhovich-type (essentially strong) stationary point if the problem-tailored constraint qualification is satisfied.

Erick Delage ◽  
Ahmed Saif

Randomized decision making refers to the process of making decisions randomly according to the outcome of an independent randomization device, such as a dice roll or a coin flip. The concept is unconventional, and somehow counterintuitive, in the domain of mathematical programming, in which deterministic decisions are usually sought even when the problem parameters are uncertain. However, it has recently been shown that using a randomized, rather than a deterministic, strategy in nonconvex distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems can lead to improvements in their objective values. It is still unknown, though, what is the magnitude of improvement that can be attained through randomization or how to numerically find the optimal randomized strategy. In this paper, we study the value of randomization in mixed-integer DRO problems and show that it is bounded by the improvement achievable through its continuous relaxation. Furthermore, we identify conditions under which the bound is tight. We then develop algorithmic procedures, based on column generation, for solving both single- and two-stage linear DRO problems with randomization that can be used with both moment-based and Wasserstein ambiguity sets. Finally, we apply the proposed algorithm to solve three classical discrete DRO problems: the assignment problem, the uncapacitated facility location problem, and the capacitated facility location problem and report numerical results that show the quality of our bounds, the computational efficiency of the proposed solution method, and the magnitude of performance improvement achieved by randomized decisions. Summary of Contribution: In this paper, we present both theoretical results and algorithmic tools to identify optimal randomized strategies for discrete distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems and evaluate the performance improvements that can be achieved when using them rather than classical deterministic strategies. On the theory side, we provide improvement bounds based on continuous relaxation and identify the conditions under which these bound are tight. On the algorithmic side, we propose a finitely convergent, two-layer, column-generation algorithm that iterates between identifying feasible solutions and finding extreme realizations of the uncertain parameter. The proposed algorithm was implemented to solve distributionally robust stochastic versions of three classical optimization problems and extensive numerical results are reported. The paper extends a previous, purely theoretical work of the first author on the idea of randomized strategies in nonconvex DRO problems by providing useful bounds and algorithms to solve this kind of problems.

Roman Barták ◽  
Marika Ivanová ◽  
Jiří Švancara

Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) deals with the problem of finding collision-free paths for a set of agents moving in a shared environment while each agent has specified its destination. Colored MAPF generalizes MAPF by defining groups of agents that share a set of destination locations. In the paper, we evaluate several approaches to optimally solve the colored MAPF problem, namely, a method based on network flows, an extended version of conflict-based search, and two models using Boolean satisfiability. We also investigate methods for obtaining lower bounds on optimal solutions based on constraint and continuous relaxation techniques.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Bo Jiang ◽  
Yuming Huang ◽  
Ashkan Panahi ◽  
Yiyi Yu ◽  
Hamid Krim ◽  

The purpose of this paper is to infer a dynamic graph as a global (collective) model of time-varying measurements at a set of network nodes. This model captures both pairwise as well as higher order interactions (i.e., more than two nodes) among the nodes. The motivation of this work lies in the search for a connectome model which properly captures brain functionality across all regions of the brain, and possibly at individual neurons. We formulate it as an optimization problem, a quadratic objective functional and tensor information of observed node signals over short time intervals. The proper regularization constraints reflect the graph smoothness and other dynamics involving the underlying graph’s Laplacian, as well as the time evolution smoothness of the underlying graph. The resulting joint optimization is solved by a continuous relaxation of the weight parameters and an introduced novel gradient-projection scheme. While the work may be applicable to any time-evolving data set (e.g., fMRI), we apply our algorithm to a real-world dataset comprising recorded activities of individual brain cells. The resulting model is shown to be not only viable but also efficiently computable.

Christian Kirches ◽  
Paul Manns ◽  
Stefan Ulbrich

AbstractThe combinatorial integral approximation decomposition splits the optimization of a discrete-valued control into two steps: solving a continuous relaxation of the discrete control problem, and computing a discrete-valued approximation of the relaxed control. Different algorithms exist for the second step to construct piecewise constant discrete-valued approximants that are defined on given decompositions of the domain. It is known that the resulting discrete controls can be constructed such that they converge to a relaxed control in the $$\hbox {weak}^*$$ weak ∗ topology of $$L^\infty $$ L ∞ if the grid constant of this decomposition is driven to zero. We exploit this insight to formulate a general approximation result for optimization problems, which feature discrete and distributed optimization variables, and which are governed by a compact control-to-state operator. We analyze the topology induced by the grid refinements and prove convergence rates of the control vectors for two problem classes. We use a reconstruction problem from signal processing to demonstrate both the applicability of the method outside the scope of differential equations, the predominant case in the literature, and the effectiveness of the approach.

2020 ◽  
pp. ijoo.2019.0040
Hasan Manzour ◽  
Simge Küçükyavuz ◽  
Hao-Hsiang Wu ◽  
Ali Shojaie

Learning directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) from data is a challenging task both in theory and in practice, because the number of possible DAGs scales superexponentially with the number of nodes. In this paper, we study the problem of learning an optimal DAG from continuous observational data. We cast this problem in the form of a mathematical programming model that can naturally incorporate a superstructure to reduce the set of possible candidate DAGs. We use a negative log-likelihood score function with both l0 and l1 penalties and propose a new mixed-integer quadratic program, referred to as a layered network (LN) formulation. The LN formulation is a compact model that enjoys as tight an optimal continuous relaxation value as the stronger but larger formulations under a mild condition. Computational results indicate that the proposed formulation outperforms existing mathematical formulations and scales better than available algorithms that can solve the same problem with only l1 regularization. In particular, the LN formulation clearly outperforms existing methods in terms of computational time needed to find an optimal DAG in the presence of a sparse superstructure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 582-599 ◽  
Samuel Deleplanque ◽  
Martine Labbé ◽  
Diego Ponce ◽  
Justo Puerto

The discrete ordered median problem (DOMP) is formulated as a set-partitioning problem using an exponential number of variables. Each variable corresponds to a set of demand points allocated to the same facility with the information of the sorting position of their corresponding costs. We develop a column generation approach to solve the continuous relaxation of this model. Then we apply a branch-price-and-cut algorithm to solve small- to large-sized instances of DOMP in competitive computational time.

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