agricultural associations
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Abstract The study examines the impact of the agricultural associations of two Swabian settlements – Mezőfény (Foieni) and Mezőpetri (Petrești) – on the local economy and society. Agricultural associations played an important role at the beginning of the process of agrarian transformation after the regime change in Romania. The successor organisations of the socialist agricultural associations, now established on a voluntary basis, were able to counteract the impoverishment caused by the reparcelling or forced reparcelling of land during the long transitional period, while at the same time exploiting their monopoly position to prevent the emergence of individual and family farmers. The risk-averse, self-reliant economic model of the associations is reminiscent of the peasant, self-sufficient farm organisation. The associations can thus be seen as a very specific form of post-socialist post-peasant production systems.

Vo Phuc Toan

In feudal society, Vietnamese spent the most care on study Confusim to become courting and agriculture production. Trade and handicrafts were considered secondary in the economic thinking of Vietnamese. When capitalism followed France's conquest path into Vietnam, Vietnamese became a community that adapted slowly to change in the economy. Among difficulties of the reforming thinking and economic activities process, the finance sector was considered the most restrictive field of Vietnamese. In 1912, the Association of Mutual Agriculture was born in Cochinchina became the first experiment of Vietnamese in the finance sector. However, due to the limited financial potential, these agricultural associations depend on loans from Indochina Bank. In 1919, with the rising national spirit in the movement to boycott Chinese overseas, the plan to set up a financial association named the Vietnam Bank had appeared but unsuccessful. Eight years later, the first bank of the Vietnamese was established and called by Vietnam bank, reflecting Vietnamese's efforts to build the financial association independent from foreign businessmen. That is the result of combining the economic strength and national spirit rising in the patriotic movement of indigenous elites in the late 1920s.

2021 ◽  
Vol 286 ◽  
pp. 03010
Anişoara Pӑun ◽  
Gheorghe Stroescu ◽  
Alexandru Zaica ◽  
Samir Yasbeck Khozamy ◽  
Ana Zaica ◽  

The problem of grain storage and storage can be approached from two perspectives: storage and storage of cereals and technical plants within individual agricultural holdings; storage and storage of cereals and technical plants within agricultural associations and companies. At the level of Romania, the storage and storage of cereals at small agricultural producers are deficient in terms of ensuring optimal storage conditions according to standards. These variants include: preservation at low temperatures; preservation by active aeration; self-preservation; chemical preservation; conservation with the help of radiation. In the paper we will approach the conservation by active aeration because it folds better for small agricultural producers. Proper aeration is one of the most important processes in a grain storage system and is essential for maintaining the quality of stored products. Aeration means the movement of a relatively small volume of air through the grain mass in order to control the temperature of the grain and to reduce the risk of product degradation. The two main objectives of aeration are to maintain a uniform temperature in the grain mass and at the same time the temperature must be as low as possible from a practical point of view. The paper will present the results of experiments for storing bulk grain in a metal cell with central aeration system, which is based on a patent. This type of storage system can be used successfully in small agricultural producers.


Historical memory is an important foundation in the development of the modern world. The Moscow Society of Agriculture (MOSKh) left behind a rich historical legacy, which left an imprint not only on the development of the agricultural industry in Russia, but, most likely, influenced the formation of agricultural associations abroad. Since the end of 1885, the German Agricultural Society (DLG — DLG) has existed in Germany. Historical facts confirm the similarity of the ideas for the creation of both organizations, and the fact of DLG’s successful activity for almost 135 years suggests that these ideas are relevant to this day.

