service outcomes
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2022 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 101401
Alex Mayer ◽  
Kelly Jones ◽  
David Hunt ◽  
Robert Manson ◽  
Z. Carter Berry ◽  

Su-Gwan Tham ◽  
Nicky Lidbetter ◽  
Rebecca Pedley ◽  
Dave Smithson ◽  
Beatrice Lukoseviciute ◽  

2021 ◽  
David Lessard ◽  
Kim Engler ◽  
Yuanchao Ma ◽  
Adriana Rodriguez Cruz ◽  
Serge Vicente ◽  

BACKGROUND Individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 are instructed to self-isolate at home. However, during self-isolation, they may experience anxiety and insufficient care. Some patient portals can allow patients to self-monitor and share their health status with healthcare professionals for remote follow-up, but little data is available on the feasibility of their use. OBJECTIVE This manuscript presents the protocol of the Opal-COVID Study which has four objectives: 1) assess the implementation of using the Opal patient portal for distance monitoring of COVID-19 patients self-isolating at home; 2) identify influences on the intervention’s implementation; and describe 3) service and 4) patient outcomes of this intervention. METHODS This mixed-method pilot study aims to recruit 50 COVID-19 patient participants tested at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC, Montreal, Canada) for 14 days of remote follow-up. With access to questionnaires through the Opal patient portal smartphone app, configured for this study, patients will complete a daily self-assessment of symptoms, vital signs, and mental health, monitored by a nurse, and receive subsequent teleconsultations, as needed. Study questionnaires will be administered to collect data on sociodemographic characteristics, medical background, implementation outcomes (acceptability, usability, and respondent burden) and patient satisfaction. Coordinator logbook entries will inform on feasibility outcomes, namely, recruitment/retention rates and fidelity, as well as on the frequency and nature of contacts with healthcare professionals via Opal. The statistical analyses for Objectives 1 (implementation outcomes), 3 (service outcomes), and 4 (patient outcomes) will evaluate the effects of time and sociodemographic characteristics on the outcomes. For Objectives 1 (implementation outcomes) and 4 (patient outcomes), the statistical analyses will also examine the attainment of predefined success thresholds. As to the qualitative analyses, for Objective 2 (influences on implementation), semi-structured qualitative interviews will be conducted with four groups of stakeholders (i.e., patient participants, healthcare professionals, technology developers and study administrators) and submitted to content analysis, guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to help identify barriers and facilitators of implementation. For Objective 3 (service outcomes), reasons for contacting healthcare professionals through Opal will also be submitted to content analysis. RESULTS Between December 2020 and March 2021, 51 patient-participants were recruited. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 39 involved stakeholders, from April to September 2021. Delays in the study process were experienced due to implemented measures at the MUHC to address COVID-19 but the quantitative and qualitative analyses are currently underway. CONCLUSIONS This protocol is designed to generate multidisciplinary knowledge on the implementation of a patient portal-based COVID-19 care intervention and will lead to a comprehensive understanding of feasibility, stakeholder experience, and influences on implementation that may prove useful for scaling up similar interventions. CLINICALTRIAL identifier NCT04978233.

2021 ◽  
Vol 133 ◽  
pp. 108463
Max Rayner ◽  
Heiko Balzter ◽  
Laurence Jones ◽  
Mick Whelan ◽  
Chris Stoate

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 476-476
James Powers ◽  
Shana Rhodes

Abstract A major component of The Middle Tennessee GWEP involves delivery of an annual regional geriatrics update conference. Formerly in-person, the planning committee transformed the 34th Annual Update Conference to a virtual platform within a six-month period. The University partner provided a Zoom platform with licensing and training of program staff. National marketing was achieved through professional societies and purchased e-mailings. Participants numbered 79, including 8 disciplines. Presenters were instructed on platform techniques including screen sharing, polling function, and breakout rooms to enhance audience participation. REDCap registration captured demographic information and facilitated evaluations and post-attendance intention-to-change surveys. Lessons learned were shared with community partners and advisory board members who demonstrated changes in service delivery models and training of new staff to support care to greater numbers of clients and participants. Virtual platforms can extend outreach for valuable learning and service outcomes and maintain high levels of satisfaction among target audiences.

