betty friedan
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2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-394
Monalisa Medrado Bomfim

O presente trabalho analisou dois poemas de Maria do Carmo Ferreira: As parcas e De mim pra mins, com o objetivo de fornecer a poeta o reconhecimento histórico que cabe a ela, ao lado dos concretos, como alguém que não deixa a dever nem em referências poéticas, tampouco em articulação crítica. Para isso, levantou-se o fato de a poeta já ter publicado junto aos concretos na revista Invenção 5 e admitiu-se que a sua criação poética continua carregada de aspectos caros à poesia concreta. Para demonstrar que a poeta tinha consciência dos cercos que à invisibilizaram e que era por meio de sua poética que buscava transcendê-los, os poemas foram lidos a luz dos textos da Mística feminina, de Betty Friedan, que busca delinear o que é o feminino e como ele é perigoso para as mulheres. Assim, se Maria do Carmo pretendeu comer o mundo com seus poemas, aqui, dar-se-á garfo e faca a ela.

2021 ◽  
Qixuan Mu

This research studies applied feminism theories to evaluate animal protection law and its related implementation, practical measures, and insufficient measures with a comparative approach. Elizabeth Cady Stanton's liberal Feminism was employed to investigate the current dilemmas of animal protection law. The goal is to identify and discover the best practice internationally to guide the ongoing animal protection law legislation in China, a principal legal lacuna of the Chinese civil law system with a holistic perspective of feminism theories. Betty Friedan changed philosophical and ideological attitudes toward sex and raised the ethical argument of animal rights. This study found that the differences between social conditions, legislation reasons, social economics, cultures, conventions must be considered. At the same time, the human emotions, the animal's human relationship, the male-controlled capitalist hierarchy, the relationship between animal and female rights are universal. A historical context perspective was employed in all analyses between animal protection and Feminism in history. The roots of the current animal protection issues were found and studied. A number of solutions on the current animal protection were suggested based on feminism theories. "Equality of opportunity" is the primary instrument for designing solutions. Harming animals is also related to patriarchy. "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal." Therefore, if we want to make a breakthrough in animal protection law, we must be able to implement measures in many aspects at the same time to maximize the effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 46-59
P. Priyadharshini ◽  
S. Mohan ◽  
A. Hariharasudan ◽  
J. Sangeetha

Liberal feminism abbreviates women’s right and their empowerment. The aim of this study highlights liberal feminism in Namita Gokhale’s works The Book of Shadows (2001), Priya: In Incredible Indyaa (2011) and Things to leave Behind (2016). The features of liberal feminism exhibit the women protagonists’ grief and exertion to attain their goal and their responsibilities. Namita Gokhale is a multifarious writer, and her popular works are The Book of Shadows (2001), Priya: In Incredible Indyaa (2011) and Things to leave Behind (2016). Indian Fiction in general as well as in Indian English Fiction, both original and in translation (Gupta, 2020). The selected works have the issues of liberal feminism ideas that reflect throughout her writing. In Namita Gokhale’s works, the major protagonists that represent liberal feminist attributes are Rachita, Priya and Tilottama. Each character has the reflection of liberal feminist ideas through their life. The notable thinkers of liberal feminism are John Stuart Mill, Mary Wollstonecraft, Betty Friedan, Rosemarie Tong, Susan Moller Okin, Martha Nussbaum and Zillah Eisenstein. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (05) ◽  
pp. 6-7
Tom Blasingame

Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength. - Betty Friedan, American feminist, 1921-2006 (Cofounder of the National Organization for Women) Where Are We Going? If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman statesman, 4 BC-65 AD The most challenging aspect of creating a monthly column is to try to balance mission (i.e., long-term strategy), contemporary events (i.e., things happening now), and the urgent (i.e., news you need to know). This column will have a bit of all three. I chose “trade winds” as the theme for this article. As every sailor knows, you must tack to where the wind is, not where you want it to be. I know that every student and Young Professional is waiting for the wind to align with their path. Frankly, I cannot promise that will happen anytime soon, but I can promise it will happen. To borrow a phrase, “patience or pivot” is on everyone’s mind right now. What I would point out is that we have already done both; we have been patient and we have pivoted. I believe that our pivot has been to see the strength and missions of our industry as never before. This is not just in terms of the financial recovery that will significantly enhance activity across all sectors of our industry, but also the impact of having secure and cost-effective energy to power that economy and to provide so many direct benefits to society. My goal as SPE President is to ensure that every initiative that can be considered is considered, that every member feels valued, that their voice is heard, and most of all, that we collectively and proactively work to build the future of our industry. As an adolescent, a family member once told me that “sentimentality is the worst investment advisor.” Obviously, this advice was given as I was about to invest in something stupid and my family member used it as a moment to educate me. I confess it took a while to sink in, but it is true. We must be realistic about the value generated by our investments in life (e.g., time, education, personal relationships, and of course, money). SPE must make investments to remain relevant, and frankly, I need your support to ensure those investments are both wise and appropriate.

