sales training
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 261-274
Izzati Aqmarina ◽  
Arif Imam Suroso ◽  
Joko Ratono

In the last five years, smartphone sales have increased by an average of 2% annually. This increase is supported by the era of globalization and technology that makes smartphones become one of the needs at this time. At the level of competition between modern retail players who are very competitive, directly causing PT. ERP should carry out a strategy to increase its sales. PT. ERP as one of the retail players needs to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the company in competition against competitors and need to recognize the opportunities and threats that exist in the market. Considering this background, the objectives of this study are: (1) Analyzing the market share of PT sales. ERP and sales volume growth rate (2) analyze internal strengths and weaknesses pt. ERP and opportunities and threats to PT. ERP (3) formulate and effective marketing strategy for PT. ERP to increase sales. This study employed the descriptive with guided group discussion, in-depth interviews and using BCG matrix anaylze and so SWOT analysis. The result showed that, PT ERP should focus on strengthening marketing materials related to the officiality of the product, as well as vigorously conducting exchange promos for outlets located in the Mall, WO strategy that can be applied is cooperation with brands related to sales training, as well as ST Strategy is to open outlets outside the Mall, while the WT strategy that can be done is strengthening the price strategy and the implementation of scheduled promotions. Keywords: BCG, PT. ERP, Retail, Smartphone, SWOT.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Ashraf M. Attia ◽  
Earl D. Honeycutt Jr. ◽  
Rana Fakhr ◽  
Sharon K. Hodge

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Keny Rahmawati

At this time, information technology, especially the internet, has increased very rapidly. The increasing user of the interney in Indonesia has affected the development of e-commerce in Indonesia, especially the marketplace. One of the biggest marketplace player in Indonesia is Shopee. Based on data obtained form the Department of Cooperatives, MSMEs, and Industry of Bantul, currently there are 141 thousand MSMEs players who are covered by 351 cooperatives in Bantul. One of them is AMBOY (Agro Mirasa Boga Bantul Yogyakarta). The internet is used to help market business ventures through online sales by some cooperative members. However, some of members still sell in the traditional way. The constraint experienced by cooperative members is a lack of literacy regarding the use of the internet. Online sales training using marketplace is the right choice to overcome the obstacles faced by AMBOY Members. In this training, members of AMBOY will be taught how to sell their products in the marketplace in order to develop and expand their market.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Carla Curado ◽  
Inês Sousa

Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation of a training programme in a Portuguese family’s small and medium enterprise (SME) in the cosmetics industry. This study addresses the four levels of the Kirkpatrick Model and estimates the return on investment (ROI) of a training programme in sales. Design/methodology/approach The study follows a case design to address the analysis of the training outcomes. This study uses data from 53 employees and explore the programme’s results. Findings This study provides evidence on the reactions of the trainees to the programme; the learning which results from it; and on the changes in trainees’ behaviours and the consequent results. This study also estimates the ROI of the programme; it is 5.55. Research limitations/implications The limitations to this study may be the use of data from a single training programme. Practical implications The research results offer managers some critical information in terms of future options in resource allocation. Training managers become more informed in making future choices on where to invest in training programmes. Originality/value The originality of the study regards the ROI estimation for an SME’s sales training programme. SMEs are not often addressed in the training evaluation literature. Because SMEs have limited organisational resources, and they do not invest much in training. Further, this estimation requires data gathering and reporting that is not commonly done, even for large firms.

2021 ◽  
Doug J. Chung ◽  
Byungyeon Kim ◽  
Byoung G. Park

This study provides a comprehensive model of an agent’s behavior in response to multiple sales management instruments, including compensation, recruiting/termination, and training. The model takes into account many of the key elements that constitute a realistic sales force setting: allocation of effort, forward-looking behavior, present bias, training effectiveness, and employee selection and attrition. By understanding how these elements jointly affect agents’ behavior, the study provides guidance on the optimal design of sales management policies. A field validation, by comparing counterfactual and actual outcomes under a new policy, attests to the accuracy of the model. The results demonstrate a tradeoff between adjusting fixed and variable pay; how sales training serves as an alternative to compensation; a potential drawback of hiring high-performing, experienced salespeople; and how utilizing a leave package leads to sales force restructuring. In addition, the study offers a key methodological contribution by providing formal identification conditions for hyperbolic time preference. The key to identification is that under a multiperiod nonlinear incentive system, an agent’s proximity to a goal affects only future payoffs in nonpecuniary benefit periods, providing exclusion restrictions on the current payoff. This paper was accepted by Matthew Shum, marketing.

