writing students
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Dian Fajrina ◽  
John Everatt ◽  
Amir Sadeghi

The present research aimed to study the rhetorical patterns in students’ writings, whether they follow a deductive pattern or an inductive pattern, and whether the pattern is similar when writing in English and the Indonesian language. The sample for this study was 20 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education majoring in English Education in several universities in Indonesia. Participants were requested to write two essays and two email-format letters, one of each was written in English, the other in the Indonesian language. The results showed that all students preferred the deductive pattern for their two types of essays. However, for the letter writing, students preferred the inductive pattern more than the deductive one, with 12 students using the inductive pattern in their letters in English and 16 students using the inductive pattern in their letters in Indonesian. It is suggested that the Indonesian culture and the teaching instructions received in the classrooms may influence students’ choice of the patterns they use in different types of writings. The findings should give valuable information for the design of teaching writing courses in English Education majors in Indonesia.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-146
Michelle Yeo ◽  
Mark Lafave

In some fields, written reflection is commonplace whereas in others it is uncommon. While athletic therapy education aims to produce reflective practitioners, written reflection is not a typical pedagogy employed. In 2014, the athletic therapy program at our institution began the implementation of a clinical presentation (CP) approach to facilitate competency-based curriculum requirements. This innovation to pedagogy required a reimagined approach to teaching, learning, and assessment. We describe one aspect of a larger SoTL study on this transformation, inquiring into the development of reflective practice through reflective writing. Students were asked to regularly reflect on their experiences in the clinic or field as part of their program. In this qualitative component of the study, we were able to gain insight into how students perceived the reflective process, how that evolved over their program, what were enablers and barriers to their reflection, and what was the role of feedback in their learning. The characteristics of student perceptions in each year, which followed a learning arc which we describe sequentially as “confused, conflicted, and convinced,” is explored, along with implications for pedagogy in assisting students to develope reflective professional practice.

I Gede Widi Harta ◽  
Indri Wirahmi Bay ◽  
Sri Widyarti Ali

Mastering lexical collocation uses in learning English as a foreign language is absolutely essential to develop students’ communicative skills and linguistic abilities. Most students, however, have problems with putting words together in a characteristic of “natural” English native speaker-like manner during writing. Students tend to use strange lexical collocation expressions therefore students’ language production does not sound natural and carries imprecise meaning. With regard to this underlying issue, the main emphasis of the current study was lying on the investigation of the types and the causes of lexical collocation error committed by EFL students in their argumentative writing. Through a qualitative research approach applying a descriptive-analytic method, sixteen university students were chosen purposively. The data were collected from two principal sources i.e., students’ writing samples and semi-structured interviews. In terms of data analysis technique, this study employed an error analysis technique developed by Ellis (1994) to analyze the obtained lexical collocation errors and applied a content analysis technique provided by Kumar (2011) to analyze the interview results. The study revealed 54 erroneousness of lexical collocation production consisting of verb + noun/pronoun (PP), adjective + noun, adverb + adjective, noun + noun, and verb + adverb combination. These errors were caused by a lack of collocation competence, native language influence, the use of synonym, overgeneralization, and approximation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-166
Salim Nabhan ◽  
Halimatus Sa’diyah ◽  

The employment of technology in the teaching and learning process is unavoidable in the digital age. One of the online media utilized in English classes is Google Docs. However, there has been minimal discussion on the use of Google Docs for collaborative writing, particularly in high school EFL classes. As a result, the purpose of this study is to find out what EFL students think about utilizing Google Docs for collaborative writing in an English class at a senior high school. The researchers performed a qualitative case study to solve the problem. The information was gathered through an interview with kids from one of Sidoarjo's private schools in East Java, Indonesia. To support the main, classroom observations and the analysis of students' documents in the form of a portfolio were used to triangulate the data. After that, the data were subjected to thematic analysis. The study uncovered two key topics that addressed the advantages and drawbacks of utilizing Google Docs for collaborative writing. Students' enthusiasm, digital literacy, social skills, and writing skills improved when they used Google Docs for collaborative writing. Students, on the other hand, experienced some difficulties in terms of internet connection, the availability of accompanying gadgets, and their own abilities. The findings of the study could have practical implications in English classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Muhammad Hasyimsyah Batubara ◽  
Delfia Herwanis ◽  
Safitriana Safitriana

The research is interested in analyzing and focusing on students' errors in writing descriptive text such as developing ideas, organizing ideas, grammar, mechanics, and using vocabulary better. This research aims to analyze the errors in writing students of descriptive text in the VII grade of SMP N 4 Takengon. This research used a qualitative method, technique of collecting data by observation, interview, and documentation. Based on the result, the writer concluded:  After researching and analyzing the data, the writer concludes as the kinds of errors in writing students of descriptive text at VII grade of SMP N 4 Takengon are from three aspects they are adjective, conjunction, and present tense. The finding shows the total error of students in writing adjectives, which is 23 students. In the total error of students in writing conjunctions, there were 24 students. The total error of students in writing the present tense, which is 21 students. If it is related to the student's error statement in writing, the value of about 94% and 166.6% total wrong word in error because students' understanding is still low about writing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Pasek Dek Agus Sudianta ◽  
I Nyoman Sueca

