stokes drift
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 353
Pierre-Marie Poulain ◽  
Luca Centurioni ◽  
Tamay Özgökmen

Instruments drifting at the ocean surface are quasi-Lagrangian, that is, they do not follow exactly the near-surface ocean currents. The currents measured by three commonly-used drifters (CARTHE, CODE and SVP) are compared in a wide range of sea state conditions (winds up to 17 m/s and significant wave height up to 3 m). Nearly collocated and simultaneous drifter measurements in the southwestern Mediterranean reveal that the CARTHE and CODE drifters measure the currents in the first meter below the surface in approximately the same way. When compared to SVP drogued at 15 m nominal depth, the CODE and CARTHE currents are essentially downwind (and down-wave), with a typical speed of 0.5–1% of the wind speed. However, there is a large scatter in velocity differences between CODE/CARTHE and SVP for all wind and sea state conditions encountered, principally due to vertical and horizontal shears not related to the wind. For the CODE drifter with wind speed larger than 10 m/s and significant wave height larger than 1 m, about 30–40% of this difference can be explained by Stokes drift.

2021 ◽  
Elias J. Hunter ◽  
Heidi L. Fuchs ◽  
John L. Wilkin ◽  
Gregory P. Gerbi ◽  
Robert J. Chant ◽  

Abstract. Offline particle tracking (OPT) is a widely used tool for the analysis of data in oceanographic research. Given the output of a hydrodynamic model, OPT can provide answers to a wide variety of research questions involving fluid kinematics, zooplankton transport, the dispersion of pollutants, and the fate of chemical tracers, among others. In this paper, we introduce ROMSPath, an OPT model designed to complement the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). Based on the Lagrangian TRANSport (LTRANS) model (North et al., 2008), ROMSPath is written in Fortran 90 and provides advancements in functionality and efficiency compared to LTRANS. First, ROMSPath now calculates particle trajectories using the ROMS native grid, which provides advantages in interpolation, masking, and boundary interaction, while improving accuracy. Second, ROMSPath enables simulated particles to pass between nested ROMS grids, which are an increasingly popular tool to simulate the ocean over multiple scales. Third, the ROMSPath vertical turbulence module enables the turbulent (diffusion) time step and advection time step to be specified separately, adding flexibility and improving computational efficiency. Lastly, ROMSPath includes new infrastructure enabling input of auxiliary parameters for added functionality. In particular, Stokes drift can be input and added to particle advection. Here we describe the details of these updates and improvements.

Jan Erik H. Weber ◽  
Peygham Ghaffari

AbstractThe mean drift in a porous seabed caused by long surface waves in the overlying fluid is investigated theoretically. We use a Lagrangian formulation for the fluid and the porous bed. For the wave field we assume inviscid flow, and in the seabed, we apply Darcy’s law. Throughout the analysis, we assume that the long-wave approximation is valid. Since the pressure gradient is nonlinear in the Lagrangian formulation, the balance of forces in the porous bed now contains nonlinear terms that yield the mean horizontal Stokes drift. In addition, if the waves are spatially damped due to interaction with the underlying bed, there must be a nonlinear balance in the fluid layer between the mean surface gradient and the gradient of the radiation stress. This causes, through continuity of pressure, an additional force in the porous layer. The corresponding drift is larger than the Stokes drift if the depth of the porous bed is more than twice that of the fluid layer. The interaction between the fluid layer and the seabed can also cause the waves to become temporally attenuated. Again, through nonlinearity, this leads to a horizontal Stokes drift in the porous layer, but now damped in time. In the long-wave approximation only the horizontal component of the permeability in the porous medium appears, so our analysis is valid for a medium that has different permeabilities in the horizontal and vertical directions. It is suggested that the drift results may have an application to the transport of microplastics in the porous oceanic seabed.

