broken rice
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Likun Ren ◽  
Jing Fan ◽  
Yang Yang ◽  
Yue Xu ◽  
Fenglian Chen ◽  

Excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) is an important cause of aging, and supplementing antioxidants through diet is one of the important ways to delay aging. Some studies have confirmed that rice protease hydrolysate has antioxidant activity, but was rarely been investigated on cells. Thus, commercial enzymes, alkaline enzyme, neutral enzyme, pepsin, chymotrypsin, and trypsin were selected to hydrolyze broken rice protein (BRP) to obtain the corresponding hydrolysates, which were A-broken rice protein hydrolysate (BRPH), N-BRPH, P-BRPH, C-BRPH, and T-BRPH, respectively. Then the antioxidant properties of BRPHs were evaluated by different chemical and cellular antioxidation. Molecular weight, peptide length distribution, and amino acid sequence were detected to insight into the antioxidant properties. Among BRPHs, the A-BRPH displayed the strongest hydroxyl radical scavenging activity (IC50 = 1.159 mg/ml) and metal ion-chelating activities (IC50 = 0.391 mg/ml). Furthermore, cellular antioxidation confirmed that A-BRPH significantly increased cell viability and inhibited the intracellular ROS release in both aging cells and cell-aging processes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) results revealed that peptides with molecular weight <14.5 KDa were produced by enzymatic hydrolysis. Additionally, A-BRPH rich in low molecular weight (<3 kDa) and short-length peptides with some specific amino acids, such as aromatic and hydrophobic amino acids, contributes to the antioxidant properties. This study provided theoretical to the utilization of broken rice and confirmed that A-BRPH could be used in new anti-aging food and health products for human consumption.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2899
Matthew G. Richardson ◽  
Philip Glen Crandall ◽  
Han-Seok Seo ◽  
Corliss A. O’Bryan

Rice supplies about 20% of the calories to the world’s consumers. Milling removes the outer husk and bran, breaking about 20% of the rice kernels during the milling process that equates to almost 100,000,000 tons of rice annually. Broken rice is discounted in price by almost half or relegated to non-human consumption. This study seeks to understand why this large percentage of rice production is discounted for human consumption. Consumers who routinely consume rice evaluated raw and cooked rice with 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% levels of brokens. Sensory analysis indicated the appearance of raw rice with high levels of brokens affected the price consumers were willing to pay. Panelists were not able to discern sensory differences amongst cooked rice samples with different brokens percentages despite an eight-fold difference in brokens (p < 0.01). From this, we concluded that the price discounts imposed on broken rice are not because of perceived differences in the eating quality of cooked rice. Overall impression and overall texture were the two most significant determinants in willingness to purchase rice. The five cooked-rice samples with different levels of broken rice inclusion did not differ in terms of willingness to purchase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
Ali Hussein Ahmed Al-Husseiny ◽  
Jassim Kassim Al-Gharawi ◽  
Hayder Hamed Al-Kaaby

Abstract A total of 105 laying hens (ISA Brown), 60 weeks age, were used in the experiment. They were divided into five treatments with three replicates, were as the following T1: without replacement of the rice broken. T2: replaced 25% of the broken rice instead by 75% of the wheat. T3: replaced 50% of the broken rice instead by 75% of the wheat. T4: replaced 75% of the broken rice instead by 25% of the wheat. T5: replaced 100% of the broken rice instead by 0% of the wheat. The best measure of economic profit, the highest net cash income, and the shortest period of capital recovery was in T3 compare with other treatments. All replacement treatments of rice broken instead of wheat in the diet achieved the best economic profit, net cash income, and the shortest period of capital recovery compared to the control treatment.

Fermentation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 149
Mutyarsih Oryza.S ◽  
Sawitree Wongtangtintharn ◽  
Bundit Tengjaroenkul ◽  
Anusorn Cherdthong ◽  
Sirisak Tanpong ◽  

The production of citric acid produces 70% waste product or by-product. This by-product is produced by microbial fermentation which could be used as an alternative raw material for animal feed because it still contains citric acid, which could help to reduce pathogenic bacteria. The objective of this study is to evaluate the physical and chemical value of citric acid by-product from rice (CABR) to compare the properties with those of rice bran and broken rice and to determine its potential as an alternative energy source in animal feed. The chemical composition of CABR was calculated using proximate analysis. The color of CABR was darker, and the bulk density value was 549.65 (g/L) (p < 0.05). With free flow, the angle of repose was 40°, and the particle size had less polygonal starch granules. CABR had a low pH of 4.77 and contained 19.80% crude protein, 11.97% crude fiber, and 4005.72 kcal/kg of energy. CABR had a higher crude protein value than broken rice and rice bran and a higher gross energy value than broken rice but less than rice bran. It also had a higher crude fiber value (p > 0.05). The results suggest that CABR could be utilized as an energy and protein source for animal feed formulations.

