gliocladium virens
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Ratna Stia Dewi ◽  
Riza Zainuddin Ahmad

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (29) ◽  
pp. 118-125
Olga Georgieva ◽  
Natalia Karadzhova ◽  
Slavka Kalapchieva ◽  

The possibilities of using the biological products “Trichodermine” (Trichoderma viride Pers ex Fr.), “Gliocladine” (Gliocladium virens Miller et al.) and the mycorrhizal activator “Rhizo VAM Basic” (Glomus intraradices Schenck&Smith) for control of fungal diseases in garden pea and and their impact on the biometric indicators of young plants were studied. Biological preparations based on antagonistic fungi Trichoderma viride and Gliocladium virens improve the phytosanitary condition of the plants, the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices stimulates the formation of the root system and tuber formation, but has a weak fungicidal effect against Fusarium wilt in this culture. The experiment was performed on an artificial infectious background by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f. sp. pisi (Hal.) Raillo, isolated from diseased plants. The effect of application of the biological products“Trichodermine” and “Gliocladine” is 34-68%, from “Rhizo VAM Basic” - 8% compared to the infected control. The combined application of biological preparations with fungicidal and mycorrhizal action significantly protects the crop from infection with the causative agent of Fusarium wilt of garden pea.

Agrivet ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Wiwit Rahayu ◽  
Rukmowati Brotodjojo ◽  
Nurngaini Nurngaini

Produksi tanaman tomat mempunyai kendala yang sering terjadi yaitu serangan penyakit layu Fusarium. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui efektivitas dari jamur agensia hayati Trichoderma harzianum dan Gliocladium virens pada penyalutan benih tomat untuk pencegahan penyakit layu Fusarium. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Mei 2020 di Laboratorium Pengamatan Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman (LPHPT), Pandak, Bantul, DIY. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan uji in vitro dan in vivo yang disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan yaitu kontrol tanpa perlakuan, Fusarium, Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium virens, Fusarium + T.harzianum, Fusarium + G.virens dan kombinasi Fusarium +T.harzianum+ G.virens. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) pada taraf α=5% dan untuk mengetahui beda nyata antar perlakuan maka dilanjutkan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) taraf α=5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan kombinasi T.harzianum+ G.virens efektif dalam menekan penyakit layu Fusarium. Uji in vitro menunjukkan bahwa Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium virens, atau kombinasi Fusarium +T.harzianum+ G.virens dapat menghambat pertumbuhan jamur F.oxysporum. Uji in vivo menunjukkan kombinasi T.harzianum+ G.virens menghasilkan indeks vigor, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, bobot segar akar, bobot kering akar nyata paling tinggi dan persen tanaman yang terserang layu Fusarium nyata paling rendah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (4, jul-ago) ◽  
pp. 410
José Luis Torres-Estrada ◽  
Mercedes Nathalie Mendoza-Ledesma ◽  
Olga Ruth Gálvez-Coutiño

Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la combinación de Metarhizium anisopliae y Gliocladium virens, ambos con Aqua Reslin Super, sobre oviposición, eclosión y emergencia de Aedes aegypti. Material y métodos. Se realizaron evaluaciones para determinar el efecto de los tratamientos impregnados en papel filtro y expuestos dentro de recipientes de plástico sobre la oviposición, eclosión y emergencia de Aedes aegypti. Resultados. Los resultados indicaron que las combinaciones hongo e insecticida no afectaron el comportamiento de oviposición, pero sí la eclosión de los huevos y la emergencia del adulto. Conclusión. Con los resultados se puede concluir que la combinación de hongos + insecticida puede ser una buena opción para aplicarse en sitios de oviposición con miras al desarrollo de una ovitrampa letal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 403-411
Astri Afriani ◽  
Maria Heviyanti ◽  
Fitra syawal Harahap

Wilt disease which is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici is one of the importantdiseases in chili plants that can reduce growth, fruits yield, quality, and chili production. Thisfungus comes inside the vascular bundle through the root tissue and quickly colonizes in xylemvessels and causing typical wilt symptoms on plants. In line with the development of organicfarming systems, biological control by using biological agents is the prospective method incontrolling diseases on the plant. Gliocladium virens are one of the biological agents that obstruct thespreading of disease. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Gliocladiumvirens in controlling Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Capsici on chili plant. This research usedrandomized block design with two factors: 1 The Time application of Gliocladium virens (W)factor; 2. Dosages of Gliocladium virens (D). The results show that on the treatment time ofapplication of Gliocladium virens W1 of 0.06, W2 of 0.05, W3 of 0.09 and W4 of 0.08 were notsignificantly different. The treatment given Gliocladium virens disease intensity at week 3 waslower that is equal to 0.125% compared to without treatment of G. virens (D0) the intensity ofthe disease at week 3 was higher at 1%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Sopialena Sopialena

