stop motion
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 369-388
Gemma San Cornelio ◽  
Vanina Yael Hofman ◽  
Elisenda Ardèvol ◽  
Silvia Sivera

En el presente artículo presentamos los resultados de los talleres de creación de narrativas audiovisuales vinculados al proyecto Cazadores de historias del futuro, llevados a cabo en escuelas primarias y secundarias de Barcelona (España). Estos talleres, basados en la creación de historias mediante un juego de cartas colaborativo y su materialización mediante la técnica de stop motion, se produjeron en el contexto de un proyecto de investigación dedicado a la creación de herramientas y estrategias narrativas que permiten abordar en forma especulativa cuestiones sociales y medioambientales en distintos entornos educativos. A partir del análisis de los materiales generados en los talleres y de la observación del proceso creativo profundizaremos en dos aspectos: a) las estrategias creativas, de improvisación o gestión de los equipos b) las formas en las que emergen los temas socio-ambientales, así como otros temas significativos vinculados con la vida cotidiana de los participantes y su universo simbólico.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Ika Puspita ◽  
Sulasfiana Alfi Raida

<p>This study aims to design and produce a stop motion graphic animation video oriented to STEAM global warming material that is used as a learning medium and to determine the response of students at MTs Manbaul Huda Ngaluran Karanganyar Demak to stop motion graphic animation video oriented STEAM global warming material. The research method used is Research and Development (R&amp;D) which refers to the Borg and Gall development procedure. This research includes 7 stages. The trial was carried out after going through a validity test by media experts and material experts. The trial was carried out at MTs Manbaul Huda Ngaluran Karanganyar Demak involving 28 students of class VII. meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses qualitative data from quantitative data for the development of STEAM-oriented video stop motion graphic animation products for global warming material in order to determine the feasibility of the developed media. The results showed that the media was feasible to use based on the percentage of media experts of 92% and material experts of 84.8%, the response of students to stop motion videos was very satisfied based on the results of small-scale trials getting an average score percentage of 96.95% and the test Field trials get an average score percentage of 85.7% which means that the stop motion graphic animation video media oriented to STEAM global warming material can be accepted by students.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-54
Fikry Aji Wicaksono ◽  
Isma Hidayati ◽  
Widya Eka Septiani

This research was Classroom Action Research. This research aimed at implementing stop motion video technique to improve students speaking ability of report text in junior high school and the students’ perception in implementation of stop motion video technique to improve the students’ speaking ability of report text. The subject of this research was the second grade of junior high school. The focus of this research was the students’ speking ability. The data were in the form of students’ speaking score. The data were obtained through conducting teaching learning process. The result of this research was that there were improvement in students’ speaking ability through Stop Motion Video technique in whole skills. The improvement was up to 40%-90%. They were pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and understanding. The students’ perception showed that all of the students were motivated after conducted this learning technique. This was showed by the questionnaires filled by the students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Valter Moreira Durães ◽  
Cristiane Prando Parizotto ◽  
Deikimar Antonio Lima ◽  
Vanessa Wegner Agostini
On Line ◽  

Com a pandemia do Coronavírus, a educação encarou um paradigma crucial concernente aos métodos pedagógicos. Soma-se a isso a necessidade de estabelecer estratégias de ensino que oportunizem um aprendizado ativo. Desse modo, o objetivo desse relato de experiência foi avaliar a relevância da produção de vídeos estudantis como método inovador de aprendizagem. A intervenção pedagógica foi realizada em uma escola pública com alunos de 8º e 9º anos do ensino fundamental II, de maneira on-line. A proposta baseou-se na junção das ferramentas metodológicas de Storytelling, Stop motion e produção de vídeos estudantis. Foram realizados quatro encontros na disciplina de História, com a temática da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Os alunos demonstraram maior domínio dos objetos de aprendizagem após a produção e apresentação dos vídeos, constatados pela análise dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por eles e do questionário avaliativo.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-20
Dennis Yeo

Over the past two decades, there has been growing research in film-induced tourism. Much of this research is focused on how film influences tourist destination choices. There has been less emphasis, however, on the nature and types of movies that may induce this attraction to such locations. By examining Kubo and the Two Strings (Knight, 2016), a stop-motion animation produced by Laika Studios, this paper aims to apply film studies to explore current understandings of film-induced tourism. This paper argues that Kubo is itself a form of film-induced tourism by positioning the viewer as a virtual cultural tourist whose cinematic experience may be likened to a veritable media pilgrimage through Japanese culture, history and aesthetics. The movie introduces the viewer into an imagined world that borrows from origami, Nō theatre, shamisen music, obon rituals and Japanese symbolism, philosophy and mythology. The resulting pastiche is a constructed diorama that is as transnational and postmodern as it is authentic and indigenous.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 435-444
Tiago Sanches Nogueira

