systemic impact
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-47
Roger Duncan

This article is based on the premise that we are currently awakening to the full systemic impact of the emerging global ecological crisis which is already having a devastating effect on the ecosystems of the earth and also a highly destructive impact on psychological well-being. The ecological crisis has coincided with the painful awakening to the social and environmental destruction that has resulted from the legacy of a colonial world view of nature and culture. These events now demand a radical and deep adaption of our view of nature and culture. It is becoming clear that we are facing not only an ecological break down and a narrative collapse, but also a breakdown in how to make sense of what we are facing. This article explores how systemic psychotherapy and Gregory Bateson’s work on the gnostic ideas of pleroma and creatura, can provide a framework to support the Decolonial Turn but also an EcoSystemic Return. This article uses the children’s game of Donkey and the  Indigenous Australian practice of Dadirri to playfully explore how we might overcome Bateson’s notion of epistemological error when engaging with systemic practice, Indigenous nature practice and quantum physics. The article suggests an imaginary game of Deep Donkey to overcome the destructive legacy of Cartesian dualism at the core of western culture and to begin to open western imagination to an intra-subjective dialogue with nature. I suggest the game of Deep Donkey could a helpful practice in realigning western thinking with sophisticated and long subjugated Indigenous ecological and cultural wisdom.

2021 ◽  
pp. 52-57
Serghei Sprincean ◽  
Grigore Pirtac ◽  
Victoria Mihalas ◽  

The importance deliberation models in the formation and streamlining of political democratization is crucial in the context of deepening of the global crisis. In the article are emphasized several important aspects regarding the specific of the contemporary global crisis in the perspective of better institutionalization and instrumentalization of normative and deliberation-election components of political democratization. The stringent necessity of overcoming the global menaces imprint a special character to the political processes such as elections or public deliberations, creating new forms of political behavior. These political processes have to be better organized and more efficient in the way to fulfill functional goals of the strategy of overcoming global crisis. The socio-political, economic, cultural, religious, ethical, mental or technological-communicative differences, with a major impact on living standards, on the quality of life standards in human communities inhabiting planet Earth, contribute to the strengthening of mankind's potential to cope with the most violent and destructive effects and results of the multidimensional global crisis, through the diversity of chances and identities it generates. Moral and legal norms must be respected as well, for minimizing the macro-systemic impact of any types of deflections during democratic deliberations and elections. In this piece of work is discussed as well the contribution of ethical conceptions to the facilitation and increasing of the deliberative liberty as a basic condition of the contemporary processes of democratization of the society. Amplifying of the insecurity at global scale plays a negative role of the adverse social-political environment in the progress of democratization and freedom of political debates and elections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-189
Veryl Hasan ◽  
Maheno Sri Widodo

The entry of foreign predatory fish into Indonesian open waters had the potential as a disease vector, predation, and damaging food webs that would have a systemic impact on the local ecosystem. In this study, we report the presence of the foreign predatory fish Jaguar cichlid Parachromis managuensis (Günther, 1867) from Central America in the Lingsar River, West Lombok Regency. This record is the first time for this species in Lombok, where previously this fish was found in Java. A description of the morphological characters of the captured specimens is provided in the discussion.

Kybernetes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ming Qi ◽  
Jiawei Zhang ◽  
Jing Xiao ◽  
Pei Wang ◽  
Danyang Shi ◽  

PurposeIn this paper the interconnectedness among financial institutions and the level of systemic risks of four types of Chinese financial institutions are investigated.Design/methodology/approachBy the means of RAS algorithm, the interconnection among financial institutions are illustrated. Different methods, including Linear Granger, Systemic impact index (SII), vulnerability index (VI), CoVaR, and MES are used to measure the systemic risk exposures across different institutions.FindingsThe results illustrate that big banks are more interconnected and hold the biggest scales of inter-bank transactions in the financial network. The institutions which have larger size tend to have more connection with others. Insurance and security companies contribute more to the systemic risk where as other institutions, such as trusts, financial companies, etc. may bring about severe loss and endanger the financial system as a whole.Practical implicationsSince other institutions with low levels of regulation may bring about higher extreme loss and suffer the whole system, it deserves more attention by regulators considering the contagion of potential risks in the financial system.Originality/valueThis study builds a valuable contribution by examine the systemic risks from the perspectives of both interconnection and tail risk measures. Furthermore; Four types financial institutions are investigated in this paper.

