solar convection
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2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Yuhong Fan

AbstractIt has been a prevailing picture that active regions on the solar surface originate from a strong toroidal magnetic field stored in the overshoot region at the base of the solar convection zone, generated by a deep seated solar dynamo mechanism. This article reviews the studies in regard to how the toroidal magnetic field can destabilize and rise through the convection zone to form the observed solar active regions at the surface. Furthermore, new results from the global simulations of the convective dynamos, and from the near-surface layer simulations of active region formation, together with helioseismic investigations of the pre-emergence active regions, are calling into question the picture of active regions as buoyantly rising flux tubes originating from the bottom of the convection zone. This article also gives a review on these new developments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (31) ◽  
pp. e2022518118
Geoffrey M. Vasil ◽  
Keith Julien ◽  
Nicholas A. Featherstone

The observational absence of giant convection cells near the Sun’s outer surface is a long-standing conundrum for solar modelers. We herein propose an explanation. Rotation strongly influences the internal dynamics, leading to suppressed convective velocities, enhanced thermal-transport efficiency, and (most significantly) relatively smaller dominant length scales. We specifically predict a characteristic convection length scale of roughly 30-Mm throughout much of the convection zone, implying weak flow amplitudes at 100- to 200-Mm giant cells scales, representative of the total envelope depth. Our reasoning is such that Coriolis forces primarily balance pressure gradients (geostrophy). Background vortex stretching balances baroclinic torques. Both together balance nonlinear advection. Turbulent fluxes convey the excess part of the solar luminosity that radiative diffusion cannot. We show that these four relations determine estimates for the dominant length scales and dynamical amplitudes strictly in terms of known physical quantities. We predict that the dynamical Rossby number for convection is less than unity below the near-surface shear layer, indicating rotational constraint.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 413
Giorgio Viavattene ◽  
Mariarita Murabito ◽  
Salvatore L. Guglielmino ◽  
Ilaria Ermolli ◽  
Giuseppe Consolini ◽  

The solar photosphere and the outer layer of the Sun’s interior are characterized by convective motions, which display a chaotic and turbulent character. In this work, we evaluated the pseudo-Lyapunov exponents of the overshooting convective motions observed on the Sun’s surface by using a method employed in the literature to estimate those exponents, as well as another technique deduced from their definition. We analyzed observations taken with state-of-the-art instruments at ground- and space-based telescopes, and we particularly benefited from the spectro-polarimetric data acquired with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer, the Crisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter, and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager. Following previous studies in the literature, we computed maps of four quantities which were representative of the physical properties of solar plasma in each observation, and estimated the pseudo-Lyapunov exponents from the residuals between the values of the quantities computed at any point in the map and the mean of values over the whole map. In contrast to previous results reported in the literature, we found that the computed exponents hold negative values, which are typical of a dissipative regime, for all the quantities derived from our observations. The values of the estimated exponents increase with the spatial resolution of the data and are almost unaffected by small concentrations of magnetic field. Finally, we showed that similar results were also achieved by estimating the exponents from residuals between the values at each point in maps derived from observations taken at different times. The latter estimation technique better accounts for the definition of these exponents than the method employed in previous studies.

2021 ◽  
Naïs Fargette ◽  
Benoit Lavraud ◽  
Alexis Rouillard ◽  
Victor Réville ◽  
Tai Phan ◽  

<p>Parker Solar Probe data below 0.3 AU have revealed a near-Sun magnetic field dominated by Alfvénic structures that display back and forth reversals of the radial magnetic field. They are called magnetic switchbacks, they display no electron strahl variation consistent with magnetic field foldings within the same magnetic sector, and are associated with velocity spikes during an otherwise calmer background. They are thought to originate either at the photosphere through magnetic reconnection processes, or higher up in the corona and solar wind through turbulent processes.</p><p>In this work, we analyze the spatial and temporal characteristic scales of these magnetic switchbacks. We define switchbacks as a deviation from the parker spiral direction and detect them automatically through perihelia encounters 1 to 6. We analyze the solid angle between the magnetic field and the parker spiral both over time and space. We perform a fast Fourier transformation to the obtained angle and find a periodical spatial variation with scales consistent with solar granulation. This suggests that switchbacks form near the photosphere and may be caused, or at least modulated, by solar convection.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vincent Böning

<p>Turbulent convection is generally believed to occur on the Sun on three different characteristic length scales. These are the smaller granulation scale, the intermediate supergranulation scale, and the potentially existing giant cell scale. While granulation is mostly understood, there are several competing theories for the emergence of supergranules as a characteristic length scale and coherent phenomenon. While the prevailing approaches assume a convective origin of supergranulation, others follow the path of a potential wave-like behaviour of these features, because the power spectrum of supergranulation seemingly follows a dispersion relation. Since supergranulation shows an asymmetry in up and downflows, it is clear that non-linear affects must play a role in its evolution, which create a characteristic observed skewness in the divergence of the horizontal motions at the solar surface. Supergranulation may thus as well be a non-linear wave or an example of wave turbulence. While the power spectrum of supergranulation is reasonably constrained by observations, we here present an observational characterization of the non-linearities involved in creating supergranules. We characterize the spatial pattern of solar supergranulation using a third-order correlation in Fourier space, the bispectrum. We find that the strongest non-linearity is present when the three coupling wave vectors are all at the supergranular scale. These are the same wave vectors that are present in regular hexagons, which have been used in analytical studies of solar convection. At these Fourier components, the bispectrum is positive, consistent with the positive skewness in the data and consistent with supergranules preferentially consisting of outflows surrounded by a network of inflows. We use the bispectral estimates to generate synthetic divergence maps that are very similar to the data. Using this method, we estimate the fraction of the variance in the divergence maps from the nonlinear component to be of the order of 4–6%. We conclude by discussing the implications of our study on the question whether supergranulation is rather a convective feature or an example of wave turbulence.</p>

Solar Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 296 (3) ◽  
Nadiia M. Kostogryz ◽  
Friedrich Kupka ◽  
Nikolai Piskunov ◽  
Damian Fabbian ◽  
Daniel Krüger ◽  

AbstractWe aim to improve the accuracy of radiative energy transport in three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical simulations in ANTARES (A Numerical Tool for Astrophysical RESearch). We implement in the ANTARES short-characteristics numerical schemes a modification of the Bézier interpolant solver. This method yields a smoother surface structure in simulations of solar convection and reduces the artifacts appearing due to the limited number of rays along which the integration is done. Reducing such artifacts leads to increased stability of the code. We show that our new implementation achieves a better agreement of the temperature structure and its gradient with a semi-empirical model derived from observations, as well as of synthetic spectral-line profiles with the observed solar spectrum.

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