Voices of English Language Education Society
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Published By Universitas Hamzanwadi


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-94
Yanti Sri Rezeki ◽  
Eka Fajar Rahmani ◽  

The purpose of this study was to look into the use of collaborative writing techniques to help higher secondary students enhance their writing skills and soft skills. This was done based on the findings of earlier studies that showed the effectiveness of collaborative writing techniques in increasing students' writing abilities and soft skills development. Students in Grade 10 at Sekolah Tunas Bangsa Kubu Raya participated in the study, which used a mixed-methods research methodology. For qualitative data, an observation checklist and field note was used, while for quantitative data, a questionnaire and writing tasks were used. The researchers discovered that collaborative writing was effective in improving students' writing proficiency and soft skills after they evaluated and calculated the data. (1) improvements in writing task mean scores from 78.67 in Meeting 1 to 87.13 in Meeting 3; (2) students' responses on a questionnaire about their writing ability and soft skills reached 92 percent in elaborating ideas and 93 percent in gaining self-esteem and confidence; (3) improvements in observation checklists that were performed excellently (scale 4) by the observers on the third meeting; and (4) the note taker's complimentary comments on the field notes about the pupils' writing abilities and soft skills As a result of this data, it is suggested that collaborative writing techniques be used with higher secondary students to improve both writing performance and soft skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-182
Rahman Fadil ◽  
Diyah Iis Andriani ◽  

The study of language in society is known as sociolinguistics. People have varied communication techniques in society since they come from different origins and ethnicities. Because of these distinctions, they are able to blend their languages during an interaction, a process known as code-mixing. Nowadays, code-mixing has become a craze, with people using it all around the world, including on television shows. One of the television shows where the speakers conduct code-mixing throughout their discussion is MasterChef Indonesia season 5. The goal of this study was to identify the different types of code-mixing and to investigate the elements that influence people's decision to code mix throughout their contact with that television show. The study's data consisted of Indonesian-English code-mixing during discussions. The authors employed a descriptive method in their work, and they analyzed the different types of code-mixing using Muysken's (2000) theory. Beardsmore's idea (1982) was also utilized to investigate the causes that led to people mixing codes. Based on the data analysis, the insertion kind of code-mixing was found to be the most common in this program, and vocabulary was shown to be the most influential factor in persons who code mixed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-191
Yasinda Kania Afsari ◽  
Murti Ayu Wijayanti ◽  
Dhafid Wahyu Utomo ◽  

This study presents an investigation of interpersonal meaning-making in students’ writing analytical exposition text. The objectives of this study are to describe the common mood types and to describe modality realization used in the text. Nine texts from 144 texts were collected to analyze. The theories from Systemic Functional Linguistics are adapted as the framework to analyze the clause of the text. The findings of this study showed that students have used mood types which can be seen in the use of subject and finite as mood elements, and the use of predicator, adjunct, and complement as residue. The arrangement of mood element ad residue shows the mood type they used. Regarding to SFL theories, the common mood type in this study is declarative as its function of analytical exposition text to discuss topic critically and deeply from one point of view. The result showed that students have attempted to provide information in the text. In the terms of modality, the median modality has a higher frequency in this text than that of high modality and low modality. It indicates that the students have an effort to position themselves and build the relationship to the reader in the text. Moreover, the zero frequency of low modality shows that the students did not provide opportunities for readers to doubt their position in the text. In conclusion, problem –solving approach as the pedagogical implication is appropriate for students to improve cognitive aspects in terms of communicative skills, so students have been able to create the effective analytical exposition text which is intended to discuss something critically from one point of view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-131
Tri Indah Rezeki ◽  
Rakhmat Wahyudin Sagala ◽  

One of the most important components in teaching-learning activities is textbooks. The author of the textbook must tailor it to the cognitive development of children at a given age. Semiotics is one of the factors that can be examined in a textbook since the illustration of semiotics is a particular feature that substantially influences children's visual perception. The purpose of this research is to examine Semiotics in Elementary School English textbooks. This study applied qualitative research in terms of library research to collect the data from the students' English textbooks in the second-grade Elementary school. Semiotic analysis based on Pierce's semiotic theory, namely representamen (signifier), object (referent), and interpretant, was used to analyze the data (signified). Because the activities contain symbols, pictures, and signs that are extremely engaging for the second-grade students of Elementary school at SDIT Al-Hijrah 2, this study concluded that this book is very suited for learning for the second-grade students of Elementary school at SDIT Al-Hijrah 2. The researchers looked at the most important images relevant to the theme of the activities. In addition, the exercise imagery and meaning are linked to one another.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-106
Solihin Solihin ◽  

In the realm of education, information technology (IT), particularly mobile devices and applications, is becoming increasingly popular. Language learning has become one of the areas of education where mobile technology is being used. In Indonesia, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning has been implemented some areas, while it is acknowledged that some areas have not benefited as much as others. Some have questioned whether MALL might be used in their areas, while others have stated that it is unavoidable. The following are the research questions: 1) what are the advantages and disadvantages of using MALL? 2) How feasible is it to utilize MALL in an Indonesian context? The nature of this study is descriptive qualitative. The data collection methods used was library research. Data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing were the approaches used to analyze the data. This research examines a variety of literature (including peer-reviewed studies) on the benefits and drawbacks of adding MALL into the framework of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. The application of these concepts in an Indonesian setting is then examined. Finally, to stay up with global digital learning, this article advocates that MALL be used for EFL teaching in Indonesia. It also suggests that more research be done for each mobile device and app in various parts of Indonesia, particularly in rural and remote places.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-205
Arif Bulan ◽  
Idhar Idhar ◽  

