women's voices
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2022 ◽  
Vol 96 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Mikaela Nyman

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-118
Julia Jaklin

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-118
Julia Jaklin

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-301
Luis Cabrera

Abstract This article engages contributions from Cricket Keating, Natasha Behl, Fred Lee and Jaby Mathew, and Brooke Ackerly’s introduction, in a symposium on The Humble Cosmopolitan. It first notes insights taken for the development of a democratic cosmopolitanism oriented to political humility from the work of Indian Dalit-rights champion and constitutional architect B.R. Ambedkar, and from interviews conducted with globally oriented Dalit activists. It then considers Mathew’s concerns about accommodation of the moral importance of local democratic practices, and Keating’s about the book’s emphasis on advancing institutional over attitudinal changes. It addresses issues Behl raises around attention to alternate conceptions of citizenship, e.g., ones which would center Dalit women’s voices; and Lee’s concerns about whether the model can recognize the importance of subaltern nationalisms. Responses focus on ways in which the model seeks to enable individuals to challenge political arrogance from a position of co-equal citizenship in regional and global institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 406-425
Jeniffer Fresy Porielly Wowor

This article explores violence against women in Yogyakarta, which increased rapidly during the pandemic. The study showed that violence against women is also the result of deep and troubling cultural structures that oppress women. Based on a see–judge–act analysis, this article proposes that church educational ministries can build relationships with women victims and their families through a variety of transformational ways, even amid a pandemic. The church can develop communication, healing, and education through a holistic approach in Christian education (practicing communicability, redeemability, and educability). The paradigm of gender equality should be integrated into our attitudes and actions in daily life and in the whole range of the church’s ministry to create spaces for women’s voices not only through education and ritual action but also actual transformation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 400-433
Shintya Giri Ramadhaniati ◽  
Shary Charlotte Henriette Pattipeilhy ◽  
Tri Cahya Utama

Abstract: Gender inequality is a problem faced throughout the world, including in Indonesia, where the patriarchal system causes women to often get injustice from various sectors, especially the work sector. In 2014, UN Women initiated the formation of HeForShe by making men as agents of change so that women can live equally without discrimination. This research then aims to see why the HeForShe organization involves men in efforts to address gender inequality in Indonesia. This research also uses qualitative methods with various data sources from the HeForShe organization, the Government of Indonesia and the Ministry of PPPA. The theory used is Liberal Feminists with the concept of men as privileged allies. The results of this study indicate that men as privileged allies in the struggle for the rights of women workers in Indonesia. The support provided by Indonesian men currently varies from learning about gender equality to building movements to support the elimination of violence against women. It is through this contribution that women's voices will be heard and gender equality actions will be better realized. Keywords: Indonesia, Gender Inequality, HeForShe, Privileged Allies, Equality, Rights of Women Workers   Abstrak: Ketidaksetaraan gender merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi di seluruh dunia termasuk di Indonesia dimana sistem patriarki menyebabkan wanita seringkali mendapatkan ketidakadilan dari berbagai sektor terutama sektor pekerjaan. Pada tahun 2014, UN Women menginisiasikan terbentuknya HeForShe dengan menjadikan pria sebagai agen perubahan agar wanita bisa hidup setara tanpa diskriminasi. Penelitian ini kemudian bertujuan untuk melihat mengapa organisasi HeForShe melibatkan pria dalam upaya penanganan ketidaksetaraan gender di Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan berbagai sumber data dari organisasi HeForShe, Pemerintah Indonesia serta KemenPPPA. Teori yang digunakan adalah Feminis Liberal dengan konsep pria sebagai privileged allies. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pria berperan sebagai privileged allies dalam perjuangan hak pekerja wanita di Indonesia. Dukungan yang diberikan pria Indonesia saat ini sangat beragam mulai dari mempelajari mengenai kesetaraan gender sampai membangun gerakan untuk mendukung penghapusan kekerasan terhadap wanita. Melalui kontribusi inilah suara wanita akan lebih didengar dan kesetaraan gender akan terwujud dengan lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Indonesia, Ketidaksetaraan Gender, HeForShe, Privileged Allies, Kesetaraan, Hak Pekerja Wanita.

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