Gross addressed nine critical andragogical and four gerontological learning needs that must be met for successful aging in place for those with developmental disabilities. Nukic's research uncovered eight andragogical themes which helped adults learn English as a second language: goals, resources, qualifications, curriculum, environment, teaching strategies, learning, and obstacles. Pagano likens the andragogy of nature as man being like a tree – a metaphor of learning, values, will, and meaning systems. Giampaolo identifies the andragogical process as preparation, climate, planning, needs, objectives, designing, completion, and assessment. Keefe articulates the high extent Tennessee Highlander Folk School's actions corresponds with Knowles' six assumptions of andragogy. Washington showed how the use of andragogy in medical sales training leads to more beneficial corporate results. Cranton led a three-week truly andragogical class, garnering a comment from fellow adult educator, as the best class in which he was engaged. This chapter explores all of this.

2020 ◽  
pp. 312-338
Mark W. Johnston ◽  
Greg W. Marshall

Marshall Fisher ◽  
Santiago Gallino ◽  
Serguei Netessine

Problem definition: How much, if at all, does training in product features increase a sales associate’s sales productivity? Academic/practical relevance: A knowledgeable retail sales associate (SA) can explain the features of available product variants and give a customer sufficient confidence in the customer’s choice or suggest alternatives so that the customer becomes willing to purchase. Although it is plausible that increasing an SA’s product knowledge will increase sales, training is not without cost and turnover is high in retail, so most retailers provide little product-knowledge training. Methodology: We partner with two firms and collect data on more than 50,000 SAs who had access to training. We assemble a detailed data set of the training history and individual sales productivity over a two-year period. We conduct econometric analysis to quantify the causal effect of training on sales. Results: For SAs who engaged in training, the sales rate increases by 1.8% for every online module taken, which is a much higher benefit than the direct or indirect costs associated with this training. Brand-specific training has a larger effect on the focal brand; however, there is a positive effect on other brands the SA sells. We also assess how the training benefit varies depending on the SA’s tenure, sales rate prior to training, and number of modules taken. Managerial implications: We present evidence of a novel training mechanism that can be extremely attractive to retailers. Online training tools, such as the one we study, have two characteristics that should not be overlooked. First, it is the brands, not the retailers, that create, develop, and pay for the training content. Second, the incentives are such that SAs invest their own time, rather than time on the job, to train, and this makes the retailer’s investment in the training a profitable proposition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 1205-1224 ◽  
Jonna Pauliina Koponen ◽  
Saara Rytsy

Purpose Currently, online chat is in common use in e-commerce. By adding social interaction to the online context, companies hope to increase customers’ purchasing intentions. However, previous studies have not investigated how social presence is embedded in online business-to-business (B2B) chat conversations between buyers and sellers. Moreover, the functions of online chat in B2B sales have not been investigated. Design/methodology/approach The data was collected at a case company over the course of four years, from which the authors analyzed 157 online chat conversations between buyers (n = 157) and sellers (n = 9) with a theory-driven thematic analysis. In addition, data from the company’s customer relationship management system was collected to specify buyer types. Findings The results reveal that social presence was embedded in online B2B chat via buyers’ interactive, affective and relationship maintenance responses. Social presence differed depending on the type of buyer, with only existing customers having relationship maintenance responses. E-commerce B2B chat functions can be described as multiple and changing depending on the buyer–seller relationship stage. Research limitations/implications Having data only from one case company limits the results to one type of industry. Practical implications The results can be used in sales training and when developing online chat services. Originality/value Results bring scientific utility to B2B sales and marketing research, as the authors build a bridge between social presence, the existing theoretical model on B2B buyer–seller relationship development and online chat as a communication medium. Other researchers may use this understanding when exploring B2B buyer–seller interaction in different digitalized communication media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Wildan Affan ◽  
Dwi Irawan

Muhammadiyah has formed the Aisyiyah Entrepreneurs Association which aims to accommodate the entrepreneurial activities of Aisyiyah members. But in its implementation there are several obstacles that occur that greatly hinder the development of its business. Among them are poor organizational culture, the use of basic local wisdom materials for products produced quite a bit, as well as marketing that does not take advantage of technological advances to make online sales. Optimization of the IPAS community, namely providing solutions to the constraints that occur through appropriate training and marketing assistance using technological advances includes understanding the importance of good organization marked by creating organizational structures, conducting online sales training both in terms of products and in terms of packaging in in order to support marketing to be able to compete in a wider market. 

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