solid wall
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Shuang Liang ◽  
Jia-Ming Wang ◽  
Yi-Kun Liu ◽  
Bo Liu ◽  
Shuo Sun ◽  

In present paper, the mineral and fluid compositions of shale oil from the Songliao Basin are analyzed systematically using core samples, X-ray diffractometer (XRD), and gas chromatography (GC). The effects of shale mineral composition, pore size, temperature, and pressure on the mass density of the adsorbed layers are then studied utilizing molecular dynamics simulation. The results show that illite and quartz are predominant in the micro petrological components of the shale, and nC19 is the main carbon peak. The fluid consists primarily of n-alkane molecules, and nC19 is found to be representative of the shale oil composition. Moreover, the adsorbing effect of quartz-illite mixed wall is between that of a pure mineral wall (illite and quartz), indicating that the selection of a mixed wall is similar to the actual shale composition. If the pores are inorganic, the minimum pore size of only adsorption oil is smaller than the organic pores. The critical adsorption point of shale oil in inorganic pores is less than 3.2 nm. Furthermore, compared to pressure, the temperature has a more significant effect on fluid adsorption due to the correlation with the kinetic energy of alkane molecules. This research shows the oil occurrence status in inorganic matter nanopore with a mixed solid wall, and provides theoretical support for shale oil exploration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-38
Prabhu Ramachandran ◽  
Aditya Bhosale ◽  
Kunal Puri ◽  
Pawan Negi ◽  
Abhinav Muta ◽  

PySPH is an open-source, Python-based, framework for particle methods in general and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) in particular. PySPH allows a user to define a complete SPH simulation using pure Python. High-performance code is generated from this high-level Python code and executed on either multiple cores, or on GPUs, seamlessly. It also supports distributed execution using MPI. PySPH supports a wide variety of SPH schemes and formulations. These include, incompressible and compressible fluid flow, elastic dynamics, rigid body dynamics, shallow water equations, and other problems. PySPH supports a variety of boundary conditions including mirror, periodic, solid wall, and inlet/outlet boundary conditions. The package is written to facilitate reuse and reproducibility. This article discusses the overall design of PySPH and demonstrates many of its features. Several example results are shown to demonstrate the range of features that PySPH provides.

Yurong Sun ◽  
Yuxin Du ◽  
Zhifeng Yao ◽  
Qiang Zhong ◽  
Siyuan Geng ◽  

Abstract The objective of this paper is to reveal the influence of different surface geometric conditions on the dynamic behavior characteristics of a laser-induced bubble collapse. A high-speed camera system was used to record the oscillation process of the laser-induced bubble on plane solid walls with different roughness and a wall containing reentrant cavities full of water or gas. The focus is on the quantitative analysis of the morphological characteristics of the cavitation bubble near the solid wall under different surface forms during the first two oscillation period. The results show that the dimensionless ratio γ, defined as the distance from the center of the bubble to the wall divided by the maximum radius of the bubble, has a great influence on the change of the cavitation shape in the direction of the vertical wall. Different surface geometries without gas in our cases have no significant effect on the collapse time of cavitation bubbles. While for the surface containing gas, the direction of movement of the bubble accompanying the micro-jet will greatly change during the collapse of the cavitation bubble, and the collapse time seems to be independent of the dimensionless ratio γ. These achievements shed the light for the engineering to avoid the damage of the micro-jet caused by design suitable surface geometry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 945-954
Hussein Abad Gazi Jaaz ◽  
Ali Fadhil Naser ◽  
Hussam Ali Mohammed ◽  
Ayad Ali Mohammed