This research aims to improve the paddy husking process by experimenting with Hom Nin rice. By designing a factorial experiment, placket-Berman type, to determine the optimum value in the husking process to obtain the lowest and best percentage of broken rice in the husking process. By controlling factors two variables are the spindle of speed,and the clearance of rubber forthe two rubbers.The process model was formulated based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression of coefficient.The results showed that both variables were pvalue is greater than alpha value (0.278> 0.05). The percentage of broken rice was at 8.76 at the confidence level 95 percent significance between the two factors That are, the spindleof speedis equal to 1,420 rpm and the clearance rubber between the two rubbers are equal to 1 millimeters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 792 (1) ◽  
pp. 012002
Xiaoqing Yang ◽  
Haige Shi ◽  
Xue Mi ◽  
Lili Wang

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 101964
Anala Vinay Kumar Shetty ◽  
Niyam Dave ◽  
Gokulakrishnan Murugesan ◽  
Shraddha Pai ◽  
Arivalagan Pugazhendhi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e48299
Regina Maria Nascimento Augusto Blaitt ◽  
Vivian Lo Tierzo ◽  
Juliana Célia Denadai ◽  
Cibele Regina de Souza Kruliski ◽  
Carlos Ducatti ◽  

The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavior of carbon incorporation and turnover in hoof and ribs of pigs at different periods of development in the search for tissues that reflect longer the former diet. We used 132 commercial hybrids (barrows and females), weaned at an average age of 21 days, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments on different days of substitution of corn (C4 cycle plant grain) diets with broken rice (C3 cycle plant grain) at 21, 42, 63 and 110 days of age to change the carbon-13 isotope signal. By means of isotopic dilution curves, we observed that animals whose C4 diet was replaced with C3 diet at 21, 42, 63 and 110 days of age, for hoof and rib, reached a new level of isotope equilibrium. Bone samples are better choices to reflect the former diet, due to conservation of the isotopic signal for longer.

Charupa LOYDA ◽  
Riantong SINGANUSONG ◽  

The term “broken rice” refers to fragments of rice grains broken during the milling process. Broken rice is generally classified into 3 sizes: large, medium, and small. Broken rice can be widely used for the pet food industry, livestock feeding, aquaculture, laundry starch, cosmetics, and textile manufacture. The purpose of this study was to determine certain properties of raw large broken rice (LBR) and small broken rice (SBR) of 4 commercially important varieties: Khao Dawk Mali105 (KDML105), Pathumtani1 (PTT1), Chainat1 (CN1), and Kor-khor6 (RD6). The properties analyzed were pasting properties, alkali spreading value, gel consistency, chemical composition, and amylose content. Volatile components of the LBR and SBR samples were also identified. Results revealed that each rice variety had different rheological characteristics. SBR of KDML105, PTT1, and CN1 had alkaline spreading value (ASV) in the range of 3 - 7. The rice flour gel of the glutinous rice variety RD6 showed the highest flow distance in both LBR and SBR forms. CN1 had the highest amylose content in both LBR and SBR forms, while RD6 had the lowest. Among all the samples, the 6 most abundant volatile components detected were alcohols, aldehydes, furans, ketones, sulfur, and terpenes. The 3 volatile compounds with the highest odor active values (OAV) in both LBR and SBR forms were hexanal, heptanal, and 3-methylbutanal.

Danbaba Nahemiah ◽  
Iro Nkama ◽  
Idakwo Paul Yahaya ◽  
Mamudu Halidu Badau ◽  
Aliyu Umar

Paddy production in African is increasing at a significantly impressive rate due to increased public and private sector investment, the introduction of high yielding varieties and improved production practices. But about 40% or more of this quantity does not reach the table of consumers largely due to post-harvest losses. These losses are subdivided into physical grain loss (PGL) and grain quality loss (GQL). Efforts towards reducing these losses through valorisation of low quality rice and processing by-products has received attention over the last few years. Innovative development and out scaling of simple, cost effective, adoptable and well-defined practical technology to convert low grade milled rice to nutrient dense value-added products that could be used for family meals or weaning purposes and utilization of rice husk for energy is the new way to go. This paper reviews major advance made especially by the Africa-Wide Taskforce on rice processing and value addition and its partners in developing strategies for minimizing postharvest loss in Africa through the development of technologies for utilization of broken rice fractions and rice husk to reduce postharvest losses. Major challenges mitigating the adoption of this technologies and possible opportunities in the rice postharvest value chain that can attract investment for the improvement of rice production and reduction in rice postharvest losses are also outlined. This synthesis we believe will help in providing future direction for research and support for sustainable rice postharvest system in Africa.

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