pace of life
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2022 ◽  
Vasile Triboi ◽  

The age where we live is dominated by the strong expansion of science and technology in all fields of activity and the continuous acceleration of people's pace of life. These characteristics of contemporaneity have direct consequences on the preparation of the young generation, which must cope with both the current requirements of society and further social development. Firstly, the rapid increase in the volume of information in all areas, the accelerated fatigue of knowledge requires the continuous adaptation of school objectives, content, forms and teaching methods to this information dynamic.Secondly, the new rhythm of life that demands the man in an increasingly intense measure, from a social, cultural and professional point of view, also affects the pupil.

2022 ◽  
Oldřich Tomášek ◽  
Lukáš Bobek ◽  
Tereza Kauzálová ◽  
Ondřej Kauzál ◽  
Marie Adámková ◽  

Macrophysiological research is vital to our understanding of mechanisms underpinning global life history variation and adaptation under diverse environments. Birds represent an important model taxon in this regard, yet our knowledge is limited to only a few physiological traits, mostly studied in temperate and Neotropical species. Here, we examined latitudinal and elevational variation in an emerging biomarker of physiological pace of life, blood glucose concentration, collected from 61 European temperate and 99 Afrotropical passerine species. Our data suggest that the slow physiological pace-of-life syndrome, indicated by lower baseline glucose level and stronger stress response, evolves convergently in lowland tropical birds across continents and is shaped by their low fecundity. In contrast, elevational variation in blood glucose levels implied a unique montane pace-of-life syndrome combining slow-paced life histories with fast-paced physiology. The observed patterns suggest an unequal importance of life history in shaping physiological adaptations associated with latitude and elevation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Dhruba Naug ◽  
Catherine Tait

Cognitive variation is proposed to be the fundamental underlying factor that drives behavioral variation, yet it is still to be fully integrated with the observed variation at other phenotypic levels that has recently been unified under the common pace-of-life framework. This cognitive and the resulting behavioral diversity is especially significant in the context of a social group, the performance of which is a collective outcome of this diversity. In this review, we argue about the utility of classifying cognitive traits along a slow-fast continuum in the larger context of the pace-of-life framework. Using Tinbergen’s explanatory framework for different levels of analyses and drawing from the large body of knowledge about honeybee behavior, we discuss the observed interindividual variation in cognitive traits and slow-fast cognitive phenotypes from an adaptive, evolutionary, mechanistic and developmental perspective. We discuss the challenges in this endeavor and suggest possible next steps in terms of methodological, statistical and theoretical approaches to move the field forward for an integrative understanding of how slow-fast cognitive differences, by influencing collective behavior, impact social evolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-46
A Hrytsyk ◽  
Y Klushyn

In today's reality, the pace of people's lives is much higher than it was 30 years ago and it is still growing. At the same time, the amount of information also growing. This information should to be processed constantly, daily, as soon it is received. Production volumes are also not standing still. Such a lively pace of life requires process consistency and continuity. And these processes must be provided by man. This article describes the system of watering which should automate the process of growing plants. Also the analysis of a new branch, cyber-physical systems is carried out. The analysis of modern systems of autonomous irrigation, principles of their construction and organization of their work are committed. A method of implementing a system that provides the possibility of constant monitoring of the growing environment and provides an opportunity to influence it is suggested. The choice of components for system construction is made. The algorithm of the program operation is described. An analysis of the relationship between system components and the user's relationship with the system is performed.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Milles ◽  
Melanie Dammhahn ◽  
Florian Jeltsch ◽  
Ulrike Schlägel ◽  
Volker Grimm

Arta ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-69
Dorina Khalil-Butucioc ◽  

