massive sulphide deposits
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D. De la Nuez Colon ◽  
M. Santa Cruz Pacheco

Background. Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (VMS) are the most important sources of Cu and Zn; they account for a large share of the world production of Pb, Ag, Au, Se, Te, Bi and Sb, as well as small amounts of many other metals. The polymetallic VMS deposits of economic value of varying degrees are known in the rocks of the Los Pasos Cretaceous Formation, Cuba.Aim. To show the potential of the Cretaceous volcanic deposits of Central Cuba for gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead deposit prospecting.Materials and methods. The study characterises the San Fernando, Independencia, Antonio, Los Cerros VMS deposits and the Boca del Toro and El Sol ore occurrences located in the Los Pasos Formation. The similarities and differences in the mineral and elemental composition and structures of the ores of these objects are described, which underlie the assessment of their economic importance.Results. The latitudinal zoning of VMS and noble metal mineralisation of the Central Cuban ore region is outlined. In the west, copper-VMS deposits with accompanying gold ore objects prevail. In the east, copper-zinc VMS deposits with barite and gold-silver objects are widespread.Conclusions. It is necessary to assume the different erosional sections corresponding to the blocks of the Cretaceous volcanic arc of Central Cuba, which is larger in the west and smaller in the east. Proceeding from the presence of veinlet gold ores, their confinement to tectonic zones and the lack of correlation between noble and chalcophile metals at the San Fernando deposit, as well as significantly different gold-silver ratios in the considered ore objects, it could be assumed that some of the gold-silver ores were formed after VMS. The obtained Au/Ag ratios are close to the ores of the high sulphidation type (high sulphide ores) from similar ore regions of Venezuela and the Kur-il island arc. In this regard, one can expect hidden gold deposits in the west and gold-silver deposits in the east of the studied area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 192 ◽  
pp. 104260 ◽  
Mohd Basril Iswadi Basori ◽  
Khin Zaw ◽  
Garry J. Davidson ◽  
Sebastien Meffre ◽  
Ross R. Large