<p>The school literacy movement was developed based on nine priority agendas (Nawacita) which aimed to grow and develop the ability of reading and writing. Both of these abilities are contained in Indonesian language subjects. Indonesian Language subjects are a means of conveying knowledge. Through learning Indonesian especially reading and writing, students can master other subjects. Student learning success is greatly influenced by their ability to speak. The definition of literacy through the scientific approach in Indonesian language subjects is more directed at information skills. Information ability refers to several activities, namely observing, asking, trying, associating, and communicating. The process of observing includes seeking information, seeing, hearing, and listening. The questioning activity was carried out as one of the processes of building students' knowledge in the form of concepts in group discussions. Trying activities are useful to increase students' curiosity which includes planning, designing, and obtaining information. Associating activities can be done by analyzing and predicting, while communicating activities are a means to convey the results of conceptualization in oral or written form.</p>

Tamaddun ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Yulianti Yunus ◽  
Syarifuddin Dollah ◽  
Munir Munir

This research was quasi-experimental research that aimed to find out the extent of the improvement students' writing ability by using the Four Square Technique on the descriptive text at students X SMAN 3 Takalar. the researcher took 53 samples, 28 students as the experimental group and 25 students as the control group. The research data was obtained by giving a pre-test and post-test and analyzed by using the Dependent Sample T- Test. The result of the data showed that students' writing ability improved. It was proved from score result of tobs (16,673) which was higher than ttable (2.052) and sig. P (0.05) was higher than sig.score (0.000). Students' writing ability improve by 0.1% after using the Four Square Technique from pre-test mean score was 65.07 and the post-test mean score was 75.14. So, it can be concluded that using Four Square Technique can improve students' writing ability in writing a descriptive text at students X SMAN 3 Takalar. By using it, students showed that they can be motivated in writing, students more easily generate and organize their ideas into a text so that students’ writing was more organized also easy to understand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-169
Fadhillah Rahma Purba ◽  
Gresia Palentina ◽  
Fitriani Lubis

AbstrakPada artikel ini mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian dari kemampuan dalam penggunaan bahasa baku pada kalangan mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Medan. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya penulisan mahasiswa yang mengerti arti pengertian dari bahasa baku tetapi tidak memahami penggunaaan bahasa baku yang sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan. hal ini terlihat dari mahasiswa yang masih sering sekali menggunakan bahasa non baku dalam menulis laporan dalam perkuliaha. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Medan dalam berbahasa yang baku, yang menjadi fokus pada penelitian ini adalah pemahaman mahasiswa dalam penulisan bahasa baku yang sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan hanya hanya 60% mahasiswa yang memahami bahasa baku yang sesuai kaidah kebahasaan dan masih terdapat 40% mahasiswa yang tidak memahami bahasa baku yang sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa kemampuan menggunakan bahasa baku pada kalangan mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Medan masih rendah dan perlu adanya peningkatan minat dalam meningkatkan kebiasaan menulis bahasa baku.Kata Kunci: Pemahaman, Kaidah kebahasaan, bahasa baku AbstractThis article describes the results of the research on the ability to use standard language among students at the State University of Medan. This research is motivated by the number of writing students who understand the meaning of standard language but do not understand the use of standard language in accordance with linguistic rules. this can be seen from students who still frequently use non-standard language in writing reports in lectures. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the ability of students at the State University of Medan in standard language, the focus of this study was the understanding of students in writing standard language in accordance with linguistic principles. The results showed that only 60% of students understood the standard language according to the rules. language and there are still 40% of students who do not understand standard language in accordance with linguistic rules. These results indicate that the ability to use standard language among students at the State University of Medan is still low and there needs to be an increase in interest in improving the habit of writing standard language.Keywords: Understanding, language rules, standard language

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 23-34
Umar Al Faruq A. Hasyim ◽  
Nurul Puspita

Abstract Local wisdom values mean society awareness about their ability in recognizing the surrounding condition.  In this context, the values refer to the Lampungnese custom in planting crop. Unfortunately, many EFL learners were not familiar with their surroundings.  Furthermore, this research describes the used of environmental issue topic in learning Essay writing. The teaching and learning process was done by EFL students by using online platform. It was suggested during the pandemic situation. However, the aim of this research is describing EFL students’ activities in emerging environmental topic toward their essay. This research was done on second semester of essay writing students. It was about 27 students. In conducting the teaching and learning process the lecturers choose any pictures that deal with the local culture of Lampungnese in planting crop as a topic. Then, the students would be more familiar with the values of the culture and elaborate the values in term of essay writing.

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