Kavita Rawat ◽  
Saima Syeda ◽  
Anju Shrivastava

Various studies have addressed the role of neutrophils in cancer wherein the focus has been drawn on the elevated neutrophil count in blood or at tumor loci. However, cancer has a systemic impact which targets various organs thus challenging the overall physiology of the host. So, it is worthwhile to explore whether and how neutrophils contribute to systemic deterioration in cancer. To discern the systemic role of neutrophils, we monitored their number and function at different stages of tumor growth in Dalton’s lymphoma mice model. Notably, we observed a gradual increase in neutrophil count in blood and their infiltration in vital organs of tumor bearing mice. In parallel, we observed damaged histoarchitecture with significant alterations in biochemical parameters that aggravated with tumor progression. We next examined systemic impact of neutrophil by assessing neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-8 and MMP-9) wherein we found their upregulated expression and activity in tumor condition. Taken together, our results demonstrate high infiltration and hyperactivation of neutrophils which possibly account for gradual systemic deterioration during cancer progression. Our findings thus implicate neutrophils as a potential therapeutic target that may help to reduce the overall fatality rate of cancer.

2021 ◽  
Ainhoa Martínez-Medina ◽  
Crispus M Mbaluto ◽  
Anne Maedicke ◽  
Alexander Weinhold ◽  
Fredd Vergara ◽  

Abstract Shoot herbivores may influence the communities of herbivores associated with the roots via inducible defenses. However, the molecular mechanisms and hormonal signaling underpinning the systemic impact of leaf herbivory on root-induced responses against nematodes remain poorly understood. By using tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as a model plant, we explored the impact of leaf herbivory by Manduca sexta on the performance of the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. By performing glasshouse bioassays, we found that leaf herbivory reduced M. incognita performance in the roots. By analyzing the root expression profile of a set of oxylipin-related marker genes and jasmonate root content, we show that leaf herbivory systemically activates the 13-Lipoxigenase (LOX) and 9-LOX branches of the oxylipin pathway in roots and counteracts the M. incognita-triggered repression of the 13-LOX branch. By using untargeted metabolomics, we also found that leaf herbivory counteracts the M. incognita-mediated repression of putative root chemical defenses. To explore the signaling involved in this shoot-to-root interaction, we performed glasshouse bioassays with grafted plants compromised in jasmonate synthesis or perception, specifically in their shoots. We demonstrated the importance of an intact shoot jasmonate perception, whereas having an intact jasmonate biosynthesis pathway was not essential for this shoot-to-root interaction. Our results highlight the impact of leaf herbivory on the ability of M. incognita to manipulate root defenses and point to an important role for the jasmonate signaling pathway in shoot-to-root signaling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ryan C. Keefe ◽  
Hiroyuki Takahashi ◽  
Lisa Tran ◽  
Kacie Nelson ◽  
Nathan Ng ◽  

AbstractInduction of immunosuppressive T-regulatory cells (Tregs) is a desirable goal in autoimmunity, and perhaps other immune diseases of activation. One promising avenue is with the bacille-calmette-guérin (BCG) vaccine in autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D). Its administration is associated with gradual clinical improvements in human autoimmunity over a 2–3 year post-vaccination period. We hypothesize that those improvements, and their unusually long time course to fully materialize, are partially attributable to BCG’s induction of Tregs. Here we report on a 3 year-long longitudinal cohort of T1Ds and examine the mechanism by which Treg induction occurs. Using the Human Infinium Methylation EPIC Bead Chip, we show that BCG vaccination is associated with gradual demethylation of most of 11 signature genes expressed in highly potent Tregs: Foxp3, TNFRSF18, CD25, IKZF2, IKZF4, CTLA4, TNFR2, CD62L, Fas, CD45 and IL2; nine of these 11 genes, by year 3, became demethylated at the majority of CpG sites. The Foxp3 gene was studied in depth. At baseline Foxp3 was over-methylated compared to non-diabetic controls; 3 years after introduction of BCG, 17 of the Foxp3 gene’s 22 CpG sites became significantly demethylated including the critical TSDR region. Corresponding mRNA, Treg expansion and clinical improvement supported the significance of the epigenetic DNA changes. Taken together, the findings suggest that BCG has systemic impact on the T cells of the adaptive immune system, and restores immune balance through Treg induction.