The evaluation of structural safety must be taken after each earthquake. The importance losses of life and materials carries the significance of the works in the field of earthquake engineering. The purpose of this study was to optimize and evaluate the earthquake resistance of bridge piers by adopting different cross-section forms and dimensions for bridge supports under earthquake action. Two methods of seismic design were used in the optimization and evaluation process. These methods were demand to capacity ratio (DCR) and yielding point. The results of demand to capacity ratio shown that the values of DCR for all piers forms models were increased when the dimension of pier cross section were increased and the values of DCR became less than 1.0, indicating that the increasing in dimensions leading to rise the capacity of bridge supports to carry the earthquake loads in transverse and longitudinal direction. Comparing with models, solid wall pier form had the lower value of DCR, indicating that solid wall piers were suitable in the design of bridge supports to resist the lateral loads of earthquake and it has enough stiffness and capacity under earthquake action. The results of performance points shown that the yielding points were increased when the dimensions of piers were increased for all piers form in transverse and longitudinal direction. The maximum values were appeared within support No. 1 and support No. 4. Solid wall form of pier had the higher values of yielding points, meaning that this type of piers form had higher seismic capacity and it will resist the earthquake action more than others piers form. This study recommended that to use third model for each pier form in the design of bridges structures to resist the earthquake load. Also this study was recommended to use solid wall piers as supports in construction of bridge structure within areas had earthquake action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11361
Abdulgaphur Athani ◽  
Nik Nazri Nik Ghazali ◽  
Irfan Anjum Badruddin ◽  
Abdullah Y. Usmani ◽  
Sarfaraz Kamangar ◽  

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is stated as one of the most common causes of death all over the world. This article explores the influence of multi stenosis in a flexible and rigid left coronary artery (LCA) model using a multiphase blood flow system which has not yet been studied. Two-way fluid–solid interaction (FSI) is employed to achieve flow within the flexible artery model. A realistic three-dimensional model of multi-stenosed LCA was reconstructed based on computerized tomography (CT) images. The fluid domain was solved using a finite volume-based commercial software (FLUENT 2020). The fluid (blood) and solid (wall) domains were fully coupled by using the ANSYS Fluid-Structure Interaction solver. The maximum pressure drops, and wall shear stress was determined across the sever stenosis (90% AS). The higher region of displacement occurs at the pre-stenosis area compared to the other area of the left coronary artery model. An increase in blood flow velocity across the restricted regions (stenosis) in the LCA was observed, whereas the recirculation zone at the post-stenosis and bifurcation regions was noted. An overestimation of hemodynamic descriptors for the rigid models was found as compared to the FSI models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 945 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
Xin Yan Lye ◽  
Akihiko Nakayama ◽  
Zafarullah Nizamani

Abstract Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is proposed, as an alternative mesh-free approach to model all components of rainfall, surface runoff, fluid flow and contaminant transport with the representation of contaminant and fluid, as particles. By doing so, contaminant particles can be traced for the motion within runoff or fluid flow, even in the form of minute concentration which is difficult to render in conventional Eulerian grid methods. Weakly compressible SPH (WCSPH) is selected with cubic spline kernel, and the incorporation of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) representing turbulence effect. Various SPH diffusion formulations have been reviewed and selected. The selected SPH formulation for contaminant concentration is validated against analytical diffusion equation with boundary conditions of solid wall or free surface. The validated method is applied to calculate the overland flow and the contaminant transport on a model terrain and a real terrain geometry. The real terrain is a part of the city of Teluk Intan in Perak, Malaysia and is simulated using digital elevation model (DEM) data retrieved from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Water Body Dataset (ASTWBD) for ground elevation and channel surface.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Emad Pirhadi ◽  
Xiang Cheng ◽  
Xin Yong

AbstractAutonomous motion and motility are hallmarks of active matter. Active agents, such as biological cells and synthetic colloidal particles, consume internal energy or extract energy from the environment to generate self-propulsion and locomotion. These systems are persistently out of equilibrium due to continuous energy consumption. It is known that pressure is not always a state function for generic active matter. Torque interaction between active constituents and confinement renders the pressure of the system a boundary-dependent property. The mechanical pressure of anisotropic active particles depends on their microscopic interactions with a solid wall. Using self-propelled dumbbells confined by solid walls as a model system, we perform numerical simulations to explore how variations in the wall stiffness influence the mechanical pressure of dry active matter. In contrast to previous findings, we find that mechanical pressure can be independent of the interaction of anisotropic active particles with walls, even in the presence of intrinsic torque interaction. Particularly, the dependency of pressure on the wall stiffness vanishes when the stiffness is above a critical level. In such a limit, the dynamics of dumbbells near the walls are randomized due to the large torque experienced by the dumbbells, leading to the recovery of pressure as a state variable of density.

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