ocean surface waves
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Climate ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 168
Julien Boucharel ◽  
Loane Santiago ◽  
Rafael Almar ◽  
Elodie Kestenare

At first order, wind-generated ocean surface waves represent the dominant forcing of open-coast morpho-dynamics and associated vulnerability over a wide range of time scales. It is therefore paramount to improve our understanding of the regional coastal wave variability, particularly the occurrence of extremes, and to evaluate how they are connected to large-scale atmospheric regimes. Here, we propose a new “2-ways wave tracking algorithm” to evaluate and quantify the open-ocean origins and associated atmospheric forcing patterns of coastal wave extremes all around the Pacific basin for the 1979–2020 period. Interestingly, the results showed that while extreme coastal events tend to originate mostly from their closest wind-forcing regime, the combined influence from all other remote atmospheric drivers is similar (55% local vs. 45% remote) with, in particular, ~22% coming from waves generated remotely in the opposite hemisphere. We found a strong interconnection between the tropical and extratropical regions with around 30% of coastal extremes in the tropics originating at higher latitudes and vice-versa. This occurs mostly in the boreal summer through the increased seasonal activity of the southern jet-stream and the northern tropical cyclone basins. At interannual timescales, we evidenced alternatingly increased coastal wave extremes between the western and eastern Pacific that emerge from the distinct seasonal influence of ENSO in the Northern and SAM in the Southern Hemisphere on their respective paired wind-wave regimes. Together these results pave the way for a better understanding of the climate connection to wave extremes, which represents the preliminary step toward better regional projections and forecasts of coastal waves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Tzu-Yin Chang ◽  
Hongey Chen ◽  
Shih-Chun Hsiao ◽  
Han-Lun Wu ◽  
Wei-Bo Chen

The ocean surface waves during Super Typhoons Maria (2018), Lekima (2019), and Meranti (2016) were reproduced using hybrid typhoon winds and a fully coupled wave-tide-circulation modeling system (SCHISM-WWM-III). The hindcasted significant wave heights are in good agreement with the along-track significant wave heights measured by the altimeters aboard the SARAL (Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa) and Jason-2 satellites. Two numerical experiments pairing Super Typhoons Maria (2018) and Meranti (2016) and Super Typhoons Lekima (2019) and Meranti (2016) were conducted to analyze the storm wave characteristics of binary and individual typhoons. Four points located near the tracks of the three super typhoons were selected to elucidate the effects of binary typhoons on ocean surface waves. The comparisons indicate that binary typhoons not only cause an increase in the significant wave height simulations at four selected pints but also result in increases in the one-dimensional wave energy and two-dimensional directional wave spectra. Our results also reveal that the effects of binary typhoons on ocean surface waves are more significant at the periphery of the typhoon than near the center of the typhoon. The interactions between waves generated by Super Typhoons Maria (2018) and Meranti (2016) or Super Typhoons Lekima (2019) and Meranti (2016) might be diminished by Taiwan Island even if the separation distance between two typhoons is <700 km.

2021 ◽  
Christopher Horvat ◽  
Lettie A. Roach

Abstract. Ocean surface waves play an important role in maintaining the marginal ice zone, a heterogenous region occupied by sea ice floes with variable horizontal sizes. The location, width, and evolution of the marginal ice zone is determined by the mutual interaction of ocean waves and floes, as waves propagate into the ice, bend it, and fracture it. In previous work, we developed a one-dimensional “superparameterized” scheme to simulate the interaction between the stochastic ocean surface wave field and sea ice. As this method is computationally expensive and not bitwise reproducible, here we use a pair of neural networks to accelerate this parameterization, delivering an adaptable, computationally-inexpensive, reproducible approach for simulating stochastic wave-ice interactions. Implemented in the sea ice model CICE, this accelerated code reproduces global statistics resulting from the full wave fracture code without increasing computational overheads. The combined model, Wave-Induced Floe Fracture (WIFF v1.0) is publicly available and may be incorporated into climate models that seek to represent the effect of waves fracturing sea ice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 4261-4282
Qing Li ◽  
Jorn Bruggeman ◽  
Hans Burchard ◽  
Knut Klingbeil ◽  
Lars Umlauf ◽  