2019 ◽  
pp. 137-154
Steven R. McCutcheon ◽  
James A. Walker

The Bathurst Mining Camp of northern New Brunswick is approximately 3800 km2 in area, encompassed by a circle of radius 35 km. It is known worldwide for its volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits, especially for the Brunswick No. 12 Mine, which was in production from 1964 to 2013. The camp was born in October of 1952, with the discovery of the Brunswick No. 6 deposit, and this sparked a staking rush with more hectares claimed in the province than at any time since.   In 1952, little was known about the geology of the Bathurst Mining Camp or the depositional settings of its mineral deposits, because access was poor and the area was largely forest covered. We have learned a lot since that time. The camp was glaciated during the last ice age and various ice-flow directions are reflected on the physiographic map of the area. Despite abundant glacial deposits, we now know that the camp comprises several groups of Ordovician predominantly volcanic rocks, belonging to the Dunnage Zone, which overlie older sedimentary rocks belonging to the Gander Zone. The volcanic rocks formed during rifting of a submarine volcanic arc on the continental margin of Ganderia, ultimately leading to the formation of a Sea of Japan-style basin that is referred to as the Tetagouche-Exploits back-arc basin. The massive sulphide deposits are mostly associated with early-stage, felsic volcanic rocks and formed during the Middle Ordovician upon or near the sea floor by precipitation from metalliferous fluids escaping from submarine hot springs.   The history of mineral exploration in the Bathurst Mining Camp can be divided into six periods: a) pre-1952, b) 1952-1958, c) 1959-1973, d) 1974-1988, and e) 1989-2000, over which time 45 massive sulphide deposits were discovered. Prior to 1952, only one deposit was known, but the efforts of three men, Patrick (Paddy) W. Meahan, Dr. William J. Wright, and Dr. Graham S. MacKenzie, focused attention on the mineral potential of northern New Brunswick, which led to the discovery of the Brunswick No. 6 deposit in October 1952. In the 1950s, 29 deposits were discovered, largely resulting from the application of airborne surveys, followed by ground geophysical methods. From 1959 to 1973, six deposits were discovered, mostly satellite bodies to known deposits. From 1974 to 1988, five deposits were found, largely because of the application of new low-cost analytical and geophysical techniques. From 1989 to 2000, four more deposits were discovered; three were deep drilling targets but one was at surface. RÉSUMÉLe camp minier de Bathurst, dans le nord du Nouveau-Brunswick, s’étend sur environ 3 800 km2 à l’intérieur d’un cercle de 35 km de rayon. Il est connu dans le monde entier pour ses gisements de sulfures massifs volcanogènes, en particulier pour la mine Brunswick n° 12, exploitée de 1964 à 2013. Le camp est né en octobre 1952 avec la découverte du gisement Brunswick n° 6 et a suscité une ruée au jalonnement sans précédent avec le plus d’hectares revendiqués dans la province qu’à présent.   En 1952, on savait peu de choses sur la géologie du camp minier de Bathurst ou sur les conditions de déposition de ses gisements minéraux, car l’accès était très limité et la zone était en grande partie recouverte de forêt. Nous avons beaucoup appris depuis cette période. Le camp était recouvert de glace au cours de la dernière période glaciaire et diverses directions d’écoulements glaciaires sont révélées sur la carte physiographique de la région. Malgré des dépôts glaciaires abondants, nous savons maintenant que le camp comprend plusieurs groupes de roches ordoviciennes à prédominance volcanique, appartenant à la zone Dunnage, qui recouvrent de plus vieilles roches sédimentaires de la zone Gander. Les roches volcaniques se sont formées lors du rifting d’un arc volcanique sous-marin sur la marge continentale de Ganderia, ce qui a finalement abouti à la formation d’un bassin de type mer du Japon, appelé bassin d’arrière-arc de Tetagouche-Exploits. Les gisements de sulfures massifs sont principalement associés aux roches volcaniques felsiques de stade précoce et se sont formés au cours de l’Ordovicien moyen sur ou proche du plancher océanique par la précipitation de fluides métallifères s’échappant de sources chaudes sous-marines.   L’histoire de l’exploration minière dans le camp minier de Bathurst peut être divisée en six périodes: a) antérieure à 1952, b) 1952-1958, c) 1959-1973, d) 1974-1988 et e) 1989-2000, au cours desquelles 45 dépôts de sulfures massifs ont été découverts. Avant 1952, un seul dépôt était connu, mais les efforts de trois hommes, Patrick (Paddy) W. Meahan, William J. Wright et Graham S. MacKenzie, ont attiré l’attention sur le potentiel minier du nord du Nouveau-Brunswick, ce qui a conduit à la découverte du gisement Brunswick n° 6 au mois d’octobre 1952. Dans les années 50, 29 gisements ont été découverts, résultant en grande partie de l’utilisation de levés aéroportés, suivis de campagnes géophysiques terrestres. De 1959 à 1973, six gisements ont été découverts. Ce sont essentiellement des formations satellites de gisements connus. De 1974 à 1988, cinq gisements ont été découverts, principalement grâce à l’utilisation de nouvelles techniques analytiques et géophysiques peu coûteuses. De 1989 à 2000, quatre autres gisements ont été découverts. Trois étaient des cibles de forage profondes, mais l’un était à la surface.

2019 ◽  
Christopher G. Galley* ◽  
Peter G. Lelièvre ◽  
Colin G. Farquharson ◽  
John W. Jamieson

2019 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-22
I. B. Seravkin ◽  
A. M. Kosarev

