needs for care
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PLoS Medicine ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (9) ◽  
pp. e1003097
Martin J. Prince ◽  
Daisy Acosta ◽  
Mariella Guerra ◽  
Yueqin Huang ◽  
K. S. Jacob ◽  

Background The World Health Organization (WHO) has reframed health and healthcare for older people around achieving the goal of healthy ageing. The recent WHO Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) guidelines focus on maintaining intrinsic capacity, i.e., addressing declines in neuromusculoskeletal, vitality, sensory, cognitive, psychological, and continence domains, aiming to prevent or delay the onset of dependence. The target group with 1 or more declines in intrinsic capacity (DICs) is broad, and implementation may be challenging in less-resourced settings. We aimed to inform planning by assessing intrinsic capacity prevalence, by characterising the target group, and by validating the general approach—testing hypotheses that DIC was consistently associated with higher risks of incident dependence and death. Methods and findings We conducted population-based cohort studies (baseline, 2003–2007) in urban sites in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela, and rural and urban sites in Peru, Mexico, India, and China. Door-knocking identified eligible participants, aged 65 years and over and normally resident in each geographically defined catchment area. Sociodemographic, behaviour and lifestyle, health, and healthcare utilisation and cost questionnaires, and physical assessments were administered to all participants, with incident dependence and mortality ascertained 3 to 5 years later (2008–2010). In 12 sites in 8 countries, 17,031 participants were surveyed at baseline. Overall mean age was 74.2 years, range of means by site 71.3–76.3 years; 62.4% were female, range 53.4%–67.3%. At baseline, only 30% retained full capacity across all domains. The proportion retaining capacity fell sharply with increasing age, and declines affecting multiple domains were more common. Poverty, morbidity (particularly dementia, depression, and stroke), and disability were concentrated among those with DIC, although only 10% were frail, and a further 9% had needs for care. Hypertension and lifestyle risk factors for chronic disease, and healthcare utilisation and costs, were more evenly distributed in the population. In total, 15,901 participants were included in the mortality cohort (2,602 deaths/53,911 person-years of follow-up), and 12,939 participants in the dependence cohort (1,896 incident cases/38,320 person-years). One or more DICs strongly and independently predicted incident dependence (pooled adjusted subhazard ratio 1.91, 95% CI 1.69–2.17) and death (pooled adjusted hazard ratio 1.66, 95% CI 1.49–1.85). Relative risks were higher for those who were frail, but were also substantially elevated for the much larger sub-groups yet to become frail. Mortality was mainly concentrated in the frail and dependent sub-groups. The main limitations were potential for DIC exposure misclassification and attrition bias. Conclusions In this study we observed a high prevalence of DICs, particularly in older age groups. Those affected had substantially increased risks of dependence and death. Most needs for care arose in those with DIC yet to become frail. Our findings provide some support for the strategy of optimising intrinsic capacity in pursuit of healthy ageing. Implementation at scale requires community-based screening and assessment, and a stepped-care intervention approach, with redefined roles for community healthcare workers and efforts to engage, train, and support them in these tasks. ICOPE might be usefully integrated into community programmes for detecting and case managing chronic diseases including hypertension and diabetes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002076402110392
Sascha Kwakernaak ◽  
Wiepke Cahn ◽  
Richard Janssen ◽  

Objective: In psychosis, treatment often focuses on symptom reduction whereas social functioning is also essential. In this study, we investigate positive psychotic symptoms and medication use in relation to social functioning over a 3-year time-period in 531 patients diagnosed with psychosis. Furthermore, relations of positive symptoms with needs for care and quality of life were also investigated. Method: Using repeated measures analysis, changes were measured over time. Hereafter, mixed model analyses were performed to determine the associations of social functioning, needs for care, and quality of life with psychotic symptoms and patient characteristics. Finally, we assessed differences in symptoms and medication dose between those with an increase and those with a decrease in social functioning. Results: Patients significantly improved in social functioning, while psychotic symptoms increased. Improvement in social functioning was associated with younger age, higher IQ, and lower social functioning at T1, but not with positive symptoms. Also, improvement in social functioning was found to be related to a decrease in the dose of clozapine. Improvement in social functioning occurs despite worsening of positive symptoms. Conclusions: The findings suggest the need to further explore the relation between symptomatology, social functioning, and medication use. In the treatment of psychotic disorders, one should reconsider the strong focus on reducing psychotic symptoms. The current focus needs to shift much more toward improving functional outcome, especially when the patient expresses a desire for change in this respect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Marine Dubreucq ◽  
Julien Dubreucq