2021 ◽  
Jiban Khuntia ◽  
Frances Mejia ◽  
Xue Ning ◽  
Jeff Helton ◽  
Rulon Stacey

BACKGROUND How are health systems shaping strategies to restore the supply chain disruptions in 2021? Do they want to improve the supply chain integration? Do they want to collaborate with new start-ups to revamp the supply chain? Given the widespread disruptions to supply chains in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, these questions are essential to have confidence in health systems’ supply chain model strategies. Plausibly, health systems have an opportunity for redesign, growth, and innovation by utilizing collaborative strategies now, compared to the usual strategies of integrating their existing supply chains to reduce inefficiencies. This study is focused on teasing out the nuance of supply chain integration vs. collaboration strategies for health systems in the post-COVID “new normal.” OBJECTIVE We focus on two research questions. First, we explore the impact of perceived supply chain challenges and disruptions on health systems’ supply chain integration (SC-INTEGRATION) and collaborative redesign (SC-REDESIGN) strategies. Second, we examine the outcomes of integration and collaborative redesign strategic choices on growth and service outcomes. METHODS We surveyed a robust group of health system chief executive officers (CEOs) (N=625) across the United States from February to March 2021. Twenty-two percent of the CEOs (135) responded to our survey. We considered supply chain relevant strategy and outcome variables from the literature and ratified them via expert consensus. We collected secondary data from the AHRQ Compendium of the U.S. Health Systems, leading to a matched data set from the 124 health systems. Then, we employed ordered logit model estimation to examine CEO preferences for partnership strategies to address current supply disruptions and the outcomes of strategy choices. RESULTS Health systems with higher disruptions would choose integration over redesign, indicating that they still trust the existing partners. Integration strategy is perceived to result in better service outcomes while collaborations are perceived to lead to greater growth opportunities; however, the role of integration on growth is not completely ruled out. Plausibly, some health systems would choose both integration and collaborative redesign models, which have a significant relationship with both service and growth, establishing the importance of mixed strategies for health systems. CONCLUSIONS The cost of healthcare continues to rise, and supply-related costs constitute a large portion of a hospital’s expenditure. Understanding supply chain strategic choices are essential for the success of a health system. Although collaborative revamp is an option; but still focusing on and improving existing integration dynamics is helpful to foster both growth and services for health systems.

2021 ◽  
Elizabeth N. Riley ◽  
Kate Cordell ◽  
Stephen Shimshock ◽  
John Lyons ◽  
Olga A Vsevolozhskaya

Transportation to/from care is a significant barrier to healthcare access and utilization. The novel coronavirus pandemic prompted a widespread expansion of telehealth service delivery throughout much of 2020. We used propensity score matching to generate two comparison groups of children served in a large public mental and behavioral health system between (1) April-December 2019 (pre-pandemic; n=2,794), and (2) between April-December 2020 (during the COVID-19 pandemic, n=2,794), followed by longitudinal linear mixed-effects modelling to explore the relationship between caregiver transportation needs and child-level outcomes. Our analyses indicated a statistically significant association between the resolution of caregiver's transportation needs and children's clinical improvement in the 2019 (pre-pandemic) sample; there was no such association found in the 2020 (pandemic) sample. Our findings suggest that the use of telehealth may mitigate the effect of caregiver transportation needs on child-level clinical outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 100878
Jong-Hyeong Kim ◽  
Hyewon Youn ◽  
Ian Phau

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 224-234
Mita Nurjana

The  purpose  of  the study. The purpose of this study was to determine The Effect of Arm Muscle Strength on Lower Service Outcomes of Ektracurricular Students at SMP Negeri 3 Bangkinang, Kampar Regency. Materials and methods. The form of this research is a correlation study with the population of all extracurricular students of SMP Negeri 3 Bangkinang Kampar Regency with a total sample of 10 people. The sample in this study was obtained based on the total sampling technique used in this study, namely the arm muscle strength test and the lower service test result. Results. The results of data analysis in this study obtained r count of 0.987 with a large contribution of 97.41%. This is classified as very good. From the research conducted, it can be concluded that there is an influence of arm muscle strength on the ability of the underserving students of extracurricular students of SMP Negeri 3 Bangkinang, Kampar Regency. Where obtained r arithmetic - 0.987 > r table = 0.632 with a contribution of 97.41% Conclusions. Based on the data analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that this study has a the influence of arm muscle strength (X) on the bottom service result (Y) extracurricular students of SMPN 3 Bangkinang, Kampar Regency. Where r count 0.987 > r table 0.632, and there is a contribution of arm muscle strength to the results of lower serve volleyball for extracurricular students of SMPN 3 Bangkinang Kampar Regency of 97.41 % the remaining 2.583% is determined by other factors.

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