online purchases
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2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-45
Didit Darmawan ◽  
Arif Rachman Putra

In Indonesia, online shopping has become a trend and transactions have increased drastically, marked by the development of business players involved in the online marketplace industry, one of which is Lazada, which is the top marketplace in Indonesia. Lazada is an online product buying and selling application that offers a variety of products and uses the internet and social media as a forum for interactive two-way interactions with its users. Product bids, attractive prices and availability of information can lead to impulsive buying behavior. The impulse to buy impulsively is described as a complex, sudden, pleasant purchase and the decision-making process occurs instantaneously without thinking of any other considerations. This study has the main objective of identifying the effect of user experience, transaction security, ease of use, convenience on impulsive online buying behavior aimed at the Lazada marketplace. The population in this study are consumers who have made online purchases at Lazada. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling, with a purposive sampling method with the following sample criteria: consumers who have made online Lazada purchases more than once, and aged over 17 years to 50 years. Respondents came from the city of Sidoarjo and totaled 120 people. Multiple linear regression analysis is an analytical tool used in this study. The t test is to prove the research hypothesis which previously carried out the reliability test. From the results of the analysis of the research results, it is found that experience, safety, convenience and comfort have a significant influence on impulsive buying behavior at Lazada. The experience variable is a variable that has a dominant effect. Keywords: experience, security, ease of use, enjoyment, impulsive buying behavior.

Economies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Muhartini Salim ◽  
Ronal Aprianto ◽  
Syaiful Anwar Abu Bakar ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi

Today, online Muslim clothing providers in Indonesia are faced with increasing competition in business openness. This condition requires online Muslim clothing providers to be more creative, innovative, effective and efficient by offering Muslim clothing products that are more valuable than competitors’. Therefore, a sophisticated and smart technology planning concept is needed for Muslim fashion consumers and to continue to achieve the benefits obtained by online Muslim clothing providers. This study aims to determine: (1) the influence of attitudes on the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis (2) the influence of subjective norm on the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis (3) the influence of perceived behavioral control on the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis (4) the effect of attitudes on the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis moderated by religious belief, (5) the effect of subjective norm on the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis moderated by religious belief, and (6) the effect of perceived behavioral control on the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis moderated by religious belief. This study uses 1. independent variables, namely: attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. 2. The dependent variable is: Purchase intention. 3. The moderating variable is: religion. The data in this study are obtained from questionnaires distributed to 762 respondents. The method used is purposive sampling to all respondents who shopped online. The method is through the LISREL 8.7 program and t-test. These results indicate that the variables of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control influence the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis. They also find that the religious belief variable can moderate the variable of attitude towards the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia during the COVID-19 crisis but not the subjective norm and perceived behavioral control variables.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10

Online shopping has recently become a consumer choice. The motivation of consumers in making online purchases includes factors of experience, trust, convenience, price, and knowledge. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that motivate consumers to make online purchases. The research method uses direct observation and questionnaires to consumers in Blitar City who make online purchases. The research population is online shopping consumers in Blitar City. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling, namely online shopping consumers who coincidentally meet with researchers. The variable used is consumer motivation. The results showed that consumer motivation in doing online shopping showed results in the form of a percentage that respondents tended to choose experience and trust (93.33%), convenience (90.00%), price (86.67%), and continued knowledge (83.33%).

2022 ◽  
pp. 392-408
Ree Chan Ho

Customers are switching to mobile wallets in making online purchases these days as the result of the convenience of this payment mode. This chapter aims to understand customer attitude towards the gratification sought from mobile payment and further investigate its influence on promoting customer engagement. Uses and gratification theory offered the underpinning theoretical explanation in the development of the conceptual framework for this study. This chapter provided a theoretical explanation in discoursing the role of the mobile wallet for promoting customer engagement. The linkage to the customer engagement for the mobile wallet operators was missing in the literature. In addition, the conceptual development of mobile wallets based on the uses and gratification perspective was critical in providing the foundation needed for mobile payment literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 410
Denise Baden ◽  
Regina Frei

