environmental program
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Heritage ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 3523-3542
Efthymios Georgousis ◽  
Maria Savelidi ◽  
Socrates Savelides ◽  
Maximos-Vasileios Holokolos ◽  
Hara Drinia

The purpose of this article is to present the results of an environmental education program on “Storm-Tossed Sea Rocks in Pelion Seaside” designed for junior high school students and implemented as a synchronous online educational approach and main and with a main goal to empower students to the values of geoheritage. In order to examine the effectiveness of the program and in particular the achievement of the objectives that encourage the development of values, the research question was identified as to whether the implementation of the environmental program achieved the empowerment of students in geoheritage values. In order to answer this question, we implemented a rather unusual technique to evaluate the educational procedure, which was based on the qualitative research technique of thematic analysis. This technique was selected as the most appropriate in order to “mine” conceptual patterns, the analysis of which would, in a valid, reliable, and simultaneously easy to use and quick way, inform the teachers that the values of geoheritage were disseminated to the students through the program. Thus, four-question interviews were conducted with randomly selected students who participated in the program. The data were examined and conceptual patterns were identified which were classified in eighteen codes. The codes were divided into five categories, the analysis of which led to the answer to the research question. Thus, it was found that the implementation of the environmental program achieved the empowerment of students in geocultural heritage values. The development of feelings of environmental sensitivity has also been seen, which suggests further investigation is needed. It was concluded that for the students, the given educational approach was necessary as well as cognitively, pedagogically, and emotionally beneficial; therefore, the need to enrich the curricula of environmental education/education for sustainable development with issues of geodiversity and geocultural heritage is justified. Finally, what was ascertained is that the thematic-analysis-based evaluation technique of the educational procedure, which was implemented, provided the teachers with the requested information, and it is recommended as an evaluation technique of educational procedures which aim at empowering students on values—even for daily use in school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-233
Aleksey Ivanov ◽  
Ivan Yashkov ◽  
Irina Taranets

An extensive thematic environmental program was implemented during the 2020 field season of the «floating universities» expedition. Work of the expedition is based on «learning through research» and «enlightenment through research» principles. The expedition worked through several thematic blocks: bioecological, geoecological and urban-ecological, paleoecological, and one dedicated to life safety and a healthy lifestyle. Each direction has the implemented curriculum: a set of field lectures (on the shipboard and in field camps), master classes (on natural and natural-anthropogenic objects), practical classes and laboratory mini-workshops. Scientific and methodological innovations were tested within each event. At the same time, profound impact on collection samples gathering for planned paleoecological and ecological-urban researches was implemebted for the youth participated in the expedition and the local population. Also, the intermuseum exhibitions organization was furnished assistance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-91
Laila Farichatuz Zakiyah

Abstrak Konsep produksi bersih (Cleaner Production) dicetuskan oleh United Nation Environmental Program (UNEP) pada bulan Mei 1989. UNEP menyatakan bahwa produksi bersih merupakan suatu strategi pengelolaan lingkungan yang bersifat preventif, terpadu dan diterapkan secara kontinu pada proses produksi, produk, jasa untuk meningkatkan eko-efisiensi sehingga mengurangi resiko terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan (Winardi & Susanti,2006). Penelitian dilakukan di Marcellina Silver Jl. Raya Celuk Sukawati Gianyar Bali pada tanggal 12 Mei 2018. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari variable-variabel penelitian yakni produksi bersih (X1) dan pelestarian lingkungan (X2). Diperoleh dengan cara memberikan angket (kuesioner) kepada sampel penelitian (pengusaha) untuk diisi jawaban sesuai dengan pernyataan yang dibuat. Industri perak Marcellina Silver telah menerapkan produksi bersih dengan cara melakukan beberapa kegiatan seperti, mematikan kran air jika tidak digunakan dan mematikan lampu saat siang hari, menggunakan kembali bahan sisa produksi untuk dijadikan barang produk jadi dan juga melakukan perawatan atau maintenance pada mesin produksi sehingga dapat melakukan produksi dengan optimal. Kata kunci : Industri Rumahan, Pelestarian Lingkungan, Produksi Bersih

2021 ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 34-38
Z.G. Mirzekhanova

On the example of the Khabarovsk Territory, the author gives a brief analysis of some reasons that make it difficult to perform the tasks indicated in the regional environmental program.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Rasyid Hardi Wirasasmita ◽  
Baiq Desi Dwi Arianti ◽  
Muhammad Zamroni Uska ◽  
Yosi Nur Kholisho ◽  

This Community Service program aims to socialize the Zero Waste (ZW) environmental program and to train the community to manage waste (used goods) into goods that can be recycled using an Android-based application. The methods used are lectured and demonstrations (hands-on training). For education on the Zero Waste environmental program through the Zero Waste application, training through demonstrations or direct training (practice). The location for implementing this community service is in Lengkok Lendang hamlet, Tembeng Putik village, East Lombok regency, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) province. So far, at Tembeng Putik, there has never been any training on Waste Management and the Zero Waste environment program, so that public knowledge and awareness about environmental health are still low. The results obtained are the formation of this knowledge about the Zero Waste environment's importance, and the community can make or manage waste into more valuable finished goods

2020 ◽  
pp. 153244002094179
Luke Fowler ◽  
Jaclyn J. Kettler

Does the partisanship of officeholders affect environmental outcomes? The popular perception is that Republicans are bad for the environment, but complicating factors like federalism may limit this outcome. Using a dataset that tracks toxic releases over 20 years, we examine how partisan control of executive and legislative branches at both state and federal levels affect environmental policy. Moving beyond the passage of policies or environmental program spending allows us to fully understand the impact of Republicans on the environment. In addition, we take into account structural complications that may shape the relationship between Republican control and environmental outcomes. We find that the conventional wisdom that Republicans are bad for the environment has some validity, but it is dependent on what offices Republican elected officials occupy. More specifically, Republicans significantly affect toxic chemical releases when occupying governorships and controlling Congress. Our conclusions provide further insight into understanding how partisanship affects environmental outcomes, including how partisanship composition across the federal system matters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Agung Purwono ◽  
Tsamrotul Jannah

Caring for the environment is very necessary because it sees the current condition that more and more cases of environmental damage and natural disasters caused by human hands. Planting an attitude of caring for the environment from an early age is very necessary. It is not only ecological intelligence possessed by students that helps shape the attitude of caring for the environment. The implementation of the program in schools also supports the cultivation of attitudes to care for the environment. The government has also collaborated with the environment minister and the minister of education. For the application of adiwwiyata-based schools. But not all schools are able to implement the program. The MI Dwi Dasa Warsa school institution also tried to instill this attitude in its students even though the institution was not based on adiwiyata. While the purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the application of the environment environment program and ecological intelligence on the attitude of environmental care students of MI Dwia Dasa Warasa Trawas Mojokerto. This type of research is quantitative with a correlation approach, which aims to see how much influence the program has formed by the school and students' ecological intelligence on environmental attitudes students have. Retrieval of data in this study using a Likert scale, observation, documentation and interviews. The results of this study indicate the correlation of the application of the wiyata environmental program with an attitude of environmental care 0.831. While the correlation between ecological intelligence with environmental awareness attitude of students is 0.855. It can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between the application of the environment realy program and ecological intelligence with an attitude of caring for the environment.

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