O presente artigo examina as vicissitudes de um atendimento clínico realizado com uma criança durante a pandemia. Trata-se de uma análise conduzida de forma online nos primeiros meses de confinamento, que exigiu do psicanalista algumas invenções táticas que pudessem viabilizar o tratamento. O estabelecimento de um ensino sobre como desenhar olhos, bem como o trabalho com fotografias em movimento (stop motion), surgiram como alternativas para o menino dominar o olhar obsceno do Outro. Ao final, a discussão sobre o modo como se dá o trabalho online nos levou à constatação de que, nele, encontramos a ocorrência de uma espécie de sutura daquilo que em teoria cinematográfica é chamado de campo e contracampo.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad ◽  
Dak Kopec

PurposeThis study aims to assess each of the seven segments of the Akbarieh Garden as the World Heritage Cultural Landscape. First, we wanted to identify the macro elements that dominated one's perception within each area. Then, we wanted to identify the micro elements that support the vista in its entirety.Design/methodology/approachTo acquire data, we used a Participant Observer (PO) method as part of a Continuous/Stop-Motion (CSM) procedure. The identification of macro elements came from retrospective recollections derived from the continuous walk method—the stop-walk method allowed for the identification of micro elements. The data gained from this method is then used to understand how one interprets and responds to large—multi-segmented sites such as the Akbarieh Garden.FindingsThe results of this study show the Continuous/Stop-Motion method yielded predictable results with macro elements and elements of interest being easily recalled. However, the use of photographing for the stop-walk method revealed a similar focus on the macro element. We had hypothesized that the micro elements would be the elements of fascination and discovered when the person remained in the area to photograph scenes of interest. However, the PO photographed the macro elements. It wasn't until the post photo analysis that the PO identified some of the micro elements would be the elements of fascination and discovered when the person remained in the area to photograph scenes of interest. However, the PO photographed the macro elements. It wasn't until the post photo analysis that the PO identified some of the micro elements. The post photo discoveries suggest that real-time experience of micro elements is undervalued.Originality/valueThere is no general discussion on this topic yet amongst professionals. The initiative of the Participant Observer (PO) method as a tool for perception the historic gardens and landscapes identified that gap and its related necessity to provide guidance. As is true for exploratory studies, these results provide a foundation for further study. The use of the Continuous/Stop-Motion method was ideal for this study.

Virginia Renata Vilar da Silva ◽  
Danyelle Almeida de Andrade ◽  
Viviane De Bona ◽  
Guilherme Gutemberg Barbosa de Paula ◽  
Karla Paloma Silva Souza ◽  

Com o objetivo de socializar experiências extensionistas no contexto remoto, este artigo se propõe a compartilhar o desenvolvimento de oficinas para crianças e adolescentes, realizadas pelo Laboratório de Estudos, Pesquisa e Extensão sobre Infâncias e Projetos Lúdico-Educacionais Inclusivos (LIPLEI). Esse projeto é vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Interdisciplinar em Formação Humana, Representações e Identidades (GEPIFHRI), da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), e desenvolve projetos de pesquisa, extensão e formação de professores(as). No que concerne à extensão, o LIPLEI se apresenta como um laboratório de observação e experimentação que desperta o interesse tanto no aprofundamento dos estudos dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem quanto nas questões que se referem à cultura lúdica infantil. Almeja ainda oferecer ações extensionistas que permitam às crianças e adolescentes o contato e as vivências com situações maker e que contribuam para a formação de futuros(as) professores(as). Dessa forma, este texto descreve duas oficinas oferecidas, remotamente, para crianças no período de agosto de 2020 a maio de 2021. Os títulos das oficinas são “Construção de animações em Stop Motion” e “Construção de Quadrinhos Digitais com o StoryboardThat”. Este relato contempla desde o planejamento até a vivência de cada uma delas. Destaca-se que as atividades extensionistas desenvolvidas pelo LIPLEI lograram êxito. Conforme os pressupostos da Cultura Maker, foi viável a criação de encontros interativos que contaram com a participação e protagonismo das crianças. Também foi possível articular o uso das tecnologias digitais com processos educativos ativos, que garantiram às crianças uma aprendizagem criativa, lúdica e compartilhada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (37) ◽  
pp. 38

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Ilaria Monticone

The purpose of this paper is to describe the activities carried out in a class with children of the third year of primary school (Istituto Sant’Anna, Torino) school year 2019/2020 and to test the potentialities of audiovisual and technological language in the development of knowledge and skills, like the management of a collaborative activity, the correct use of technological tools and the awarness of the project’s path.Thissperimental activity starts from the hypothesis that creating a stop-motion video, focused on a disciplinary subject, can give good results both from a learning point of view and the acquisition of social and relational skills thank to the type work, mainly carried out in groups.

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