Open Technology, with just in time manufacturing is illustrated with the Free EEG 32 project, with open source hardware and software fulfilled with Seeed Studios, and Mouser as the vendor. The product illustrates the use of 32 EEG channels for M.L based learning of 32 dimensional data streams for the classification, with deep learning of meditative states, quantified as spectral power ratios, differential spectral power ratios and identification of the various bardos, and biofeedback mechanisms.Inspired by the MUSE headset, soundscape engineering is used as feedback on meditation coherence and bird chirps indicate transcendental success factor thresholds, illustrated with the Transcendental Meditation (™) system of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Keywords: ™, EEG based hardware, 32 channels, Free EEG 32, Seeed studio, gerber, just in time, on-demand, drop-shipping, D-Commerce, portals, MUSE headband, FFT, Chaos analysis, deep learning