ocean data assimilation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 169 ◽  
pp. 101918
Thiago Pires de Paula ◽  
Jose Antonio Moreira Lima ◽  
Clemente Augusto Souza Tanajura ◽  
Marcelo Andrioni ◽  
Renato Parkinson Martins ◽  

2021 ◽  
Mounir Benkiran ◽  
Pierre-Yves Le Traon ◽  
Gérald Dibarboure

Abstract. Swath altimetry is likely to revolutionize our ability to monitor and forecast ocean dynamics. To meet the requirements of the EU Copernicus Marine Service, a constellation of two wide-swath altimeters is envisioned for the long-term (post-2030) evolution of the Copernicus Sentinel 3 topography mission. A series of Observing System Simulation Experiments is carried out to quantify the expected performances. The OSSEs use a state-of-the-art high resolution (1/12°) global ocean data assimilation system similar to the one used operationally by the Copernicus Marine Service. Flying a constellation of two wide-swath altimeters will provide a major improvement of our capabilities to monitor and forecast the oceans. Compared to the present situation with 3 nadir altimeters flying simultaneously, the Sea Surface Height analysis and 7-day forecast error will be globally reduced by about 50 %. With two wide-swath altimeters, the quality of Sea Surface Height 7-day forecasts is equivalent to the quality of SSH analysis errors from three nadir altimeters. Our understanding of ocean currents is also greatly improved (30 % improvements at the surface and 50 % at 300 m depth). The resolution capabilities will be drastically improved and will be closer to 100 km wavelength compared to about 250 km today. Flying a constellation of two wide-swath altimeters thus looks to be a very promising solution for the long-term evolution of the Sentinel 3 constellation and the Copernicus Marine Service.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101889
Thiago Pires de Paula ◽  
Jose Antonio Moreira Lima ◽  
Clemente Augusto Souza Tanajura ◽  
Marcelo Andrioni ◽  
Renato Parkinson Martins ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 925
Mengjiao Du ◽  
Fei Zheng ◽  
Jiang Zhu ◽  
Renping Lin ◽  
Kan Yi

Currently, several ocean data assimilation methods have been adopted to increase the performance of air–sea coupled models, but inconsistent adjustments between the sea temperature with other oceanic fields can be introduced. In the coupled model CAS-ESM-C, inconsistent adjustments for ocean currents commonly occur in the tropical western Pacific and the eastern Indian Ocean. To overcome this problem, a new ensemble-based bias correction approach—a simple modification of the Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) approach for multi-variable into a direct approach for a single variable—is proposed to minimize the model biases. Compared with the EnOI approach, this new approach can effectively avoid inconsistent adjustments. Meanwhile, the comparisons suggest that inconsistent adjustment mainly results from the unreasonable correlations between temperature and ocean current in the background matrix. In addition, the ocean current can be directly corrected in the EnOI approach, which can additionally generate biases for the upper ocean. These induced ocean biases can produce unreasonable ocean heat sinking and heat storage in the tropical western Pacific. It will generate incorrect ocean heat transmission toward the east, further amplifying the inconsistency introduced through the tropical air–sea interaction process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-56
Jieshun Zhu ◽  
Guillaume Vernieres ◽  
Travis Sluka ◽  
Stylianos Flampouris ◽  
Arun Kumar ◽  

AbstractIn this study, a series of ocean observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) are conducted in support of the tropical Pacific observing system (TPOS) 2020 Project (TPOS 2020) which was established in 2014, with aims to develop a more sustainable and resilient observing system for the tropical Pacific. The experiments are based on an ocean data assimilation system that is under development at the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) and the Environmental Modeling Center (EMC)/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The atmospheric forcing and synthetic ocean observations are generated from a nature run, which is based on a modified CFSv2 with a vertical ocean resolution of 1-meter near the ocean surface. To explore the efficacy of TAO/TRITON and Argo observations in TPOS, synthetic ocean temperature and salinity observations were constructed by sampling the nature run following their present distributions. Our experiments include a free run with no “observations” assimilated, and assimilation runs with the TAO/TRITON and Argo synthetic observations assimilated separately or jointly. These experiments were analyzed by comparing their long-term mean states and variabilities at different time scales [i.e., low-frequency (>90 days), intraseasonal (20~90 days), and high-frequency (<20 days)]. It was found that (1) both TAO/TRITON and especially Argo effectively improve the estimation of mean states and low-frequency variations; (2) on the intraseasonal time scale, Argo has more significant improvements than TAO/TRITON (except for regions close to TAO/TRITON sites); (3) on the high-frequency time scale, both TAO/TRITON and Argo have evident deficits (although for TAO/TRITON, limited improvements were present close to TAO/TRITON sites).

