creative reasoning
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Sherly Sherly ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Fitria Halim ◽  
Edy Dharma ◽  
Ridwin Purba ◽  

This community service aims to improve and develop knowledge related to the Pancasila Student Profile program for educators and students. The Pancasila Student Profile Program is one of the Independent Learning programs launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which removes the National Examination and is replaced with a Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) where one component of the AKM is a character survey which is a selected aspect of the six elements of the Pancasila Student Profile, namely faith. Moreover, pious to TYME and have a noble character, global diversity, cooperation, independence, critical and creative reasoning. The objectives of this socialization activity are: 1) Educators and students get to know the Pancasila Student Profile; 2) Educators are willing to implement the Pancasila Student Profile Program through habituation, coaching, and online learning; 3) Educators can implement the Pancasila Student Profile Program through habituation, coaching and online learning; 4) Educators prepare students to face AKM, especially character surveys; and 5) Achieved student Wellbeing 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Ai Tusi Fatimah

This study aims to describe the mathematical reasoning abilities of vocational high school students in the business and management expertise in solving mathematical tasks in the law of demand context. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. The participants consisted of six students categorized into three groups: high, medium, and low mathematical abilities. Participants from one of the vocational schools in Ciamis, Indonesia. Mathematical tasks to explore students' mathematical reasoning abilities in the law of demand context. The law of demand is a concept in business economics subjects. The task situation expanded as an alternative to solving more mathematical tasks—data from the results of student answers and interviews. Data analysis refers to the characteristics of mathematical reasoning, which consists of imitative and creative reasoning. The stages of data analysis are reduction, presentation, interpretation, inference, and verification. The results of data analysis show that all students tend to do imitative reasoning on each given task. Students tend to remember the law of demand formulas and perform mathematical procedures that they remember. Students often perform mathematical procedures that are not by the nature of mathematics so that the resulting solution is wrong. The law of demand questions designed to explore creative reasoning abilities has not been able to bring students to the flow of creative mathematical reasoning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-113
Muh Zuhri ◽  
Ahmad Rafiq ◽  
Ahmad Mustofa

Normatively, Islamic doctrine prohibits figurative art in the form of sculpture or painting. The prohibition actually comes not from the Koran but from various narrations of the Prophet's hadith. However, it has been transformed into an orthodox doctrine for its adherents. This research does not aim to find the essential meaning of the hadith text which prohibits figurative art, but to find out how the Moslem sculptors, who live at Prumpung Magelang area, respond and negotiate toward it, so in the end they decided to compromise with their profession as a sculptor. Reception theory is used in this study to map the creative reasoning model of Moslem sculptors when negotiating with texts. Through the reception approach, and field data collection through in-depth interviews with several informants consisting of Muslim sculptors at Prumpung Magelang, this research concludes that the existence of the statue, according to the perspective of the Moslem sculptors at Prumpung Magelang is merely works of art so that in existence there are no theological problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1836 (1) ◽  
pp. 012073
G Dwirahayu ◽  
A Mas’ud ◽  
G Satriawati ◽  
K S N Atiqoh ◽  
S Dewi

Özlem Engin, Alaattin Pusmaz

The aim of this study is to identify high school student's understanding of average concept and the reasoning types they appeal to solve average problems. The case study approach was used in this study and the participants were selected by purposeful sampling. The participants consisted of five 9th grade and four 10th grade students, studying at a high school in Istanbul. In order to identify student's understanding of average, a test consisting of 5 open-ended problems were used and semi-structured interviews were held with each of the students. The data were analyzed by thematic analysis approach. For data analysis, framework proposed by Mokros and Russel (1995) was used to determine student's understanding of average and Lithner's (2008) framework was used to reveal their reasoning types. Results showed that students mostly understood average as mathematical point of balance. Creative mathematically founded reasoning and algorithmic reasoning was used the most. Creative reasoning is effective in reaching the right answer. In solutions where creative reasoning is used, students generally also have the idea of representativeness. The type of problem influences the reasoning process. Inadequacy of student's prior mathematics knowledge hinders both their understanding of the average and their reasoning skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 289
Alexandra Hjelte ◽  
Maike Schindler ◽  
Per Nilsson

