increase student achievement
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2022 ◽  
Jaymes Pyne ◽  
Eric Grodsky

Some believe that holding schools accountable for student attendance will lead schools to act to reduce student absences and by doing so will increase student achievement, particularly for historically underserved students. We question both the premise that reducing absence will lead to substantial improvements in student achievement and fairness of holding school accountable for increasing attendance. Using two cohorts of nationally-representative data on kindergarteners, we find that factors unrelated to missed instruction account for at least 77 percent of the association between attendance and test score achievement among US children with twenty or more absences. We argue the attendance crisis conceals more troubling crises that will produce inequalities even if every child attends school every day, and that schools are ill-suited to address all the underlying causes of student absence. Absence is a symptom of the myriad challenges students and their families face—challenges that need to be addressed at a larger systemic level.

2022 ◽  
pp. 170-180
Wilbert C. Baker ◽  
Jennifer T. Butcher

African American transient housing dwellers are the studied population in this chapter. A noted section addresses transient students, also referred to as highly mobile students, which are a group that can benefit from additional educational support at school and also in the community. As communities of people are drawn together in faith and love, churches are distinctively positioned to fill in the gap for kids and their communities. By entering into a supportive partnership with a school, they can make the kind of difference that transforms a community. According to Fulgham, every school in low-income communities has a plethora of needs, and churches likely feel compelled to meet each of them. Fulgham went on to encourage churches to prioritize their support for programs and activities that help increase student achievement. This chapter provides findings from interviews conducted with adult transient housing dwellers and suggests methods to reach transient African American students during challenging times, specifically addressing their educational needs.

Anggun Suryandari

<em>The paper describe about result from classroom action research is based on the low student learning scores</em><em> on science subject on grade V SDIT Harapan Bunda Purwokerto. The author tries to examine the causes of the low students achievement and find a problem solving.  The subject matter of this study is guite simple, namely the optimization strategy of image and audio visual media to determine the improvement of student learning result in science subject about blood circulation. This research was carried out in two cycles that were preceded by a pre-cycle, carried out in September 2016. Cycle 1 was carried out on September 5, 2016 and cycle 2 wa carried out on September 26, 2016. In the first and second cycles, the strategy used was the strategy of optimizing image media and audiovisual media.  The result showed an increase student achievement. It is evident from the average valueof class in the initial conditions is 70,0, in the first cycle is 76,2 and the second cycle is 88,1</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Letitia Bergantz

Twenty-first century teachers face challenges across many disciplines. Teachers are tasked with added roles: resource provider, instructional specialist, learning facilitator, mentor, school leader, and lifelong learner (U.S. Department of Education 2017). Equipping teachers with new learning trends is paramount to student success. Research indicates that the best way to increase student achievement is to have qualified teachers with specialized skills (Sparks and Killion 2007; Gay 2013). Teachers need to cultivate an understanding of cultural diversity in the classroom to effectively promote engagement. This paper will discuss culturally responsive teaching and multiple strategies for preparing teachers with a culturally responsive skills toolbox.

Xinxin Li ◽  
Jihe Chen ◽  
Ying Zhou ◽  
Zhengang Li

Review lessons after class can help students increase student achievement but not necessarily students know how to review effective and efficient learning. This learning goal is to explain how to review effective and efficient lessons using Mind Mapping and 6 Cognitive Model Questions. The subject on this study is a junior high school student. The topic of Linear Mathematics Equations in Two variables is described using a qualitative tendency. Study shows that Mind Mapping and 6 Cognitive Model Questions can improve critical thinking skills, high order thinking abilities and systematic thinking skills. Mind Mapping and 6 Cognitive Models Helping Students to review Linear Equations in Two Variables and get Deep Learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Jannes Pardede

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah  ingin mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa melalui pembelajaran Quantum Teaching bagi siswa SMA Negeri 1 Sitahuis . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketuntasan belajar dalam pembelajaran pokok bahasan Persamaan Linear dalam konsep nilai mutlak yakni pada siklus I secara klasikal terdapat 14 siswa dan 25 siswa atau 56%  yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar dan 11 siswa dan 25 siswa atau 44% tidak mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Sedangkan pada siklus II hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan secara klasikal yakni terdapat 23 siswa dan 25 siswa atau 92% yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar dan 2 siswa dan 25 siswa atau 8% tidak mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Kata Kunci: nilai mutlak dalam persamaan dan pertidaksamaan linier, matematika, pembelajaran quantum teaching Abstract: The purpose of this class action research was to determine the increase student achievement through learning Quantum Teaching for students of SMA Negeri 1 Sitahuis . The results of this study indicate that mastery learning in teaching the subject of Linear Equations in the concept of absolute value that is in the first cycle in the classical there are 14 students and 25 students or 56% who achieve mastery learning and 11 students and 25 students or 44% do not achieve mastery learning. While on the second cycle learning outcomes of students has increased in the classical style that there are 23 students and 25 students or 92% who achieve mastery learning and 2 students and 25 students or 8% do not achieve mastery learning. Keywords: absolute value in linear equations and inequalities, mathematics, learning quantum teaching

2020 ◽  
pp. 002224372097236
Aradhna Krishna ◽  
A. Yeşim Orhun

This research documents systematic gender performance differences (GPD) at a top business school using a unique administrative dataset and survey of students. The findings show that women’s grades are 11% of a standard deviation lower in quantitative courses than those of men with similar academic aptitude and demographics, and men’s grades are 23% of a standard deviation lower in nonquantitative courses than those of comparable women. The authors discuss and test for different reasons for this finding. They show that a female instructor significantly cuts down GPD for quantitative courses by raising the grades of women. In addition, female instructors increase women’s interest and performance expectations in these courses and are perceived as role models by their female students. These results provide support for a gender stereotype process for GPD and show that faculty can serve as powerful exemplars to challenge gender stereotypes and increase student achievement. The authors discuss several important implications of these findings for business schools and for society.

April Cookson ◽  
Daesang Kim ◽  
Taralynn Hartsell

The purpose of this project was to increase student achievement, engagement, and satisfaction using animated instructional videos in an online general psychology course at a community college. This project not only considered the data collected from student activity tracking, but also examined students' perception of how the videos engaged and helped them remember course material. Collection of data was conducted using a pre-intervention and post-intervention survey, a pre-test, a post-test (mid-term exam), and an online behavior evaluation rubric. A statistically significant increase in scores from pre-test to post-test occurred. Students reported that they preferred the animated instructional videos over the textbook and believed videos helped them remember the material. Overall, the project showed that students enjoyed the videos and many recommended that additional ones be created for the rest of the course. Although time-consuming, instructional videos were worth the effort to keep students engaged and learn course material.

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