it project
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Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 80-92
M. S. Kaz ◽  
E. A. Akerman

The relevance of the study is due to the active implementation of IT technologies in various aspects of companies, which gives special importance to the development of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of projects in a highly uncertain environment. The paper presents the methodology and assesses the effectiveness of IT projects using binomial «decision tree» model and iterative risk assessment metamodel «Lean Canvas». The comparative assessment of IT project efficiency using discounted cash flow method, binomial «decision tree» model and Black–Scholes model was carried out. The results have shown the advantage of option-based approach to the evaluation of IT project efficiency in comparison with the traditional DCF method, which allows to build flexibility in the planning and management of the project, assess its potential and consider the uncertainties as additional opportunities for profit.

2022 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a useful tool for depicting the flow of materials and information in manufacturing and service processes. It is known as one of the most popular lean methods to identify bottlenecks, reduce cycle time, and improve current processes. Although VSM has been extensively used in manufacturing, there are limited studies that applied VSM in non-manufacturing environments. In this study, we present an application of VSM to improve Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process in an IT firm. The current process flows (as-is) are mapped to identify non-value-added activities as well as areas for improvement. Based on the analysis of the current state map, we propose recommendations, action plans, and a future state map (to-be-process). We estimate that, with the new process changes, IT project delivery time can be reduced from 210.5 days to 137.5 days – a 34.7% reduction in the software development life cycle process. This provides a powerful base for IT project management and enables the IT department to meet its expected project turnaround time.

2022 ◽  
pp. 2001-2014
James Prater ◽  
Konstantinos Kirytopoulos ◽  
Tony Ma

Developing and delivering a project to an agreed schedule is fundamentally what project managers do. There is still an ongoing debate about schedule delays. This research investigates the development of schedules through semi-structured in-depth interviews. The findings reveal that half of the respondents believe that delays reported in the media are not real and should be attributed to scope changes. IT project managers estimating techniques include bottom-up estimates, analogy, and expert judgement. Impeding factors reported for the development of realistic schedules were technical (e.g. honest mistakes) and political (e.g. completion dates imposed by the sponsor). Respondents did not mention any psychological factors, although most were aware of optimism bias. However, they were not familiar with approaches to mitigate its impacts. Yet, when these techniques were mentioned, the overwhelming majority agreed that these mitigation approaches would change their schedule estimate.

2022 ◽  
Vol 197 ◽  
pp. 282-289
Endang Sulistiyani ◽  
Sasmi Hidayatul Yulianing Tyas

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 219-244
Bartosz Wachnik ◽  
Piotr Pryciński ◽  
Jakub Murawski ◽  
Mirosław Nader

The high IT project failure rate means that the stakeholders start recognizing the need to analyze the factors influencing project success, previously deemed irrelevant in the face of technology, including the agile approach, eliminating project documentation, effective prototyping, information asymmetry between project parties, while also perfecting communication and the methods of knowledge transfer between team members. Currently, IT projects are researched using a holistic approach, seeing an implementation project as a whole, subject to specific regularities, which may not be deduced based on the knowledge of their individual components. We would like to enrich the research perspective with the notion of the information gap. The article aims to evaluate and analyze the information gap in ERP and CRM project implementations. We have researched the information gap from the perspective of project managers on the supplier’s and the client’s sides. The study was conducted in Poland between 2014 and 2021 in a group of medium companies, using qualitative research methods: unstructured interview and direct observation. The study led to a qualitative characterization of the information gap and the identification of its causes and consequences. The presented research result can help achieve three goals, i.e. studying the information gap in the selected group of IT projects, indicating the nature of imperfection in information access by the project participants, and raising awareness amongst project managers regarding risk management issues, especially uncertainty. Reducing the information gap can be used by the transaction parties to implement a strategy of building the object’s resilience to uncertainty and its consequences. These results can help develop methodologies of IT project implementation, limiting the level of risk and uncertainty.

V.S Yuranov ◽  
A.V Kabanin ◽  
A.A Lushnikov ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-271
Michael S. Ruzhnikov ◽  
Olga M. Charnaya

Problem and goal. The theoretical approaches and main stages of work from the point of view of design thinking, as well as the experience of choosing topics and developing IT projects by students in grades 10-11, are presented. Methodology. The methodological basis of the work was the analysis of the design thinking method, which is presented in the works of R. Kyudale, O. Kempkens, G. Andreev, A.S. Krotova and A.A. Barkov. Approaches to the use of the design thinking method in the development of an IT project by a schoolchild are formulated, their brief characteristics and the tools used are given. As tools of the design thinking method at different stages of project development, the following are used: analysis of existing solutions, similar situations, insights from opinion leaders, analysis of artifacts, interviews, swot analysis, five Why?, the method of focal objects, scamper, etc. Results. In the process of working on the project, students in grades 10-11 use the tools of design thinking in their activities. The result of the work is an IT project of students Smart Pomodoro Timer. Conclusion. In order to introduce the method of design thinking into the joint work of a teacher and a student on an IT project into practice, it is necessary to develop a system of advanced training for teachers in terms of developing practical skills in using design thinking tools for effective process management. In addition, develop the creative potential of teachers and students in the context of the digital transformation of education and attract specialists from different fields (designers, software developers, data analysts, etc.).

Olena Kopishynska ◽  
Yurii Utkin ◽  
Oleksandr Galych ◽  
Hanlar Makhmudov ◽  
Alla Svitlychna ◽  

The paper shows the features of the application of the case method in the study of the discipline of IT project management for students majoring in the field of Information Technology. This work analyzes some of the difficulties associated with the limited use of case studies in the field of IT. An original solution to the problem of combining flexible technologies for the development of the project itself on the basis of a case study and methods of studying and applying special software for IT project management presented by authors. The conceptual scheme of the main stages of work with a case, interrelations and content from an initial acquaintance, discussion in groups and acceptance of intermediate decisions, to planning of operations, calendar planning of works and resources were shown. However, the role of special software for visualization of separate stages of project execution management in the MS Project environment at all stages of the life cycle was explained. The combination of individual analytical work of the students, acquisition of teem job skills, the study of MS Project tools, IT project management methods at different stages allows to achieve the planned learning outcomes and develop interdisciplinary competencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (132) ◽  
pp. 135-168
Ahmed K. Albarzanji ◽  
Ahmed Y. Alsabawy

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