social vision
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2021 ◽  
pp. 174569162110178
Nicholas P. Alt ◽  
L. Taylor Phillips

Groups, teams, and collectives —people—are incredibly important to human behavior. People live in families, work in teams, and celebrate and mourn together in groups. Despite the huge variety of human group activity and its fundamental importance to human life, social-psychological research on person perception has overwhelmingly focused on its namesake, the person, rather than expanding to consider people perception. By looking to two unexpected partners, the vision sciences and organization behavior, we find emerging work that presents a path forward, building a foundation for understanding how people perceive other people. And yet this nascent field is missing critical insights that scholars of social vision might offer: specifically, for example, the chance to connect perception to behavior through the mediators of cognition and motivational processes. Here, we review emerging work across the vision and social sciences to extract core principles of people perception: efficiency, capacity, and complexity. We then consider complexity in more detail, focusing on how people perception modifies person-perception processes and enables the perception of group emergent properties as well as group dynamics. Finally, we use these principles to discuss findings and outline areas fruitful for future work. We hope that fellow scholars take up this people-perception call.

2021 ◽  
pp. 191-203
Subhash Sharma

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 6386
Bingyan Tu ◽  
Roni Bhowmik ◽  
Md. Kamrul Hasan ◽  
Ahmed Al Asheq ◽  
Md. Atikur Rahaman ◽  

In prior studies, several researchers have adopted entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in determining students’ intention toward entrepreneurship, although the application of EO is scant in determining intention toward social entrepreneurship in existing literature. Hence, in consideration of this research gap, the current study empirically examines the influence of the dimensions of social entrepreneurial orientation (SEO): social vision, social proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking motive on graduate students’ entrepreneurial intention toward social entrepreneurship-based business start-up. An online-based survey method was used to collect data from a sample of 465 students purposively who were studying at different universities in Bangladesh. A PLS-based SEM was applied to analyze the data and examined the proposed relationships in the conceptual model. The findings reveal that Graduate students’ social proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking motive significantly affect their social entrepreneurial intention. However, students’ social vision does not have direct influence but has indirect influence on social entrepreneurial intention through their social entrepreneurial attitudes. The research contributes to the body of knowledge in the existing social entrepreneurship literature as well as provides practical implications for the policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders working toward flourishing of social-based entrepreneurship, venture, and start-up.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105413732110068
Mark Shelvock ◽  
Elizabeth Anne Kinsella ◽  
Darcy Harris

One less explored area of research concerns the response to the ecological crisis through environmentally sustainable death practices, which we broadly define in this paper as ‘green death practices’. In this paper, interdisciplinary research and scholarship are utilized to critically analyze death practices, and to demonstrate how contemporary Westernized death practices such as embalming, traditional burial, and cremation can have harmful environmental and public health implications. This paper also investigates the multi-billion-dollar funeral industry, and how death systems which place economic growth over human wellbeing can be socially exploitative, oppressive, and marginalizing towards recently bereaved persons and the environment. Death-care as corporatized care is explicitly questioned, and the paper provides a new social vision for death systems in industrialized Western societies. Ultimately, the paper advocates for how green death practices may offer new pathways for honoring our relationships to the planet, other human beings, and even our own deepest values.

Literartes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 44-70
Paulo César Ribeiro Filho

A 12ª edição da Revista Literartes, segundo número dedicado a reflexões artísticas, teóricas e críticas acerca do maravilhoso feérico em seus múltiplos suportes e mídias, tem o prazer de entrevistar uma das maiores referências mundiais em termos de pesquisa sobre o conto de fadas: Ruth Bottigheimer, docente junto ao Departamento de Análises Culturais e Teoria da Universidade Pública de Nova York em Stony Brook.             Ruth dedicou grande parte de sua formação acadêmica a áreas como Língua e Literatura Germânica, História Medieval, História da Ilustração e História da Bíblia. Formou-se na Universidade de Berkeley, Califórnia, na Universidade de Munique e no Colégio Universitário de Londres. Ao longo de mais de cinquenta anos de magistério, ministrou aulas nas Universidades de Viena, Princeton e Califórnia. É membro da Sociedade Internacional de Pesquisa em Narrativas Folclóricas e da Associação de Literatura Infantil, entre outras.             Entre suas principais obras, destacam-se: Grimm’s Bad Girls and Bold Boys: The Moral and Social Vision of the Tales (“As Meninas Más e os Garotos Durões de Grimm: A Visão Moral e Social dos Contos”, Yale University Press, 1987), Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion and Paradigm (“Contos de Fadas e Sociedade: Ilusão, Alusão e Paradigma”, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987), Fairy Godfather: Straparola, Venice, and the Fairy Tale Tradition (“O Padrinho das Fadas: Straparola, Veneza e a Tradição dos Contos de Fadas”, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002), Fairy Tales: A New History (“Contos de Fadas: Uma Nova História”, State University of New York Press, 2009), Fairy Tales Framed: Early Forewords, Afterwords, and Critical Words (“Contos de Fadas em Moldura: Prefácios, Posfácios e Notas Críticas”, State University of New York Press, 2012) e Magic Tales and Fairy Tale Magic from Ancient Egypt to the Italian Renaissance (“Contos de Magia e a Magia dos Contos de Fadas do Antigo Egito à Renascença Italiana”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).             Nesta entrevista, exploramos temas como a história do conto de fadas, as fontes modelares do gênero e os contos de fadas de autoria feminina, convidando nossos leitores a refletirem sobre as mais recentes descobertas feitas nesse campo de estudos.

