disciplinary integration
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2022 ◽  
pp. 493-531
Tetiana Kryvomaz ◽  
Hanh T.M. Tran ◽  
Carlos Rojas

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5(69)) ◽  
pp. 11-13
N. Alekseeva

This article reviews the problem of choosing an aim, an approach and a content in a professionaloriented training a foreign language of students in a technical university. It is necessary to apply a crossdisciplinary integration in training to solve this problem. This cross-disciplinary integration will help students of technical universities to consolidate, increase and broaden knowledge of a foreign language and future profession reading and translating texts in speciality.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 597
David Aguilera ◽  
José Luis Lupiáñez ◽  
José Miguel Vílchez-González ◽  
Francisco Javier Perales-Palacios

The emergence of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in research and the practice of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education is today an unquestionable fact at international level. Despite the importance attached to STEM education, there is a lack of synthesized approaches to teaching the interdisciplinarity of STEM. This lack of synthesis can hinder a strong theoretical foundation for STEM education and possible new contributions. The purpose of this position paper is to contribute a theoretical framework for STEM education that enables the unification of criteria regarding disciplinary integration and associated teaching methods. The authors discuss disciplinary integration in STEM activities, the implication of STEM literacy, educational stage, and teaching method, and provide suggestions for future research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 053901842098405
Jérôme Lamy

This article analyzes Bruno Latour’s transition from theology to sociology between the late 1960s and the mid-1970s. The study cross-analyzes the philosophical field of the 1970s with the progress of interaction rituals specific to disciplinary integration. By examining his Master’s degree in philosophy and a lecture carried out during his thesis, plus the report of his stay in Ivory Coast, it is possible to identify several stages of a disciplinary bifurcation. First anchored to the metaphysical sector of the philosophical field, Latour – like his masters André Malet, Jean Brun and Claude Bruaire – tried to dissolve the boundary between philosophy and theology. Nourished with Rudolf Bultmann’s hermeneutics – which generates a particularly powerful emotional energy –, the young philosopher drew from the new theological resources provided by Vatican II Council the instruments for a conversion to sociology. Before that, following in the Council’s focus on prayer as the very core of the practice of believers, he had tried to turn prayer into an adequate mode of litany for analyzing texts. He then drew on the post-colonial opening of Vatican II to engage in the field of sociology, the Council having exhausted classical metaphysical questions. His discovery of the effects of colonial domination also played a fundamental role in mobilizing once again some emotional energy. Latour’s disciplinary reclassification just before beginning his laboratory ethnography in California is based on a reassessment of the epistemological possibilities born from the theological innovations of Vatican II.

Eos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
Amy Goldman ◽  
Sujata Emani ◽  
Lina P�rez-Angel ◽  
Josu� Rodr�guez-Ramos ◽  
James Stegen ◽  

Join open writing teams to collaborate on commentaries for a special collection describing approaches that embody synthesis, cross-disciplinary integration, and open science across geosciences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
Caroline Aparecida Sampaio Guimarães de Moraes ◽  
Maria Denise Bortolini ◽  
Roselene Ferreira Oliveira ◽  
Odair Diemer

RESUMO O ensino médio integrado possui três conceitos basilares: indissociabilidade entre educação básica e profissional, formação humana integral e integração de conhecimentos gerais e específicos na perspectiva da totalidade social, permitindo ao discente compreender que os diferentes campos do saber não são independentes. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as concepções dos discentes em relação à integração das disciplinas de história e conservação de alimentos presentes no currículo do curso técnico integrado em Alimentos do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso do Sul. Para o planejamento das aulas, foi utilizada a metodologia dos momentos pedagógicos da pedagogia histórico-crítica, e as concepções de 40 discentes foram avaliadas por meio de questionário aberto. Do total, 30 discentes avaliaram positivamente a proposta, 37 relataram que ela contribuiu para sua aprendizagem, 28 disseram que facilitou o entendimento e 37 gostariam que fosse replicada em outras disciplinas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
David I. Hanauer

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-91
Zijun Zhao ◽  
Zhanghai He ◽  
Hongyan Huang ◽  
Jiewen Chen ◽  
Shishi He ◽  

Abstract Taxanes represented by paclitaxel and targeted therapy including trastuzumab are two common agents for human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2)-positive breast cancer patients. Effectiveness, however, usually comes at the cost of many side effects, some of which are even fatal. Drug-induced interstitial lung diseases (DILDs) comprise a group of drug-induced pulmonary injuries usually caused by using these medications. For DILDs, systemic therapy can be harmful to lung tissues and rapidly threaten the lives of some breast cancer patients. Through the cases from our hospital and related studies in medical databases, we hope readers can learn a lesson from an angle of multi-disciplinary integration based on clinical practice and pharmacological mechanisms to make anti-cancer agents less harmful and reduce the incidence of DILD in breast cancer patients during systemic therapy.

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