2021 ◽  
Helen Czerski ◽  
Ian M. Brooks ◽  
Steve Gunn ◽  
Robin Pascal ◽  
Adrian Matei ◽  

Abstract. The bubbles generated by breaking waves are of considerable scientific interest due to their influence on air-sea gas transfer, aerosol production, and upper ocean optics and acoustics. However, a detailed understanding of the processes creating deeper bubble plumes (extending 2–10 metres below the ocean surface) and their significance for air-sea gas exchange is still lacking. Here, we present bubble measurements from the HiWinGS expedition in the North Atlantic in 2013, collected during several storms with wind speeds of 10–27 m s−1. A suite of instruments was used to measure bubbles from a self-orienting free-floating spar buoy: a specialised bubble camera, acoustical resonators, and an upward-pointing sonar. The focus in this paper is on bubble void fractions and plume structure. The results are consistent with the presence of a heterogeneous shallow bubble layer occupying the top 1–2 m of the ocean which is regularly replenished by breaking waves, and deeper plumes which are only formed from the shallow layer at the convergence zones of Langmuir circulation. These advection events are not directly connected to surface breaking. The void fraction distributions at 2 m depth show a sharp cut-off at a void fraction of 10−4.5 even in the highest winds, implying the existence of mechanisms limiting the void fractions close to the surface. Below wind speeds of 16 m s−1 or RHw = 2 × 106, the probability distribution of void fraction at 2 m depth is very similar in all conditions, but increases significantly above either threshold. Void fractions are significantly different during periods of rising and falling winds, but there is no distinction with wave age. There is a complex near-surface flow structure due to Langmuir circulation, Stokes drift, and wind-induced current shear which influences the spatial distribution of bubbles within the top few metres. We do not see evidence for slow bubble dissolution as bubbles are carried downwards, implying that collapse is the more likely termination process. We conclude that the shallow and deeper bubble layers need to be studied simultaneously to link them to the 3D flow patterns in the top few metres of the ocean. Many open questions remain about the extent to which deep bubble plumes contribute to air-sea gas transfer. A companion paper (Czerski, 2021) addresses the observed bubble size distributions and the processes responsible for them.

2021 ◽  
Ruizi Shi ◽  
Fanghua Xu ◽  
Li Liu ◽  
Zheng Fan ◽  
Hao Yu ◽  

Abstract. Ocean surface gravity waves have enormous effects on physical processes at the atmosphere–ocean interface. The effects of wave-related processes on global intraseasonal prediction were evaluated after we incorporated the WAVEWATCH III model into the Climate Forecast System model version 2.0 (CFSv2.0), with the Chinese Community Coupler version 2.0. Several major wave-related processes, including the Langmuir mixing, Stokes-Coriolis force with entrainment, air-sea fluxes modified by Stokes drift and momentum roughness length, were evaluated in two groups of 56-day experiments, one for boreal winter and the other for boreal summer. Comparisons were performed against in-situ buoys, satellite measurements and reanalysis data, to evaluate the influence of waves on intraseasonal prediction of sea surface temperature (SST), 2-m air temperature (T02), mixed layer depth (MLD), 10-m wind speed (WSP10) and significant wave height (SWH) in CFSv2.0. Overestimated SST and T02, as well as underestimated MLD in mid and high latitudes in summer from original CFSv2.0 are clearly improved, mainly due to enhanced vertical mixing generated by Stokes drift. The largest regional mean SST improvement reaches 35.89 % in the Southern Ocean. For WSP10 and SWH, the wave-related processes generally lead to reduction of biases in regions where wind speed and SWH are overestimated. The decreased SST caused by Stokes drift-related mixing stabilizes marine atmospheric boundary layer, weakens wind speed and then SWH. Compared with the NDBC buoy data, the overestimated WSP10 is improved by up to 13.52 % in boreal summer. The increased roughness length due to waves leads to some reduction in the originally overestimated wind speed and SWH, with the largest SWH improvement of 11.93 % and 20.05 % in boreal winter and summer respectively. The effects of Stokes drift and current on air-sea fluxes are investigated separately. Their overall effects on air-sea fluxes reduce the overestimated WSP10 by up to 17.31 % and 23.21 % in boreal winter and summer respectively. These cases are helpful for the future development of the two-way CFS-wave coupled system.