Later age of diagnosis, better expressive behaviors, increased use of camouflage strategies but also increased psychiatric symptoms, more unmet needs, and a general lower quality of life are characteristics often associated with female gender in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Psychiatric rehabilitation has shown small to moderate effectiveness in improving patients' outcomes in ASD. Few gender differences have been found in the response to psychiatric rehabilitation. This might be related to the predominance of males in research samples, but also to the lack of programs directly addressing women's unmet needs. The objectives of the present paper were: (i) to review the needs for care of autistic women in romantic relationships and reproductive health; (ii) to review the existing psychosocial treatments in these domains; and (iii) to evaluate the strengths and limitations of the current body of evidence to guide future research. A systematic electronic database search (PubMed and PsycINFO), following PRISMA guidelines, was conducted on autistic women's needs for care relating to psychiatric rehabilitation in romantic relationships and reproductive health. Out of 27 articles, 22 reported on romantic relationships and 16 used a quantitative design. Most studies were cross-sectional (n = 21) and conducted in North America or Europe. Eight studies reported on interventions addressing romantic relationships; no published study reported on interventions on reproductive health or parenting. Most interventions did not include gender-sensitive content (i.e., gender variance and gender-related social norms, roles, and expectations). Autistic women and autistic gender-diverse individuals may face unique challenges in the domains of romantic relationships and reproductive health (high levels of stigma, high risk of sexual abuse, increased psychiatric symptoms, and more unmet needs). We discussed the potential implications for improving women's access to psychiatric and psychosocial treatment, for designing gender-sensitive recovery-oriented interventions, and for future research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003335492110084
Chelsea Fosse ◽  
Burton L. Edelstein

Objectives Medicaid’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) pediatric benefit is designed to meet children’s medically necessary needs for care. A 2018 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Bulletin advised Medicaid programs to ensure that their dental payment policies and periodicity schedules include language that highlights that medically necessary care should be provided even if that care exceeds typical service frequency or intensity. We assessed the extent to which Medicaid agencies’ administrative documents reflect EPSDT’s flexibility requirement. Methods From August 2018 through July 2019, we retrieved dental provider manuals, periodicity schedules, and fee schedules in all 50 states and the District of Columbia; analyzed these administrative documents for consistency with the CMS advisory; and determined whether instructions were provided on how to bill for services that exceed customary frequencies or intensities. Results Dental-specific periodicity schedules were not evident in 11 states. Eighteen states did not include flexibility language, for example, as advocated by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Flexibility language was not evident in 24 dental provider manuals or in 47 fee schedules. Only 8 states provided billing instructions within fee schedules for more frequent or intensive services. Conclusion Updating Medicaid agency administrative documents—including dental provider manuals and periodicity and fee schedules—holds promise to promote individualized dental care as ensured by EPSDT.

AIDS Care ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Sharoda Dasgupta ◽  
Yunfeng Tie ◽  
Ansley Lemons-Lyn ◽  
Dita Broz ◽  
Kate Buchacz ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 615-624
Kazuhiro Funato ◽  
Yuichiro Kenmotsu ◽  
Ryosuke Tasaki ◽  
Toshio Sakakibara ◽  
Kiyoaki Kakihara ◽  

In today’s situation with high needs for care, a transfer work, among various assisting works, produces particularly large physical burden. The burden could result in not only diseases including waist pain but also resignation of care workers. A nursing lift used to reduce the burden lifts up a care receiver by using a wire or mechanical structure, causing sway. The sway not only makes the care receiver uncomfortable but also causes a risk of unintentional collision. To prevent such a situation, carers need to assist care receivers by holding them while simultaneously operating equipment and paying attention to the care receivers, which is not preferable from a viewpoint of work safety. In this study, we experimentally analyzed and discussed sway of a person when he/she is lifted up. On the basis of an analysis result, we propose an automatic control method of dynamical speed change for safe lifting works, which is applicable to ordinary nursing lifts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 549-558
Sascha Kwakernaak ◽  
Wilma E. Swildens ◽  
Tom F. van Wel ◽  
Richard T. J. M. Janssen

AbstractThe aim of this study is to assess symptomatic remission (SR) and functional remission (FR) in a rehabilitation focused program for young adults with a psychotic disorder in the Netherlands, and to investigate which individual and mental health care factors are associated with SR and/or FR, by using Routine Outcome Monitoring data and data on met needs and unmet needs for care. Data of 287 young adults were collected. Almost 40% achieved or maintained SR, 34% FR, and 26% achieved or maintained both. In addition to sociodemographic factors, living independently, paid employment, higher levels of compliance with treatment, and better fulfillment of unmet needs for care in relation to psychological distress, company and daytime activities were associated with better outcomes on SR and/or FR. Our findings underscore that to successfully improve and sustain remission in young adults with a psychotic disorder, it is needed to conduct specific research into the relationship between SR and FR.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Mieke Rijken ◽  
Iris van der Heide