The inner mobility of the theater, doubled by the fast pace of life under the wave of postmodernity at the end of the twentieth century, conditioned not only the re-definition of a new theatrical language, but also the re-writing of dialogic forms specific to theatrical art. Or, in the texts of Constantin Cheianu, Val Butnaru, Nicolae Negru, Mircea V. Ciobanu, Dumitru Crudu, Irina Nechit, Maria Șleahtițchi and Nicolae Leahu, dialogue does not only have the classic role of triggering and motivating the action. The (sub)layers of conflict dialogues and „deaf dialogues”, parallel and echo dialogues, seemingly „absurd” association dialogues and „thesis-antithesis” dialogues, the dialogue monologues and the monologue dialogues evoke the alternation of linguistic registers and the play of languages. Completing and continuing the openness to multiple textual styles, the language of dialogues triggers and finalizes the communicative process between written and spoken, but also between text-show-audience. The „palpation” of the types of dialogues and the „immersion” in the mise en abysses of language give us the revelation of deciphering the symbols and meanings of contemporary national and universal drama and theater.

Kezia Manlove ◽  
Mark Wilber ◽  
Lauren White ◽  
Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau ◽  
Anni Yang ◽  

Environment drives the host movements that shape pathogen transmission through three mediating processes: host density, host mobility, and contact. These processes combine with pathogen life-history to give rise to an “epidemiological landscape” that determines spatial patterns of pathogen transmission. Yet despite its central role in transmission, strategies for predicting the epidemiological landscape from real-world data remain limited. Here, we develop the epidemiological landscape as an interface between movement ecology and spatial epidemiology. We propose a movement-pathogen pace-of-life heuristic for prioritizing the landscape’s central processes by positing that spatial dynamics for fast pace-of-life pathogens are best-approximated by the spatial ecology of host contacts; spatial dynamics for slower pace-of-life pathogens are best approximated by host densities; and spatial dynamics for pathogens with environmental reservoirs reflect a convolution of those densities with the spatial configuration of environmental reservoir sites. We then identify mechanisms that underpin the epidemiological landscape and match each mechanism to emerging tools from movement ecology. Finally, we outline workflows for describing the epidemiological landscape and using it to predict subsequent patterns of pathogen transmission. Our framework links transmission to environmental context, providing a scaffold for mechanistically understanding how environmental context can generate and shift existing patterns in spatial epidemiology.

2021 ◽  
Michael Le Pepke ◽  
Thomas Kvalnes ◽  
Peter Sjolte Ranke ◽  
Yimen G. Araya-Ajoy ◽  
Jonathan Wright ◽  

1.Environmental conditions during early-life development can have lasting effects on individual quality and fitness. Telomere length (TL) may correlate with early-life conditions and may be an important mediator or biomarker of individual quality or pace-of-life, as periods of increased energy demands can increase telomere attrition due to oxidative stress. Thus, knowledge of the mechanisms that generate variation in TL, and the relation between TL and fitness, is important in understanding the role of telomeres in ecology and life-history evolution. 2.Here, we investigate how environmental conditions and morphological traits are associated with early-life TL and if TL predicts natal dispersal probability or components of fitness in two populations of wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus). 3.We measured morphological traits and blood TL in 2746 nestlings from 20 cohorts (1994-2013) and retrieved data on weather conditions. We monitored population fluctuations, and individual survival and reproductive output using field observations and genetic pedigrees. We then used generalized linear mixed-effects models to test which factors affected TL in early-life, and if TL predicted dispersal propensity, or was associated with recruitment probability, mortality risk, or reproductive success.4.We found a negative effect of population density on TL, but only in one of the populations. There was a curvilinear association between TL and the maximum daily North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index during incubation, suggesting that there are optimal weather conditions that result in the longest TL. Dispersers tended to have shorter telomeres than non-dispersers. TL did not predict survival, but we found a tendency for individuals with short telomeres to have higher annual reproductive success.5.Our study showed how early-life TL is shaped by effects of growth, weather conditions and population density, supporting that environmental stressors negatively affect TL in wild populations. In addition, TL may be a mediator or biomarker of individual pace-of-life, with higher dispersal rates and annual reproduction tending to be associated with shorter early-life TL in this study. However, clear associations between early-life TL and individual fitness seems difficult to establish and may differ between different populations in the wild.

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