RedPensar ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Xinia Díaz Salazar

El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir el impacto que ha tenido el movimiento feminista a través de la historia y la reivindicación de los derechos humanos hacia las mujeres. Además, se realiza un breve recorrido por los momentos más transcendentales que ha tenido dicho movimiento, con sus principales figuras como Olympe de Gouges, Mary Wollstonecraft, Lucrecia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Simone de Beauvoir y Betty Friedan, y su estrecha relación con el movimiento sufragista internacional, el cual tuvo un gran efecto en Costa Rica, con la fundación de la Liga Feminista y la representación de sus lideresas, Ángela Acuña Braun y Ana Rosa Chacón, entre otras. Posteriormente, se describen tanto a nivel de Derecho Internacional Público como Derecho Internacional Privado, los principales mecanismos de protección de derechos humanos hacia la mujer, los cuales buscan la promoción e igualdad de género. Finalmente, se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre la importancia en la historia del movimiento feminista y de su impacto tan significativo para la sociedad en general.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-72
Cristina Lozano González

This article briefly explains how the theory of the Austrian School and the Feminist Theory intertwine following, in this last theory, one of the fundamental authors, Betty Friedan. Beyond the typical interpretations about the feminist movement as a left-wing ideology, it is underlined, the importance of the role in the right to the private property concerning the development of its proposals and the need that economic freedom exists to promote the wealthness to all the citizens. Key words: State, Freedom, Equality, Capitalism, Right, Education, Private Property, Feminism, Evolution of Society, Justice. JEL Classification: P1. Resumen: En este artículo se explica brevemente cómo se entrelaza la teoría de la Escuela Austriaca con la teoría feminista, siguiendo, en esta última corriente, a una de sus autoras fundamentales, Betty Friedan. Yendo más allá de las interpretaciones típicas sobre el movimiento feminista como una ideología de izquierdas, se resalta la importancia del papel del dere-cho a la propiedad privada en el desarrollo de sus propuestas y la necesi-dad de que exista libertad económica para fomentar la riqueza de toda la ciudadanía. Palabras clave: Estado, Libertad, Igualdad, Capitalismo, Derecho, Educación, Propiedad Privada, Feminismo, Avance Social, Justicia. Clasificación JEL: P1.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Septian Tri Fajarani

This research is entitled Liberal Feminist Values As Reflected In Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. This novel described a woman who broke her wedding because she wants to feel the love. Through Anna Karenina, she fought for her rights to express her opinion to her husband. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of the main character and feminist characteristics of the main character in the novel. Qualitative method is applied in this research. The main data source in this study is Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina and to complete the data source, this research also uses other books, reviews of novels, films and sources from the internet. The method of data analysis in this study is qualitative method. In this study, a feminist approach from Rosamarie Tong and "Liberal Feminists" from Betty Friedan are employed in this research. The researcher also analyzed the main characters by describing their characteristics using the theory from M.J. Murphy. Based on the analysis, the results of this study have produced several conclusions. First, character of Anna Karenina descriptions by people around her in some characterization there are beautiful, kind, loving, mysterious and negative thinking. Second, Anna Karenina struggle her opinion in public especially her husband. She wants to express and defending her opinion. However, seen from liberal feminism perspective the main character show direct resistence with maintains her opinion and ignore opinion from her husband. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Nurul Refsi Pangestu ◽  
Kurnia Ningsih

The purpose of this analysis is to expose the issue of ideology enforcement in poems Chadur and Char-Diwari (CCD) by Fahmida Riaz, Gracefully She Approached (GSA) by Simin Behbahani, and Daughter of Afghanistan (DOA) by Nadia Anjuman. The issue of ideology enforcement refers to the patriarchy system strategies in applying their rules to the women. The problem of this analysis is to find how far these poems expose the issue of the patriarchy system's ideology enforcement. This analysis aims to expose men's rule influence toward the Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan women. This analysis uses the contribution of poetic elements; imagery, symbol, and diction in revealing the issue of the patriarchy system's ideology enforcement. The analysis is based on the concept of a feminist by Kate Millet, Naomi Wolf, and Betty Friedan that is supported by the text and context-based interpretation. The result of this analysis is the strategy of the patriarchy system enforcing their ideology toward the women. The men play their authority in the women's role and activity in public. The strategies are applied in two ways; manipulation and indoctrination.

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