This study aims to determine the effect of effective administration and dose of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma harzianum and Gliocladium virens that can suppress the intensity of disease attacks. So this indirectly has an effect to increase yield on cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.). This research is done about 4 months from May until August 2017 starting from preparation of research of Harvest. This research was conducted at Jl. Struggle 9 Village South Sempaja, North Samarinda District, Samarinda City and the Laboratory of Plant Disease Pest Faculty of Agriculture Mulawarman University. This study used Competely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of six treatments and five replications. Without treatment (p0), Trichoderma harzianum with a dose of 24 g (p1), Gliocladium virens at a dose of 24 g (p2), 6 g T. harzianum + 18 g G. virens (p3), 12 g T. harzianum + 12 g G virens (p4), 18 g T. harzianum + 6 g G. virens (p5). The results showed that treatment of p1 with a dose of 24 grams Trichoderma harzianum able to suppress the intensity of disease attacks up to 17.08%. Treatment p2 with a dose of 24 grams Gliocladium virens is able to increase fruit weight to 19.95 grams.

2018 ◽  
F.S. Dzhalilov

Изложены факторы, способствующие развитию биологического метода защиты растений от болезней: неэффективность химических средств против ряда вредоносных заболеваний, опасность химических препаратов для здоровья человека и окружающей природной среды, удобство и экономическая выгода использования ряда биопрепаратов, соответствие современным требованиям для технологий защищенного грунта, которые предусматривают использование биологических объектов (например, насекомых-опылителей). Представлены теоретические основы биологической защиты растений от болезней – типы экологических отношений между организмами: сосуществование (отсутствие отрицательной зависимости между численностью взаимодействующих популяций), антагонизм (конкуренция за источники питания, антибиоз, паразитизм, гиперпаразитизм). Дана характеристика основным группам микроорганизмов, на основе которых созданы биопрепараты: грибы Trichoderma viride, T. harzianum, T. koningii; Gliocladium virens), бактериии (виды родов Pseudomonas и Bacillus), вирусам и механизмам их защитного действия (для Trichoderma – направленный рост гиф антагониста в направлении к метаболитам гриба-хозяина, оплетение гифов гриба-хозяина и перфорация клеточной стенки хозяина, последующая полная колонизация хозяина, проникновение в мицелий хозяина, активный рост внутри клеток, гибель мицелия гриба-хозяина; для Pseudomonas – образование стабильных комплексов с трехвалентным железом, связывание ионов трехвалентного железа в почве, как следствие – лишение многих видов фитопатогенных грибов необходимого элемента питания, что приводит к остановке их развития). Указано на значение контроля показателей качества препаратов для успешной защиты растений от болезней (титр, чистота и биологическая активность).The factors contributing to the development of the biological method of plant protection from diseases are described: the inefficiency of chemicals against a number of harmful diseases, the danger of chemicals for human health and the environment, the convenience and economic benefits of the use of a number of biological products, compliance with modern requirements for protected soil technologies, which provide for the use of biological objects (for example, pollinators). Theoretical bases of biological protection of plants from diseases-types of ecological relations between organisms are presented: coexistence (absence of negative dependence between the number of interacting populations), antagonism (competition for food sources, antibiosis, parasitism, hyperparasitism). The characteristics of the main groups of microorganisms on the basis of which biological products are given: fungi Trichoderma viride, T.harzianum, T. koningii; Gliocladium virens), bacteriae (species of the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas), viruses and the mechanisms of their protective action (for Trichoderma – directed growth of the hyphae of the antagonist towards the metabolites of the fungus-host entanglement of the hyphae of the fungus-host and perforation of the cell wall of the host, to the complete colonization of the host, penetration into the host mycelium, the active growth inside the cells, the death of the mycelium of the fungus-host; for Pseudomonas – the formation of stable complexes with trivalent iron, binding of ferric ions in the soil, as a consequence – the deprivation of many species of phytopathogenic fungi necessary element of nutrition, which leads to a halt in their development). The importance of monitoring the quality of preparations for the successful protection of plants from diseases are noted: titer, purity and biological activity.

Respuestas ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Carlos M. Andreu-Rodríguez ◽  
Mabel Pérez-Gonzáles ◽  
Yolanda Morales-Gómez ◽  
Reinaldo Quiñones-Ramos

los efectos de biocontrol de Trichoderma viride (Ts-III-85) y Gliocladium Virens (Gv-02) sobre Fusarium moniliforme (Fm-01) y Thielaviopsis paradoxa (Tp-02) y el comportamiento varietal antes estos hongos patógenos se estudiaron en variedades comerciales de caña de azúcar. Para ello se efectuaron varios ensayos de laboratorio con distintos métodos de tratamiento a las estacas e inoculaciones artificiales de hongos patógenos. Los resultados mostraron el efecto de biocontrol de los hongos antagonistas sobre los hongos fitopatógenos, los síntomas fueron menores con tratamientos de T. viride y G. virens en las variedades Jaronú 60/5; Jaronú 64/19 y Cuba 1051/73. La variedad Jaronú 60/5 fue más atacada por F. moniliforme y la Cuba 1051/73 por T. paradoxa.                                                  Palabras Clave: Caña de azúcar, control biológico, Trichoderma, Gliocladium, Ustilago.

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