unknown environment
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Hongrui Sang ◽  
Rong Jiang ◽  
Zhipeng Wang ◽  
Yanmin Zhou ◽  
Bin He

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-238
Aydın GULLU ◽  

Graph search algorithms and shortest path algorithms, designed to allow real mobile robots to search unknown environments, are typically run in a hybrid manner, which results in the fast exploration of an entire environment using the shortest path. In this study, a mobile robot explored an unknown environment using separate depth-first search (DFS)  and breadth-first search (BFS) algorithms. Afterward, developed DFS + Dijkstra and BFS + Dijkstra algorithms were run for the same environment. It was observed that the newly developed hybrid algorithm performed the identification using less distance. In experimental studies with real robots, progression with DFS for the first-time discovery of an unknown environment is very efficient for detecting boundaries. After finding the last point with DFS, the shortest route was found with Dijkstra for the robot to reach the previous node. In defining a robot that works in a real environment using DFS algorithm for movement in unknown environments and Dijkstra algorithm in returning, time and path are shortened. The same situation was tested with BFS and the results were examined. However, DFS + Dijkstra was found to be the best algorithm in field scanning with real robots. With the hybrid algorithm developed, it is possible to scan the area with real autonomous robots in a shorter time. In this study, field scanning was optimized using hybrid algorithms known.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Zhilin Fan ◽  
Fei Liu ◽  
Xinshun Ning ◽  
Yilin Han ◽  
Jian Wang ◽  

Aiming at the formation and path planning of multirobot systems in an unknown environment, a path planning method for multirobot formation based on improved Q -learning is proposed. Based on the leader-following approach, the leader robot uses an improved Q -learning algorithm to plan the path and the follower robot achieves a tracking strategy of gravitational potential field (GPF) by designing a cost function to select actions. Specifically, to improve the Q-learning, Q -value is initialized by environmental guidance of the target’s GPF. Then, the virtual obstacle-filling avoidance strategy is presented to fill non-obstacles which is judged to tend to concave obstacles with virtual obstacles. Besides, the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm whose controlling temperature is adjusted in real time according to the learning situation of the Q -learning is applied to improve the action selection strategy. The experimental results show that the improved Q -learning algorithm reduces the convergence time by 89.9% and the number of convergence rounds by 63.4% compared with the traditional algorithm. With the help of the method, multiple robots have a clear division of labor and quickly plan a globally optimized formation path in a completely unknown environment.

Yuichiro TODA ◽  
Hikari MIYASE ◽  
Mutsumi IWASA ◽  
Akimasa WADA ◽  
Soma TAKEDA ◽  

2021 ◽  
Yinggang Zhang ◽  
Yanduo Zhang ◽  
Xun Li

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Karoline Kamil A. Farag ◽  
Hussein Hamdy Shehata ◽  
Hesham M. El-Batsh

Reactive algorithm in an unknown environment is very useful to deal with dynamic obstacles that may change unexpectantly and quickly because the workspace is dynamic in real-life applications, and this work is focusing on the dynamic and unknown environment by online updating data in each step toward a specific goal; sensing and avoiding the obstacles coming across its way toward the target by training to take the corrective action for every possible offset is one of the most challenging problems in the field of robotics. This problem is solved by proposing an Artificial Intelligence System (AIS), which works on the behaviour of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAVs) like humans in recognition, learning, decision making, and action. First, the use of the AIS and some navigation methods based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to training datasets provided high Mean Square Error (MSE) from training on MATLAB Simulink tool. Standardization techniques were used to improve the performance of results from the training network on MATLAB Simulink. When it comes to knowledge-based systems, ANNs can be well adapted in an appropriate form. The adaption is related to the learning capacity since the network can consider and respond to new constraints and data related to the external environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 132 ◽  
pp. 103502
Chen-Yu Kuo ◽  
Chun-Chi Huang ◽  
Chih-Hsuan Tsai ◽  
Yun-Shuo Shi ◽  
Shana Smith

2021 ◽  
pp. 2333-2343
Yiming Li ◽  
Jinwen Hu ◽  
Congzhe Zhang ◽  
Zhao Xu ◽  
Caijuan Jia

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