With the rise in online purchases, returns polices have become more lenient to maximise sales, leading to increased product returns. This results in considerable costs to businesses due to complex returns systems, and environmental costs due to unnecessary transportation and waste. Unsustainable consumption poses a threat to our environment, and access-based business models whereby products are borrowed/rented rather than purchased have been proposed as a way to align customer needs, business success, and sustainability. Product returns often constitute a form of informal or illegitimate borrowing, as goods are bought with the intention of being returned. In this discussion paper we propose that, instead of being viewed as a threat to business, issues with high product returns could be seen as an opportunity to switch to an access-based model. As product returns escalate, businesses will need to invest substantially in their reverse supply chains. We propose that a more strategic approach might be to leapfrog the costly stage of developing more efficient returns systems, and move straight to formalising product returns as the new normal for those goods that would best suit an access-based model, so that processes are streamlined around borrowing and returning rather than around sales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4/2021 (94) ◽  
pp. 19-37
Ewa Prymon-Ryś ◽  
Agnieszka Galarowicz ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of the article is identification and evaluation of the most important changes that have occurred in the behavior of Polish consumers as a result of the pandemic lockdown introduced in 2020. The article presents the results of studies conducted during the epidemic restrictions from March 15 to May 4, 2020. Design/methodology/approach: The main aim of the research was to determine how these restrictions influenced the purchasing behavior and decisions made by consumers. In the polls, the technique of an internet survey was used, which was justified by the accepted form of remote communication imposed on the society in various spheres of activity. The subject of the research was the organization of free time, the organization of shopping in households, the frequency of purchases and the methods of shopping in stationary and online stores. Findings: The most important phenomena that have been observed include the growing importance of e-commerce and technologies supporting distance communication and online exchange. The share of FMCG in online purchases increased when compared with the pre-pandemic online purchases. Polish consumers reduced the frequency of purchases and limited their overall spending on everyday purchases. During the first wave of the pandemic, the crucial issue for consumers was time management as a result of increased professional and family responsibilities, or (a similar percentage of responses) of excess free time. Poles used information technologies – for communication, shopping, learning and entertainment, to cope with the imposed social isolation. This trend, as indicated by the results of subsequent studies, will continue. Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted at a particular moment of time, during the last 2 weeks of the first pandemic lockdown; therefore, the study cannot provide the measurement of observable effects of behavior changes during a longer time since the pandemic situation has been volatile. In the research, the snowball method of sampling, which has its own limitations, was adopted. Originality/value: The value of the article results from the outcomes of the survey conducted with the use of a research questionnaire originally designed for the purposes of this study and empirical research results obtained during the lockdown period, which allowed for observing changes in consumer behavior in real time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (13 (114)) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Suhartini Suhartini ◽  
Nina Aini Mahbubah ◽  
Mochammad Basjir

During the pandemic, the Indonesian authorities are committed to limiting the social and economic mobility of the community. One of the activities carried out is online purchases. With changes in people's behavior towards meeting online needs, small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to use information technology in making online marketing of products sold to consumers. The object of this research is batik small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia. At this time, many batik small and medium-sized enterprises have used online marketing, but it has not been said to be optimal. It can be shown that there are still many batik small and medium-sized enterprises that have experienced a fifthly percent decline in sales during the pandemic. Therefore, batik small and medium-sized enterprises must be able to increase sales capacity through online marketing to increase profitability. The purpose of the study is to identify both internal and external factors in order to instigate a better strategy to improve the firm’s market. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods. The method used is to integrate the Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats and Analytic Hierarchy Process methods to increase profitability. These results are in the context of the Strengths Opportunity strategy, which includes analyzing the potential of digital marketing and developing innovative business models, that batik small and medium-sized enterprises must expand the market by maximizing online marketing and increasing quality and creativity in creating product content online. This research found that a prominent strategy for developing the batik business is the strength and opportunity strategy that takes advantage of strengths and opportunities in order to increase competitiveness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 114 ◽  
pp. 116-126
Kunbo Shi ◽  
Jonas De Vos ◽  
Long Cheng ◽  
Yongchun Yang ◽  
Frank Witlox

