This chapter begins with a narrative of gathering at the Nevertheless, She Preached conference. It offers a more personal connection to those experiencing gendered hurdles associated with the stained-glass ceiling, introduces the research setting, and presents the research questions. It also introduces the notion of sexism without sexists and connects this phenomenon to sexist patterns within progressive religious congregations as well as broader society. The chapter presents current national statistics demonstrating women pastors’ underrepresentation in other predominantly Christian denominations as well as the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship specifically, surveys existing research on the stained-glass ceiling, and identifies the gaps in the literature. Finally, this introductory chapter provides a historical overview of the theoretical framework of gender structure. Given that this book is intended for those studying gender as well as religious professionals and churchgoers, time is allowed for dismantling gender essentialism and explaining the concepts of gender, gendered organizations, and gender structure. Additionally, the introduction provides a description of the methodology and the congregations included in the study and concludes with chapter summaries.