For junior high school pupils, research on the development of learning media is badly needed. Students' understanding and mastery of specific materials should improve as a result of the availability of learning media. The goals of this study are to (1) create a product in the form of a learning media called Noun Words Domino Card (NWDC) that is appropriate for seventh-graders at Satap Woja State Junior High School; and (2) develop a product in the form of a learning media called Noun Words Domino Card (NWDC) that is appropriate for eighth-graders at Satap Woja State Junior High School. (2) understand the use of NWDC learning media for students, and (3) understand the efficacy of NWDC learning media in improving student vocabulary knowledge. The ADDIE paradigm, which consists of five steps: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate, was used to conduct this research. The findings revealed: (1) The noun words domino card (NWDC) is a viable learning material for students to use and assess. The practicality is determined by material experts, who gave it a score of 3.7, and media experts, who gave it a score of 3.5. (2) The noun words domino card (NWDC) is a useful tool for pupils to improve their vocabulary mastery. (3) Learning media noun words domino card (NWDC) is helpful in developing student vocabulary knowledge, according to the student's reaction as a user of learning media with a total average score of 3.6. It was calculated using the average oral test score of students who met the English subject's minimal completion criteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-166
Salim Nabhan ◽  
Halimatus Sa’diyah ◽  

The employment of technology in the teaching and learning process is unavoidable in the digital age. One of the online media utilized in English classes is Google Docs. However, there has been minimal discussion on the use of Google Docs for collaborative writing, particularly in high school EFL classes. As a result, the purpose of this study is to find out what EFL students think about utilizing Google Docs for collaborative writing in an English class at a senior high school. The researchers performed a qualitative case study to solve the problem. The information was gathered through an interview with kids from one of Sidoarjo's private schools in East Java, Indonesia. To support the main, classroom observations and the analysis of students' documents in the form of a portfolio were used to triangulate the data. After that, the data were subjected to thematic analysis. The study uncovered two key topics that addressed the advantages and drawbacks of utilizing Google Docs for collaborative writing. Students' enthusiasm, digital literacy, social skills, and writing skills improved when they used Google Docs for collaborative writing. Students, on the other hand, experienced some difficulties in terms of internet connection, the availability of accompanying gadgets, and their own abilities. The findings of the study could have practical implications in English classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-119
Lisa Suhayati ◽  
Haryati Haryati ◽  

In educational institutions, such as universities, the usage of digital tools has been employed to improve the delivery of the curriculum. They could be useful as teaching aids in the event of a COVID-19 epidemic. As a result of these concerns, this research was carried out to find out what students thought about the use of screen recording video in virtual learning activities during the Covid-19 epidemic. A total of 50 students from the English department at Universitas Pamulang participated in this study. To gather information, the authors handed out a questionnaire with ten questions and interviewed four students on the use of virtual learning in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Students' top five positive responses to screen video recording in virtual learning are: improving the quality of learning, assisting students in learning more effectively, enhancing students' learning experience, student-teacher engagement, and flexibility of time and place, according to the data analysis. They also discovered that no matter how helpful screen capturing video is, teachers' aid and advice are still required.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-142
Ahmad Ridho Rojabi ◽  

This research was carried out as the learning activities in the reading classroom were not yet effective. As a result, the student's ability to comprehend reading texts was poor. This study aims to improve the EFL students’ reading comprehension by implementing the Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM), especially in comprehending IELTS reading texts. Classroom action research was conducted by following four stages; planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting the actions. The Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM) consists of four stages; predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing to engage the learners in groupwork activities, boost motivation, as well as enhance their comprehension. 28 learners from the English department who enrolled in the Reading course were selected as participants. Data were gathered through observations, tests, interviews, as well as document reviews. The results revealed that the Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM) boosts students' ability to comprehend the IELTS reading texts and engages them during the teaching and learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-155
Silvia Nurfajri Aprilla Wananda ◽  
Rahmadsyah Rangkuti ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf ◽  

Humour is one of the channels used in communication to express a concept or an idea. It can also be used to entertain people, such as in a TV show. This research focuses on the investigation of verbal perceptions of humour found in the transcription of the animated TV series Gravity Falls. Its purpose is to figure out what kinds of verbal humour can be found in the transcription of the animated television series Gravity Falls, as well as how the verbal humour in its transcription linguistically examined using the General Theory of Verbal Humour (GTVH). This study examined an episode of “Gravity Falls season 2: Not What He Seems” using a descriptive qualitative technique. The investigation discovered 29 linguistic humours in the research object, which were classified into 9 of the 12 types. The six Knowledge Resources in the General Theory of Verbal Humour (GTVH) are used to analyze the verbal humours previously discovered linguistically: Script Opposition (SO), Logical Mechanism (LM), Situation (SI), Target (TA), Narrative Strategy (NS), and Language (LA). To analyze the verbal humour, the analysis is done in a hierarchical order of the KRs.

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