microfluidic platforms
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Cells ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 285
Eszter Széles ◽  
Krisztina Nagy ◽  
Ágnes Ábrahám ◽  
Sándor Kovács ◽  
Anna Podmaniczki ◽  

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model organism of increasing biotechnological importance, yet, the evaluation of its life cycle processes and photosynthesis on a single-cell level is largely unresolved. To facilitate the study of the relationship between morphology and photochemistry, we established microfluidics in combination with chlorophyll a fluorescence induction measurements. We developed two types of microfluidic platforms for single-cell investigations: (i) The traps of the “Tulip” device are suitable for capturing and immobilizing single cells, enabling the assessment of their photosynthesis for several hours without binding to a solid support surface. Using this “Tulip” platform, we performed high-quality non-photochemical quenching measurements and confirmed our earlier results on bulk cultures that non-photochemical quenching is higher in ascorbate-deficient mutants (Crvtc2-1) than in the wild-type. (ii) The traps of the “Pot” device were designed for capturing single cells and allowing the growth of the daughter cells within the traps. Using our most performant “Pot” device, we could demonstrate that the FV/FM parameter, an indicator of photosynthetic efficiency, varies considerably during the cell cycle. Our microfluidic devices, therefore, represent versatile platforms for the simultaneous morphological and photosynthetic investigations of C. reinhardtii on a single-cell level.

2021 ◽  
Clement Quintard ◽  
Emily Tubbs ◽  
Jean-Luc Achard ◽  
Fabrice Navarro ◽  
Xavier Gidrol ◽  

Advances in microphysiological systems have prompted the need for robust and reliable cell culture devices. While microfluidic technology has made significant progress, devices often lack user-friendliness and are not designed to be industrialized on a large scale. Pancreatic islets are often being studied using microfluidic platforms in which the monitoring of fluxes is generally very limited, especially because the integration of valves to direct the flow is difficult to achieve. Considering these constraints, we present a thermoplastic manufactured microfluidic chip with an automated control of fluxes for the stimulation and secretion collection of pancreatic islet. The islet was directed toward precise locations through passive hydrodynamic trapping and both dynamic glucose stimulation and insulin harvesting were done automatically via a network of large deformation valves, directing the reagents and the pancreatic islet toward different pathways. This device we developed enables monitoring of insulin secretion from a single islet and can be adapted for the study of a wide variety of biological tissues and secretomes.

Yuting Shang ◽  
Xinran Xiang ◽  
Qinghua Ye ◽  
Qingping Wu ◽  
Jumei Zhang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Yingqi Zhang ◽  
Savindi De Zoysa Ramasundara ◽  
Renee Ellen Preketes-tardiani ◽  
Vivian Cheng ◽  
Hongxu Lu ◽  

Understanding how platelets can sense and respond to hemodynamic forces in disturbed blood flow and complexed vasculature is crucial to the development of more effective and safer antithrombotic therapeutics. By incorporating diverse structural and functional designs, microfluidic technologies have emerged to mimic microvascular anatomies and hemodynamic microenvironments, which open the floodgates for fascinating platelet mechanobiology investigations. The latest endothelialized microfluidics can even recapitulate the crosstalk between platelets and the circulatory system, including the vessel walls and plasma proteins such as von Willebrand factor. Hereby, we highlight these exciting microfluidic applications to platelet mechanobiology and platelet–circulatory system interplay as implicated in thrombosis. Last but not least, we discuss the need for microfluidic standardization and summarize the commercially available microfluidic platforms for researchers to obtain reproducible and consistent results in the field.

2021 ◽  
Leyla Amirifar ◽  
Mohsen Besanjideh ◽  
Rohollah Nasiri ◽  
Amir Shamloo ◽  
Fatemeh Nasrollahi ◽  

Abstract Droplet-based microfluidic systems have been employed to manipulate discrete fluid volumes with immiscible phases. Creating the fluid droplets at microscale has led to a paradigm shift in mixing, sorting, encapsulation, sensing, and designing high throughput devices for biomedical applications. Droplet microfluidics has opened many opportunities in microparticle synthesis, molecular detection, diagnostics, drug delivery, and cell biology. In the present review, we first introduce standard methods for droplet generation (i.e., passive and active methods) and discuss the latest examples of emulsification and particle synthesis approaches enabled by microfluidic platforms. Then, the applications of droplet-based microfluidics in different biomedical applications are detailed. Finally, a general overview of the latest trends along with the perspectives and future potentials in the field are provided.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1387
Maria Georgoutsou-Spyridonos ◽  
Myrto Filippidou ◽  
Georgia D. Kaprou ◽  
Dimitrios C. Mastellos ◽  
Stavros Chatzandroulis ◽  