A comparative paleovolcanic and metallogenic analysis of two massive-sulphide-bearing regions, the Southern Urals and Ore Altai, located in different parts of the Ural-Mongolian folded belt, was performed. Comparison of the geodynamic evolution of these areas, the formation and facies composition of the ore-bearing strata and types of massive-sulphide deposits has led to the conclusion that the regions are similar only in the most general terms. Fundamental differences in the structure and composition of the crust of the regions led to differences in the profile of island-arc magmatism: basaltoid in the Southern Urals and rhyolitoid in Ore Altai. This, in its turn, determined the predominant composition of massive-sulphide mineralization: copper-zinc in the first of the regions and polymetallic — in the second. Opposite tendencies in the evolution of volcanism are also characteristic: homodromic in the Southern Urals and antidromic in the Ore Altai, which resulted in a different position of the types of massive-sulphide deposits in the ore districts: the bottom-up change of copper — massive-sulphide deposits by the massive-sulphide -polymetallic in the Southern Urals and barite polymetallic by massive-sulphide polymetallic and copper- massive-sulphide in the Ore Altai. Significant differences are also in the lateral distribution patterns of mineralization: a more pronounced control of mineralization by paleovolcanic structures of the central type in the Southern Urals and the frequent position of mineralization in intermediate and remote facies of volcanism in the Ore Altai, which is reflected in the prevalence of volcanic sections in the Urals and the majority of the volcanic sections and the larger majority of the volcanic rocks in the Ore Altai, which is reflected in the prevalence of volcanic rocks in the Urals and the majority of the volcanic sections and in the Ore Altai most of the volcanic minerals and the larger majority of the mineral rocks (20–80%) in the strata containing mineralization in the Ore Altai.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (5) ◽  
pp. 569-583 ◽  
Gilles Bellefleur ◽  
Saeid Cheraghi ◽  
Alireza Malehmir

We reprocessed legacy three-dimensional (3D) seismic data from the Halfmile Lake and Brunswick areas, both of which were acquired for mineral exploration in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick. Each 3D seismic survey was acquired over known volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits and covered areas with strong mineral potential. Most improvements resulted from a reduction of coherent and random noise on prestack gathers and from an improved velocity model, combined with re-imaging with dip moveout corrections and poststack migration or prestack time migration. At Halfmile Lake, the new imaging results show the Deep zone and a possible extension of the sulphide mineralization at greater depth. True amplitude processing has shown that this anomaly has strong amplitudes and is offset from the Deep zone by a shallowly dipping fault (<15°). With the clearer geological context provided by our results, this anomaly, which appears as a stand-alone anomaly on an original image obtained by Noranda Exploration Ltd., becomes a defendable exploration target. Nonorthogonal acquisition geometry and receiver patches of the Brunswick No. 6 3D seismic survey generated artefacts after dip moveout processing that reduced the overall quality of the seismic volumes. By using a filtering approach based on the application of a weighted Laplacian-Gaussian filter in the Kx–Ky domain, we reduced the noise and improved the continuity of reflections. We also imaged the short and flat reflections observed previously only in the shallow part of prestack time migrated data. These short reflections appear as diffractions on the filtered stacked section with dip moveout corrections, indicating that they originate from small geological bodies or discontinuities in the subsurface.

Minerals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 156 ◽  
Abderrahim Essaifi ◽  
Kathryn Goodenough ◽  
Fernando Tornos ◽  
Abdelhak Outigua ◽  
Abdelmalek Ouadjou ◽  

This work provides an overview of the geological, geochemical, and metallogenic data available up to date on the Moroccan massive sulphide deposits, including some new results, and then discusses the evidences for the epigenetic and syngenetic hypotheses. All of the ore deposits are located within a crustal block located at the intersection between two major shear zones and are characterized by a sustained and long-lived magmatic activity. The ore deposits are located within second-order shear zones, which played an important role in controlling the geometry of the mineralization. The mineralization lacks the unequivocal textural and structural features that are indicative of a sedimentary or diagenetic origin, and a syntectonic to late-tectonic pyrite-rich assemblage is superimposed on an earlier, pretectonic to syntectonic pyrrhotite-rich mineralization. Each deposit has a distinctive pyrrhotite sulfur isotopic signature, while the sulfur isotopic signature of pyrite is similar in all deposits. Lead isotopes suggest a shift from a magmatic source during the pyrrhotite-rich mineralization to a source that is inherited from the host shales during the pyrite-rich mineralization. The O/H isotopic signatures record a predominance of fluids of metamorphic derivation. These results are consistent with a model in which an earlier pyrrhotite-rich mineralization, which formed during transtension, was deformed and then remobilized to pyrite-rich mineralization during transpression.

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