audio equipment
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 7092
Federica Bressan ◽  
Valentina Burini ◽  
Edoardo Micheloni ◽  
Antonio Rodà ◽  
Richard L. Hess ◽  

Audio carriers are subject to a fast and irreversible decay. In order to save valuable historical recordings, the audio signal and other relevant information can be extracted from the source audio document and stored on another medium, normally a redundant digital storage system. This procedure is called ’content transfer’. It is a costly and time-consuming procedure. There are several solutions with which the cost can be reduced. One consists of picking up all tracks from a two-sided tape in one pass. This means that some tracks will be digitized forward and some backwards, to be subsequently corrected in the digital workstation. This article is concerned with the question of whether reading tracks backwards introduces unwanted effects into the signal. In particular, it investigates whether a difference can be observed between audio signals read forward or backwards and, if so, whether the difference is measurable. The results show that a difference can be observed, yet this is not enough to conclude that this “backwards” approach should not be used. The complexity of the situation is presented in the discussion. Future work includes reproducing this experiment with different audio equipment, as well as a perception test with human subjects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nita Siti Mudawamah

The Museum Music Indonesia is the only museum that houses a collection of music by Indonesian musicians. Located in Malang City, this museum has approximately 35.000 music collections of various types including cassettes, vinyl, compact disks, posters, magazines, musical instruments, audio equipment, and even artist/musician clothes. This paper aims to describe how the collection management at the Museum Music Indonesia uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results found in the field include; Most of the collections contained in this music museum are obtained from grants from the music lovers community, collection management begins with the collection, data collection, presentation, and information to the public, the management is still done manually due to limited resources. With the cooperation and attention of all stakeholders, MMI can continue to live and develop as a preserver of the nation's treasures that are attractive to the community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Moch. Nurfahrul Lukmanul Khakim

Malang as a city with many tourist destinations, has advantages in every field of tourism. Of the many tourist destinations, research on museums is very rare, even though museums can be interesting educational facilities for students or the general public. One of the museums in Malang City is the Indonesian Music Museum, this museum is relatively new so it is interesting to study. This museum has 26000 music collections. The details, as many as 16,718 are cassettes; 3,118 compact discs (CDs); 3,108 printed materials such as posters, books and leaflets; 2,985 LPs; 108 musical instruments (guitars, drums, etc.); 55 artist clothes; and 13 audio equipment. The Indonesian Music Museum can be used as an educational tour for the people of Malang to get to know the history of music in Indonesia. In addition, the potential to become one of the leading tours in Malang City is very open as long as it is done with active and attractive promotions. Malang sebagai salah satu kota dengan destinasi wisata yang cukup banyak, mempunyai keunggulan dalam setiap bidang wisata. Dari sekian banyak destinasi wisata tersebut, penelitian tentang museum sangat jarang, padahal museum bisa menjadi sarana edukasi yang menarik untuk para pelajar ataupun masyarakat umum. Salah satu museum yang ada di Kota Malang adalah Museum Musik Indonesia, museum ini tergolong baru sehingga menarik untuk diteliti. Museum ini memiliki 26000 koleksi musik. Rinciannya, sebanyak 16.718 adalah kaset; 3.118 buah compact disc (CD); 3.108 barang cetakan seperti poster, buku, dan leaflet; 2.985 piringan hitam; 108 instrumen musik (gitar, drum, dan lain-lain); 55 baju artis; dan 13 peralatan audio. Museum Musik Indonesia dapat dijadikan sebagai wisata edukasi bagi masyarakat Malang untuk mengenal sejarah musik di Indonesia. Selain itu potensi untuk menjadi salah satu wisata unggulan di Kota Malang sangat terbuka luas asalkan dilakukan dengan promosi yang giat dan menarik.

Vincent Verdult

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (8) ◽  
pp. 1495-1504 ◽  
Sujan M. Dan ◽  
Brian I. Spaid ◽  
Charles H. Noble

2018 ◽  
Vol 144 (3) ◽  
pp. 1828-1828
Daniel J. Mennitt ◽  
Damon Joyce ◽  
Kurt M. Fristrup

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