Jairo Alberto Olarte Cabana ◽  
Nicolás Salas Cruz ◽  
Ana María Angulo Castillo ◽  
Sandra Mayerlin Guerrero Valencia ◽  

Imperceptibles, una de las características con mayor eco en el tipo de costos que se estudia en esta investigación, los costos ocultos. Muchas han sido las iniciativas por comprender las dinámicas organizacionales que dan paso a los disfuncionamientos o aquellas actividades que, derivadas de una decisión, en ocasiones no acertada y sacrificando un costo de oportunidad por la elección, generan imprevistos en el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos y las expectativas de los grupos de interés. De manera especial, las organizaciones avocadas a la manufactura son focos en el estudio de los costos ocultos pues su gestión productiva facilita caldos de cultivo para su presencia, por ello, el propósito de este trabajo es estudiar la forma en que pueden ser identificados, controlados y gestionados los costos ocultos en organizaciones manufactureras. La investigación se enmarcó en los preceptos de la teoría socioeconómica, así, sus fundamentos delimitan un enfoque deductivo, con alcance descriptivo y revisión de fuentes documentales sistematizadas bajo técnicas como la operacionalización de categorías y el análisis de contenidos. Los hallazgos se consolidaron en matrices de triple entrada desagregadas en las subcategorías tratadas (identificación, control y gestión). En los resultados se observó que la metodología más utilizada para identificar costos ocultos es el diagnóstico socioeconómico; por su parte, las prácticas formales de control se adscriben a mecanismos físicos y coercitivos, teniendo menos participación el autocontrol, la responsabilidad y la autonomía (paradigma emergente). La gestión busca una perspectiva social (visión compartida) y económica (sostenibilidad) que, tras integrar la planeación y el diseño de acciones a la medida, permitan identificar, controlar y mitigar los impactos de los costos ocultos.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 5116
Fuad Ganbarov ◽  
Klaudia Smoląg ◽  
Rashad Muradov ◽  
Konul Aghayeva ◽  
Rumella Jafarova ◽  

The purpose of this study is to formulate a model for sustainable development of the mortgage market in Azerbaijan, taking into account commercial risks of housing construction, the risks of the construction industry, social visions of mortgages, state pressure, and support. The following five key research stages can be distinguished. Namely, identification of commercial risks of housing construction based on a survey; evaluation of the effectiveness of risk diversification strategy; determination of the social vision of a mortgage; substantiating the main directions of state pressure and support for mortgage market development; and creation of a model for sustainable development of the mortgage market in Azerbaijan. At the same time, it is proposed to use a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of the model based on the construction of the multivariate linear regression equation. The inclusive model of sustainable development of the mortgage market in Azerbaijan provides for the formation of a favorable institutional environment. Given the selected modules, forecasting the effectiveness of the proposed inclusive model demonstrates its effectiveness in the direction of enhancing mortgage lending based on interest rate regulation taking into account the benefits of green housing construction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Mariela Bogdanova

The current topic focuses on the new social vision and challenges after the adoption of legislation on the social and solidarity economy in Bulgaria, as well as on the opportunities for access to financing and institutional support for social enterprises. The progress made is seen in a broader perspective, including not only statistics on the number of social enterprises self-identified, but also proven social added value and entered in the Register of social enterprises. Tracking the challenges is in the context of the process and the employment and human resources options and the provision of a supportive environment for the sustainable development of social enterprises. Although 2019 has emerged as a strong startup community, we still don’t have startups for social entrepreneurship. This, of course, does not mean that Bulgaria lacks successful models of social enterprises that provide employment for persons from different vulnerable groups and answer questions related to the social impact and benefits of applying the principles of the social economy. The European Union today, more than ever, emphasizes its new social vision, based on opportunity and solidarity.

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