Mathematical reasoning is gaining increasing significance in mathematics education. It has become part of school curricula and the numbers of empirical studies are growing. Researchers investigate mathematical reasoning, yet, what is being under investigation is diverse—which goes along with a diversity of understandings of the term reasoning. The aim of this article is to provide an overview on kinds of mathematical reasoning that are addressed in mathematics education research. We conducted a systematic review focusing on the question: What kinds of reasoning are addressed in empirical research in mathematics education? We pursued this question by searching for articles in the database Web of Science with the term reason* in the title. Based on this search, we used a systematic approach to inductively find kinds of reasoning addressed in empirical research in mathematics education. We found three domain-general kinds of reasoning (e.g., creative reasoning) as well as six domain-specific kinds of reasoning (e.g., algebraic reasoning). The article gives an overview on these different kinds of reasoning both in a domain-general and domain-specific perspective, which may be of value for both research and practice (e.g., school teaching).

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Jaka Wijaya Kusuma ◽  
Ulfi Jefri ◽  
Ardi Hidayat ◽  
Hamidah Hamidah

In the learning process it is very important to try to get students to think creatively in solving problems and engaging actively. This research is an experiment in the form of design pretest postest control group design. The subjects in this study were two classes of 62 grade VIII junior high school students. The instruments used are tests of creative reasoning skills and mathematical problem solving in the form of 5 essay questions and learning interest questionnaires. Analyze data using Gain test, Chi Square test and Contingency Coefficient. The results found that improved creative reasoning skills as well as the mathematical problem-solving abilities of students with Treffinger  learning were superior to regular learning. In addition, it was also found that the higher the student's learning interest the higher their creative reasoning skills and mathematical problem solving skills. Other findings include associations between students' learning interests, mathematical creative reasoning skills and students' mathematical problem-solving skills classified as moderate.

2020 ◽  
John Turri

I defend the unpopular view that inference can create justification. I call this view inferential creationism. Inferential creationism has been favored by infinitists, who think that it supports infinitism. But it doesn’t. Finitists can and should accept creationism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 71-85
Ahmad Mustofa

Islam as a doctrine has a unique relationship with culture. The uniqueness was emerging when Islam as a doctrine has to confront a tradition living in a community. This study discusses how the sculptors in Prumpung Magelang negotiate and compromise betwen the two of opposite entities in the comunity, that is (1) religious doctrines (sourced from authoritative texts) about the prohibition of crafting the image of living being, and (2) cultural and artistic practices of making living being as perfect objects of artistic passion. This research attempts to explore and understand the creative reasoning model of some sculptors in the area of Prumpung Magelang when they have to appreciate their artistic passion in sculpture without having to confront the meaning of authoritative texts. Through a reception theory approach, this research concluded that the compromise and negoitation of two opposite entities which often creates polemics in the community can be accommodated in a work of art with objects of living things but still within the corridors and boundaries allowed by the text authority (hadith).

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-168
Titin Masfingatin ◽  
Wasilatul Murtafiah ◽  
Swasti Maharani

Reasoning that is constructed from remembering is imitative reasoning, while the opposite is creative reasoning. This study aims to explore creative mathematical reasoning in solving geometric problems. Mathematical creative reasoning is reasoning that contains elements of novelty, plausibility, and mathematical foundation. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, which is explorative. The research subjects were the first-semester student in the mathematics education study program with 32 students. The results showed that from 32 students, there was only one student identified as having creative mathematical reasoning in solving geometry problems. Creative mathematical reasoning can be identified when the subject is able to reason algorithmically but is aware of problems so they cannot be resolved algorithmically so that they must form new reasoning, which consists of novelty, plausibility, and mathematical foundation. Creative mathematical reasoning arises after students make an algorithmic reasoning process, but find no solution. Novelty is the weakest indicator of creative mathematical reasoning, so it requires scaffolding to bring it up.

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