Abstract Background There is broad consensus that countries need to develop and implement person-centred integrated care to better meet the needs of their growing populations with multimorbidity. To develop appropriate care, it is essential to know the needs for care and support among these populations. For this purpose, we examined whether subgroups of people with multimorbidity could be distinguished based on their needs, and profiled these subgroups according to medical complexity and the availability of personal resources. Methods Persons diagnosed with two or more somatic chronic diseases (N = 613) were selected from 38 general practices throughout the Netherlands. We conducted a cluster analysis of their scores on the RAND-36 questionnaire of health-related quality of life (QoL), to gain insight in their needs for care and support. Differences in demographics, medical characteristics and personal resources between the identified clusters were tested using analysis of variance and chi-square tests. Results The cluster analysis revealed three subgroups: 1. a group with a relatively good QoL (48% of the sample), 2. a group with a poor physical QoL (28%), and 3. a group with a poor QoL in all domains assessed by the RAND-36 (24%). The group with a relatively good QoL had more favourable medical characteristics than the other groups, i.e., less chronic diseases, shorter illness duration, more stable course of illness, better controllable conditions, less polypharmacy. The group with a poor QoL in all domains could rely on less personal resources (education, income, social support, health literacy, self-management capabilities) than the other groups. Conclusions Different subgroups of people with multimorbidity can be distinguished based on their needs for care and support. These needs are not only determined by demographic and medical characteristics, but also by the personal resources people have available to manage their health and care. Patient profiles combining medical complexity and personal resources could guide the development of integrated care for specific target groups of persons with multimorbidity.

2019 ◽  
Martin J. Prince ◽  
Daisy Acosta ◽  
Mariella Guerra ◽  
Yueqin Huang ◽  
KS Jacob ◽  

AbstractBackgroundThe World Health Organization has reframed health and healthcare for older people around achieving the goal of healthy ageing. Recent evidence-based guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People focus on maintaining intrinsic capacity, addressing declines in mobility, nutrition, vision and hearing, cognition, mood and continence aiming to prevent or delay the onset of care dependence. The target group (with one or more declines in intrinsic capacity) is broad, and implementation at scale may be challenging in less-resourced settings.Planning can be informed by assessing the prevalence of intrinsic capacity, characterising the target group, and validating the general approach by evaluating risk prediction for incident dependence and mortality.MethodsPopulation-based cohort studies in urban sites in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and rural and urban sites in Peru, Mexico, India and China. Sociodemographic, behaviour and lifestyle, health, healthcare utilisation and cost questionnaires, and physical assessments were administered to all participants, with ascertainment of incident dependence, and mortality, three to five years later.ResultsIn the 12 sites in eight countries, 17,031 participants were surveyed at baseline. Intrinsic capacity was least likely to be retained for locomotion (71.2%), vision (71.3%), cognition (73.5%), and mood (74.1%). Only 30% retained full capacity across all domains, varying between one quarter and two-fifths in most sites. The proportion retaining capacity fell sharply with increasing age, and declines affecting multiple domains were more common. Poverty, morbidity (particularly dementia, depression and stroke), and disability were concentrated among those with DIC, although only 10% were frail, and a further 9% had needs for care. Hypertension and lifestyle risk factors for chronic disease, healthcare utilization and costs were more evenly distributed in the general older population. 15,901 participants were included in the mortality cohort (2,602 deaths/ 53,911 person years of follow-up), and 12,965 participants in the dependence cohort (1900 incident cases/ 38,377 person-years). DIC (any decline, and number of domains affected) strongly and independently predicted incident dependence and death. Relative risks were higher for those who were frail, but were also substantially elevated for the much larger sub-groups yet to become frail. Mortality was mainly concentrated in the frail and dependent sub-groups.ConclusionsOur findings support the strategy to optimize intrinsic capacity in pursuit of healthy ageing. Most needs for care arise in those with declines in intrinsic capacity who are yet to become frail. Implementation at scale requires community-based screening and assessment, and a stepped-care approach to intervention. Community healthcare workers’ roles would need redefinition to engage, train and support them in these tasks. ICOPE could be usefully integrated into community programmes orientated to the detection and case management of chronic diseases including hypertension and diabetes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 164-171 ◽  
Carla Comacchio ◽  
Louise M. Howard ◽  
Chiara Bonetto ◽  
Riccardo Lo Parrino ◽  
Karin Furlato ◽  

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