Printed circuit board (PCB) technology has been recently proposed as a convenient platform for seamlessly integrating electronics and microfluidics in the same substrate, thus facilitating the introduction of integrated and low-cost microfluidic devices to the market, thanks to the inherent upscaling potential of the PCB industry. Herein, a microfluidic chip, encompassing on PCB both a meandering microchannel and microheaters to accommodate recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), is designed and commercially fabricated for the first time on PCB. The developed microchip is validated for RPA-based amplification of two E. coli target genes compared to a conventional thermocycler. The RPA performance of the PCB microchip was found to be well-comparable to that of a thermocycler yet with a remarkably lower power consumption (0.6 W). This microchip is intended for seamless integration with biosensors in the same PCB substrate for the development of a point-of-care (POC) molecular diagnostics platform.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1377
Saúl C. Gómez ◽  
Valentina Quezada ◽  
Isabella Quiroz ◽  
Carolina Muñoz-Camargo ◽  
Johann F. Osma ◽  

The discovery of new membrane-active peptides (MAPs) is an area of considerable interest in modern biotechnology considering their ample applicability in several fields ranging from the development of novel delivery vehicles (via cell-penetrating peptides) to responding to the latent threat of antibiotic resistance (via antimicrobial peptides). Different strategies have been devised for such discovery process, however, most of them involve costly, tedious, and low-efficiency methods. We have recently proposed an alternative route based on constructing a non-rationally designed library recombinantly expressed on the yeasts’ surfaces. However, a major challenge is to conduct a robust and high-throughput screening of possible candidates with membrane activity. Here, we addressed this issue by putting forward low-cost microfluidic platforms for both the synthesis of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) as mimicking entities of cell membranes and for providing intimate contact between GUVs and homologues of yeasts expressing MAPs. The homologues were chitosan microparticles functionalized with the membrane translocating peptide Buforin II, while intimate contact was through passive micromixers with different channel geometries. Both microfluidic platforms were evaluated both in silico (via Multiphysics simulations) and in vitro with a high agreement between the two approaches. Large and stable GUVs (5–100 µm) were synthesized effectively, and the mixing processes were comprehensively studied leading to finding the best operating parameters. A serpentine micromixer equipped with circular features showed the highest average encapsulation efficiencies, which was explained by the unique mixing patterns achieved within the device. The microfluidic devices developed here demonstrate high potential as platforms for the discovery of novel MAPs as well as for other applications in the biomedical field such as the encapsulation and controlled delivery of bioactive compounds.

2021 ◽  
pp. 339283
Amid Shakeri ◽  
Noor Abu Jarad ◽  
Shadman Khan ◽  
Tohid Didar

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1349
Semra Akgönüllü ◽  
Monireh Bakhshpour ◽  
Ayşe Kevser Pişkin ◽  
Adil Denizli

Microfluidic devices have led to novel biological advances through the improvement of micro systems that can mimic and measure. Microsystems easily handle sub-microliter volumes, obviously with guidance presumably through laminated fluid flows. Microfluidic systems have production methods that do not need expert engineering, away from a centralized laboratory, and can implement basic and point of care analysis, and this has attracted attention to their widespread dissemination and adaptation to specific biological issues. The general use of microfluidic tools in clinical settings can be seen in pregnancy tests and diabetic control, but recently microfluidic platforms have become a key novel technology for cancer diagnostics. Cancer is a heterogeneous group of diseases that needs a multimodal paradigm to diagnose, manage, and treat. Using advanced technologies can enable this, providing better diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients. Microfluidic tools have evolved as a promising tool in the field of cancer such as detection of a single cancer cell, liquid biopsy, drug screening modeling angiogenesis, and metastasis detection. This review summarizes the need for the low-abundant blood and serum cancer diagnosis with microfluidic tools and the progress that has been followed to develop integrated microfluidic platforms for this application in the last few years.

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