Haifeng Zhang ◽  
Alexander Ignatov ◽  
Dean Hinshaw

AbstractIn situ sea surface temperature (SST) measurements play a critical role in the calibration/validation (Cal/Val) of satellite SST retrievals and ocean data assimilation. However, their quality is not always optimal, and proper quality control (QC) is required before they can be used with confidence. The in situ SST Quality Monitor (iQuam) system was established at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 2009, initially to support the Cal/Val of NOAA satellite SST products. It collects in situ SST data from multiple sources, performs uniform QC, monitors the QC’ed data online, and distributes it to users. In this study, the iQuam QC is compared with other QC methods available in some of the in situ data ingested in iQuam. Overall, the iQuam QC performs well on daily-to-monthly time scales over most global oceans and under a wide variety of environmental conditions. However, it may be less accurate in the daytime a when pronounced diurnal cycle is present, and in dynamic regions, due to the strong reliance on the “reference SST check”, which employs daily low-resolution level 4 (L4) analyses with no diurnal cycle resolved. The iQuam “performance history check”, applied to all in situ platforms, is an effective alternative to the customary “black/gray” lists, available only for some platforms (e.g., drifters and Argo floats). In the future, iQuam QC will be upgraded (e.g., using improved reference field(s), with enhanced temporal and spatial resolutions). More comparisons with external QC methods will be performed to learn and employ the best QC practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 74-75
Kanna Rajan ◽  
Fernando Aguado ◽  
Pierre Lermusiaux ◽  
João Borges de Sousa ◽  
Ajit Subramaniam ◽  

Abstract The oceans make this planet habitable and provide a variety of essential ecosystem services ranging from climate regulation through control of greenhouse gases to provisioning about 17% of protein consumed by humans. The oceans are changing as a consequence of human activity but this system is severely under sampled. Traditional methods of studying the oceans, sailing in straight lines, extrapolating a few point measurements have not changed much in 200 years. Despite the tremendous advances in sampling technologies, we often use our autonomous assets the same way. We propose to use the advances in multiplatform, multidisciplinary, and integrated ocean observation, artificial intelligence, marine robotics, new high-resolution coastal ocean data assimilation techniques and computer models to observe and predict the oceans “intelligently”—by deploying self-propelled autonomous sensors and Smallsats guided by data assimilating models to provide observations to reduce model uncertainty in the coastal ocean. This system will be portable and capable of being deployed rapidly in any ocean.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (5) ◽  
pp. 58-70
Wei Zhou ◽  
Jinghui Li ◽  
Fanghua Xu ◽  
Yeqiang Shu ◽  
Yang Feng

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 811
Hao Liu ◽  
Zexun Wei

The variability in sea surface salinity (SSS) on different time scales plays an important role in associated oceanic or climate processes. In this study, we compare the SSS on sub-annual, annual, and interannual time scales among ten datasets, including in situ-based and satellite-based SSS products over 2011–2018. Furthermore, the dominant mode on different time scales is compared using the empirical orthogonal function (EOF). Our results show that the largest spread of ten products occurs on the sub-annual time scale. High correlation coefficients (0.6~0.95) are found in the global mean annual and interannual SSSs between individual products and the ensemble mean. Furthermore, this study shows good agreement among the ten datasets in representing the dominant mode of SSS on the annual and interannual time scales. This analysis provides information on the consistency and discrepancy of datasets to guide future use, such as improvements to ocean data assimilation and the quality of satellite-based data.

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