2021 ◽  
pp. 1005
Herman Ruslim

For many businesses, choosing the right marketing channel is not easy. This is because marketing will have a major impact on business development. Therefore, it must be done as best as possible. In the world of the digital era like now, the internet is the center of many people's activities, online marketing is predicted to be the most effective method. Online marketing is considered capable of expanding its business marketing wings optimally at a much lower cost than offline. Online marketing or often referred to as digital marketing is defined as a marketing strategy that utilizes the internet. Marketing activities to get consumers' attention by utilizing sales through social media, websites and emails.This PKM program is in the form of online marketing information on the lubricant trading business in Bekasi, where this business has experienced a decline in sales due to the pandemic. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide input to this business to start the concept of online marketing in order to fulfill customer desires, namely transacting through online purchases. Through the right online marketing, it can ultimately increase sales and even win the competition. Tarumanagara University as an entrepreneur campus that helps provide funds for the implementation of this community service activity.Bagi banyak bisnis, memilih jalur pemasaran yang sesuai bukanlah hal yang mudah. Hal ini karena pemasaran akan  berpengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan bisnis. Oleh karena itu, harus dilakukan sebaik mungkin. Di dunia era digital seperti sekarang, internet menjadi pusat kegiatan banyak orang, pemasaran online digadang-gadang menjadi metode paling efektif. Pemasaran online dianggap mampu melebarkan sayap pemasaran bisnis secara optimal dengan biaya yang jauh lebih ringan dibandingkan secara offline. Pemasaran online atau sering disebut sebagai pemasaran digital diartikan sebagai strategi pemasaran yang memanfaatkan internet. Kegiatan pemasaran untuk mendapatkan perhatian konsumen dengan memanfaatkan penjualan melalui media sosial, website dan email. Program PKM ini berupa informasi pemasaran online pada usaha dagang pelumas di Bekasi, dimana usaha ini mengalami dampak penurunan penjualan karena pandemi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat memberikan masukan kepada usaha ini untuk memulai konsep pemasaran secara online agar dapat memenuhi  keinginan pelanggan, yaitu bertransaksi melalui pembelian secara online. Melalui pemasaran online yang tepat maka pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan penjualan bahkan memenangi persaingan. Universitas Tarumanagara sebagai kampus entrepreneur yang membantu penyediaan dana demi terselenggaranya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Farah Alfanur ◽  
Yasuo Kadono

E-commerce in Indonesia is currently growing as consumers make an increasing number of online purchases, making the competition fiercer between e-commerce business players in the country. Despite this growth, e-commerce in Indonesia faces challenges remaining to their development such as a gap in internet penetration between rural and urban areas. To win the competition among all e-commerce businesses and face the existing challenges, it is necessary to determine the best strategy to retain current consumers along with getting more and more consumers. Thus, this study aims to better understand the behavior of e-commerce consumers in Indonesia by developing a structural model of purchase intention and behavior based on an adaptation of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2) model, with input from other relevant theories and interviews conducted in the country. Data from questionnaires completed by 400 e-commerce consumers are analyzed using covariance-based structural equational modeling (CB-SEM). The CB-SEM analysis finds that purchase intention is significantly influenced by these six factors: facilitating conditions, perceived website quality, security, convenience, economic reasons, and social influence. Furthermore, purchase intention significantly influences the purchase behavior of consumers. Conversely, three factors considered in the study are found not to significantly influence purchase intention: hedonic motivation, variety, and delivery factors. These results help e-commerce businesses to consider important factors when determining key factors influencing consumer purchase intentions and behavior.

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