Sébastien Boutin ◽  
Dagmar Hildebrand ◽  
Steeve Boulant ◽  
Michael Kreuter ◽  
Jule Rüter ◽  

AbstractSARS-CoV-2 is the virus causing the major pandemic facing the world today. Although, SARS-CoV-2 primarily causes lung infection, a variety of symptoms have proven a systemic impact on the body. SARS-CoV-2 has spread in the community quickly infecting humans from all age, ethnicities and gender. However, fatal outcomes have been linked to specific host factors and co-morbidities such as age, hypertension, immuno-deficiencies, chronic lung diseases or metabolic disorders. A major shift in the microbiome of patients suffering of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have also been observed and is linked to a worst outcome of the disease. As many co-morbidities are already known to be associated with a dysbiosis of the microbiome such as hypertension, diabetes and metabolic disorders. Host factors and microbiome changes are believed to be involved as a network in the acquisition of the infection and the development of the diseases. We will review in detail in this manuscript, the immune response toward SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as the host factors involved in the facilitation and worsening of the infection. We will also address the impact of COVID-19 on the host’s microbiome and secondary infection which also worsen the disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Semuel F Tuhumury ◽  
James Abrahamsz ◽  
Dicky Sahetapy ◽  
Johannes M.S. Tetelepta ◽  
Jalil Haulussy

The use of the coral ecosystem causes a systemic impact on that ecosystem. There are various types of coral reef ecosystem utilization, and the management of this ecosystem, therefore, needs a collaborative approach. The objective of this study was to identify the condition of coral reef, to identify types of utilization and its impact on the coral reef ecosystem and produce a collaborative management response towards the coral reef ecosystem. The research was conducted n July 2020 at the coral reef area of Biloro Village, Sub-district of Kapala Madang, Southern Buru. Field observation uses the Line Intercept Transect method for coral reef condition assessment, while the PRA approach to identify trigger factors, stress against the environment, the impact, and strategic adaptive response management. The collaborative method is a strategic adaptive response that conveys the system concept of socio-ecology, community capacity, and institutional empowerment in management integration. The result shows that on average coral reef ecosystem was in good condition. There are five responses collaborative management proposed explicitly education advocacy in the importance of coral reef, rehabilitation of degraded coral reef, the establishment of community controlling group, village by law, and the development of Toumahu Island marine tourist.   ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan ekosistem terumbu karang memberikan dampak sistematis. Pengelolaan terumbu karang pada lokasi penelitian membutuhkan pendekatan kolaboratif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengindentifikasi kondisi karang, mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk pemanfaatan dan dampaknya serta respon pengelolaan kolaboratif ekosistem terumbu karang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus tahun 2020, pada kawasan terumbu karang Desa Biloro, Kecamatan Kapala Madan, Kabupaten Buru Selatan. Penelitian lapangan menggunakan metode LIT untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi terumbu karang, dan pendekatan PRA untuk mengidentifikasi faktor pemicu, tekanan terhadap lingkungan, status terumbu karang, dampak yang ditimbulkan, serta respon strategis dan adaptif. Pendekatan kolaboratif merupakan respon strategis-adaptif yang mengusung konsep sistem sosial-ekologis, penguatan kapasitas masyrakat, penguatan kelembagaan dalam pengelolaan, dan integrase pengelolaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan secara-rata-rata kondisi terumbu karang Desa Biloro tergolong baik. Lima usulan pengelolaan respon kolaboratif berupa sosialisasi pentingnya terumbu karang, rehabilitasi terumbu karang, pembentukan POKWASMAS, pembuatan aturan desa, dan pengembangan wisata bahari Pulau Toumahu.   KATA KUNCI: Terumbu karang, PRA, respon strategis-adaptif, pengelolaan kolaboratif, sistem sosial-ekologi

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