Abstract. The General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) is a one-dimensional water column model, including a set of state-of-the-art turbulence closure models, and has widely been used in various applications in the ocean modeling community. Here, we extend GOTM to include a set of newly developed ocean surface vertical mixing parameterizations of Langmuir turbulence via coupling with the Community Vertical Mixing Project (CVMix). A Stokes drift module is also implemented in GOTM to provide the necessary ocean surface waves information to the Langmuir turbulence parameterizations, as well as to facilitate future development and evaluation of new Langmuir turbulence parameterizations. In addition, a streamlined workflow with Python and Jupyter notebooks is also described, enabled by the newly developed and more flexible configuration capability of GOTM. The newly implemented Langmuir turbulence parameterizations are evaluated against theoretical scalings and available observations in four test cases, including an idealized wind-driven entrainment case and three realistic cases at Ocean Station Papa, the northern North Sea, and the central Baltic Sea, and compared with the existing general length scale scheme in GOTM. The results are consistent with previous studies. This development extends the capability of GOTM towards including the effects of ocean surface waves and provides useful toolsets for the ocean modeling community to further study the effects of Langmuir turbulence in a broader scope.

Lucas M. Merckelbach ◽  
Jeffrey R. Carpenter

AbstractAutonomous, buoyancy-driven ocean gliders are increasingly used as a platform for the measurement of turbulence microstructure. In the processing of such measurements, there is a sensitive (quartic) dependence of the turbulence dissipation rate, ϵ, on the speed of flow past the sensors, or alternatively, the speed of the glider through the ocean water column. The mechanics of glider flight is therefore examined by extending previous flight models to account for the effects of ocean surface waves. It is found that due to the relatively small buoyancy changes used to drive gliders, the surface wave-induced motion, superimposed onto the steady-state motion, follows to a good approximation the motion of the wave orbitals. Errors expected in measuring ϵ at the ocean near-surface due to wave-induced relative velocities are generally less than 10%. However, pressure perturbations associated with the wave motion can be significant when using the glider-measured pressure signal to infer the glider vertical velocity. This effect of surface waves is only present in the shallow water regime, and can also affect glider depth measurements. It arises from an incomplete cancellation of the wave-induced pressure perturbation with the hydrostatic component due to vertical glider displacements, whereas for deep-water waves this cancellation is complete.

2021 ◽  
Stefanie Rynders ◽  
Yevgeny Aksenov ◽  
Andrew Coward

<p>Marginal ice zones are areas with many interactions between ocean, surface waves, sea ice and atmosphere. Increasing computational power makes it possible to perform increasingly complex simulations of marine systems, with more components of the climate system that are more interacting. We have produced a set of increasingly coupled simulations with NEMO, CICE and WW3, exchanging more and more variables. The configuration is global at 1 degree resolution. The focus is on wave attenuation in sea ice and the impact of using modelled wave height for ocean mixing due to breaking waves. The example simulations give an idea of the possible impact on the simulated state versus the still considerable computational cost.</p>

2021 ◽  
Lettie Roach ◽  
Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth ◽  
Cecilia Bitz

<p><span>It is broadly accepted that variability and trends in Arctic sea ice remain poorly simulated even in the most state-of-the-art coupled climate and climate prediction models. Here, we show that a modern coupled climate model (CESM1) is in fact able to reproduce the observed variability and decline in summer sea ice when winds are nudged towards values from reanalysis.<span>  </span>We argue that the nudged-winds framework provides a straightforward way of evaluating models by removing much of the contribution of internal variability, revealing model successes and biases. The results demonstrate the importance of atmospheric circulation in driving interannual variability in sea ice and near-surface air temperatures, particularly in the summer. Finally, we will discuss the potential role of ocean surface waves in driving variability in Arctic sea ice, based on observational analysis and new coupled modelling results.</span></p>

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