Mikhail V. Stroganov ◽  

The paper, basing on the correspondence (partially unpublished) between V. G. Korolenco, his relatives and friends, is to present the reconstruction of history of the house which the writer planned to build as a summer dacha, in cooperation with some of his associates from Nizhny Novgorod, in Dzhankhot near Gelendzhic. According to Korolenco’s project the house was erected in Dzhankhot as a dacha, but the construction was supervised by his brother, I. G. Korolenco, who later converted the dacha, initially designed for temporary stay, into a place of his own constant dwelling, a country estate, where he, as a sole owner and master, lived until his death in 1915. From the 1950-s onwards the country estate was being gradually transformed into Korolenco`s museum, which was opened in 1964. The choice of Dzhankhot as a site for a summer house was motivated by Korolenco’s acquaintance with F. A. Tscherbina, the first “dachnik” in khutor Dzhankhot since 1870, who had also organized one of the first workers’ artels, as well as one of the first agricultural associations, and later became a renowned expert in the history of agricultural communities in Russia. Korolenco first visited Tscherbina in Dzhankhot on July 6–7 in 1898 when he came to the agricultural colony Krinitsa founded by V. V. Yeropkin in 1886. Thus, the idea of a “communal” dacha came to be a reflex of the agricultural communities created by narodniks, N. G. Tchernishevsky’s followers. Korolenco witnessed tragic mistakes made by the communes’ founders, at the same time thinking that his own idea was quite reasonable. The plan of the “communal” dacha, however, was not realized. Dzhankhot became a country estate of Illarion Korolenco, remaining one of Vladimir Korolenco`s summer dachas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-45
Agnieszka Szudarek

Abstract In February 1914, the Agricultural Associations of Housewives, operating in the Eastern provinces of Prussia since the 1890s, were subordinated to organisations responsible for the development of agriculture in Prussia, which were dominated by conservatives and noble landowners. This came about on the initiative of some influential agrarians, who, in this way, wanted to strengthen their influence in rural areas, as well as to include the women’s agrarian movement in combating the outflow of labour from agriculture. The women’s organizations, having been politicized in this way and adopted by agrarian leaders after 1908, were to implement a new strategy for preventing the migration of rural population to cities. This is as a resulted of the partial support for Heinrich Sohnrey’s programme and his concept of improving the quality of life in rural areas. Elisabet Boehm, the founder of the associations, from the very beginning of their existence, sought to cooperate with agricultural organizations. She believed that this would be the only way for members to gain access to the expertise for implementing the main point of the association’s agenda, i.e. the professionalization of women’s work in rural areas. The article focuses on explaining the circumstances that led to the interest of the agrarians in the women’s agrarian movement and its inclusion in the reform programme for rural prosperity launched just before the war and showing that the cooperation was primarily aimed at using the associations to strengthen their influence in rural areas.

2019 ◽  
pp. 134-142 ◽  
Ludmila Namrueva

There is a combination of two and more household practices – collective and family ones in a modern village. The author of the article describes the changes of collective farms in the South of Russia in the early 21st century. During the transformations of the 1990s, the collective way of life supported the village, rural society in the struggle for survival, thereby preventing social cataclysms. Former Soviet state farms and collective farms turned into agricultural organizations (agricultural associations) or gradually disappeared. The author analyzes the fate of collective farms in such South Russian regions as the Republic of Kalmykia, Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, Stavropol region, which are large agricultural producers. Collective farms in these regions could not avoid the disastrous consequences of the agrarian reforms of the 1990s, which resulted in a huge number of "abandoned" villages left without village-forming enterprises. The researcher analyzes some results of sociological research conducted in summer–autumn 2018 in the studied South Russian regions. 400 rural residents, 100 people in each subject were interviewed. The results of the study demonstrate that the way of private farms (36 %) is common in all analyzed regions. This is followed by PFEs (peasant farm enterprises) (15 %), agricultural enterprises (9 %). The number of agricultural associations and the number of their employees have significantly decreased. Small farms of the population are the basis of the agricultural society of the regions under consideration. The author defines three urgent problems of four regions. They are the following: a decent wage, a good leader suggesting the way out of a difficult situation, consolidation of young people in the countryside. The analysis shows that interaction between collective and family patterns of life is gradually dimming. The owners of private farms are becoming more autonomous, their dependence on the farm is gradually disappearing.

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