international commitments
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e49611125288
Cíntia da Silva Telles Nichele ◽  
Aldo Pacheco Ferreira

O Protocolo Facultativo à Convenção contra a Tortura e Outros Tratamentos ou Penas Cruéis, Desumanos ou Degradantes criou mecanismos de prevenção à tortura para ampliar a proteção dos direitos humanos das pessoas sob custódia. A intenção era garantir o tratamento adequado à população mais vulnerável a esse tipo de agressão. Mas será que o pacto de fato gera efeitos positivos aos países que o aderem? O objetivo do estudo é avaliar a influência do protocolo nos indicadores prisionais. Utilizou-se o método estatístico do teste t de duas amostras para comparar as médias dos indicadores dos países que ratificaram o protocolo e dos países que não o fizeram para verificar se a diferença entre os resultados era estatisticamente significativa. Para tanto, consideramos 5% de significância. Os resultados mostraram que a população adulta feminina dos países não ratificantes é maior do que a dos ratificantes. No entanto, em relação aos adultos do sexo masculino e à população jovem não houve diferença estatística. Sobre os presos sem sentença também não houve diferença nos percentuais médios entre os dois grupos de países. A mortalidade por causas externas e por suicídio atingiu taxas estatisticamente mais altas nos países que o ratificaram. Nas demais causas (causas naturais, homicídio, acidentais ou outras causas, e total de mortes) as diferenças entre as taxas encontradas não foram significativas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-68
Indah Fitri Agustina ◽  
Risnauli Saudur Romian Rumapea ◽  
Partono Partono

Diseases caused by infections are still a health problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018, an estimated 19.9 million babies worldwide were not reached by routine immunization services. Around 60% of these children living in 10 countries including Indonesia are not immunized. One of the international commitments to improve the health status of children is the UCI (Universal Child Immunization) program, which is a state of achieving complete basic immunization for infants. Immunization. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design, using primary data with a sample of 108 mothers and infants and data analysis using chi-square. There was a significant relationship between nutritional status (p value = 0.040), baby's medical history (p value = 0.040), mother's knowledge (p value = 0.001), distance from home (p value = 0.044), health insurance (p value = 0.040) In conclusion, there is a significant relationship with all the variables studied, suggestions for mothers who have babies should immunize their children on time, considering that immunization is very important to equip their children with health in the future

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 160-167
Artyom Rinchinov

Amid the escalating disagreements in US-China relations, which became the main theme of the global foreign policy agenda in 2010s, the contours of the new policy of Chinese Foreign Ministry have been showing more and more clearly. Traditionally, the narrative of Western analysts has described this policy as a well-thought-out scheme designed by Beijing to take over the global leadership, linked directly to the figure of the Communist Party of China Chairman, Xi Jinping. The purpose of this article is to examine the origins and milestones of the current Chinese foreign policy doctrine. Having analyzed them, the author came to the conclusion that the PRC’s behaviour in international politics is largely reactive. During the Republican administrations in the U.S. it was China that was the main advocate of the idea of «global peace» and was forced to undertake fundamentally new international commitments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 109-117
Eugenio Zaniboni

Abstract The adoption of international coordination measures to spread the use of ‘special investigative techniques’ to combat organised crime effectively is encouraged by Article 20 of the UNTOC. This article discusses, firstly, the main features of ‘undercover operations’ involving, or taking place in, more than one State. It then examines the Italian implementation legal framework, as amended by a new law passed in 2019, seeking to establish whether and to what extent Italy is complying with its international commitments in this field.

2021 ◽  
pp. 12-29
Angela Popovici ◽  
Aurelia Tepordei ◽  

The purpose of this article is to analyze the normative framework on the dimension of gender equality in the Republic of Moldova in connection with international commitments and to identify the degree of integration of the gender dimension in institutional documents at central and local level. Following the mentioned analysis, a set of recommendations was formulated meant to integrate the principles of gender equality, but also the provisions of Law no.5 of 09.02.2021 on ensuring equal opportunities between women and men in the regulations on the organization and functioning of the authorities central and local public administration.

2021 ◽  
Thi Binh Khong

<p>This thesis investigates how socialization in three selected institutions, namely the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the UN Security Council (UNSC) has led to pro-norm behaviour on the part of Vietnamese officials. This behavioural change was evidenced by their support for the creation of an ASEAN Human Rights Body, the adoption of Preventive Diplomacy Papers in the ARF and internalization of the Responsibility to Protect as an emerging norm at the Security Council. Empirical findings in the thesis show that socialization occurred across three case-studies, eliciting pro-norm behaviour on the part of state officials, though to varying degrees. These findings confirm the plausibility of socialization as a source of cooperative behaviour among state agents within social environments. In addition, they provide insights into the slow but increasingly active and substantive cooperation in political and security areas where Vietnam has historically been reluctant. The thesis concludes with a suggestion that socialization could be an extremely useful framework for investigating how far Vietnam might go beyond verbal support for new norms, given the country has recently embarked on a new phase of integration. Vietnam now attaches great importance to the implementation of international commitments that it has made, and considers this a guiding principle for the country‘s new integration strategy. Socialization processes could yield insights about the likely extent of norm internalization and compliance in this new period.</p>

2021 ◽  
Thi Binh Khong

<p>This thesis investigates how socialization in three selected institutions, namely the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the UN Security Council (UNSC) has led to pro-norm behaviour on the part of Vietnamese officials. This behavioural change was evidenced by their support for the creation of an ASEAN Human Rights Body, the adoption of Preventive Diplomacy Papers in the ARF and internalization of the Responsibility to Protect as an emerging norm at the Security Council. Empirical findings in the thesis show that socialization occurred across three case-studies, eliciting pro-norm behaviour on the part of state officials, though to varying degrees. These findings confirm the plausibility of socialization as a source of cooperative behaviour among state agents within social environments. In addition, they provide insights into the slow but increasingly active and substantive cooperation in political and security areas where Vietnam has historically been reluctant. The thesis concludes with a suggestion that socialization could be an extremely useful framework for investigating how far Vietnam might go beyond verbal support for new norms, given the country has recently embarked on a new phase of integration. Vietnam now attaches great importance to the implementation of international commitments that it has made, and considers this a guiding principle for the country‘s new integration strategy. Socialization processes could yield insights about the likely extent of norm internalization and compliance in this new period.</p>

InterConf ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 315-321
Ivaniuta Serhii

An assessment of the priorities of the new EU climate change policy until 2050 was made and on this basis the prospects of Ukraine's climate policy were analyzed taking into account the European Green Deal for adaptation to climate change in Ukraine.

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