2021 ◽  
Maxime Mouyen ◽  
Romain Plateaux ◽  
Alexander Kunz ◽  
Philippe Steer ◽  
Laurent Longuevergne

Abstract. We develop a Matlab program named LAPS (Lagrangian Advection of Particles at Sea) to simulate the advection of suspended particles in the global ocean with a minimal user effort to install, set and run the simulations. LAPS uses the 3D sea current velocity fields provided by ECCO2 to track the fate of suspended particles injected in the ocean, at specific places and times, during a period of time. LAPS runs with a short configuration file set by the user and returns the distribution of the particles at the end of the advection. A continuous tracking option is also available to record the complete trajectory of the particles throughout the entire period of advection. The effect of water waves, or Stokes drift, which alter sea surface current velocities, can also be taken into account. The principle and usage of the program is detailed and then applied to three case studies. The first two cases studies are applied to suspended sediment transport. We show how LAPS simulations can be used to investigate the spatio-temporal distribution of fine particles observed by satellites in the upper ocean. We also estimated sediment deposit areas on the seafloor as a function of sediment grain sizes. The third case study simulates the dispersion of microplastic particles during a tropical cyclone, and shows how the Stokes drift, which is significant during storm events, alters the particles trajectories compared to the case where the Stokes drift is neglected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 126 (10) ◽  
Colin J. Hughes ◽  
Guoqiang Liu ◽  
William Perrie ◽  
Jinyu Sheng

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (10) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Yiqiu Yang ◽  
Yan Li ◽  
Juan Li ◽  
Jingui Liu ◽  
Zhiyi Gao ◽  

Delphine Hypolite ◽  
Leonel Romero ◽  
James C. McWilliams ◽  
Daniel P. Dauhajre

AbstractA set of realistic coastal simulations in California allows for the exploration of surface gravity wave effects on currents (WEC) in an active submesoscale current regime. We use a new method that takes into account the full surface gravity wave spectrum and produces larger Stokes drift than the monochromatic peak-wave approximation. We investigate two high wave events lasting several days — one from a remotely generated swell and another associated with local wind-generated waves — and perform a systematic comparison between solutions with and without WEC at two submesoscale-resolving horizontal grid resolutions (dx = 270 m and 100 m). WEC results in the enhancement of open-ocean surface density and velocity gradients when the averaged significant wave height HS is relatively large (> 4.2m). For smaller waves, WEC is a minor effect overall. For the remote swell (strong waves and weak winds), WEC maintains submesoscale structures and accentuates the cyclonic vorticity and horizontal convergence skewness of submesoscale fronts and filaments. The vertical enstrophy ζ2 budget in cyclonic regions (ζ/f > 2) reveals enhanced vertical shear and enstrophy production via vortex tilting and stretching. Wind-forced waves also enhance surface gradients, up to the point where they generate a small-submesoscale roll-cell pattern with high vorticity and divergence that extends vertically through the entire mixed layer. The emergence of these roll-cells results in a buoyancy gradient sink near the surface that causes a modest reduction in the typically large submesoscale density gradients.

Joseph J. Webber ◽  
Herbert E. Huppert

AbstractMotivated by shallow ocean waves propagating over coral reefs, we investigate the drift velocities due to surface wave motion in an effectively inviscid fluid that overlies a saturated porous bed of finite depth. Previous work in this area either neglects the large-scale flow between layers (Phillips in Flow and reactions in permeable rocks, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991) or only considers the drift above the porous layer (Monismith in Ann Rev Fluid Mech 39:37–55, 2007). Overcoming these limitations, we propose a model where flow is described by a velocity potential above the porous layer and by Darcy’s law in the porous bed, with derived matching conditions at the interface between the two layers. Both a horizontal and a novel vertical drift effect arise from the damping of the porous bed, which requires the use of a complex wavenumber k. This is in contrast to the purely horizontal second-order drift first derived by Stokes (Trans Camb Philos Soc 8:441–455, 1847) when working with solely a pure fluid layer. Our work provides a physical model for coral reefs in shallow seas, where fluid drift both above and within the reef is vitally important for maintaining a healthy reef ecosystem (Koehl et al. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, vol 2, pp 1087–1092, 1997; Monismith in Ann Rev Fluid Mech 39:37–55, 2007). We compare our model with field measurements by Koehl and Hadfield (J Mar Syst 49:75–88, 2004) and also explain the vertical drift effects as documented by Koehl et al. (Mar Ecol Prog Ser 335:1–18, 2007), who measured the exchange between a coral reef layer and the (relatively shallow) sea above.

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