d modules
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Gelayol Golcarenarenji ◽  
Ignacio Martinez-Alpiste ◽  
Qi Wang ◽  
Jose Maria Alcaraz-Calero

AbstractTelescopic cranes are powerful lifting facilities employed in construction, transportation, manufacturing and other industries. Since the ground workforce cannot be aware of their surrounding environment during the current crane operations in busy and complex sites, accidents and even fatalities are not avoidable. Hence, deploying an automatic and accurate top-view human detection solution would make significant improvements to the health and safety of the workforce on such industrial operational sites. The proposed method (CraneNet) is a new machine learning empowered solution to increase the visibility of a crane operator in complex industrial operational environments while addressing the challenges of human detection from top-view on a resource-constrained small-form PC to meet the space constraint in the operator’s cabin. CraneNet consists of 4 modified ResBlock-D modules to fulfill the real-time requirements. To increase the accuracy of small humans at high altitudes which is crucial for this use-case, a PAN (Path Aggregation Network) was designed and added to the architecture. This enhances the structure of CraneNet by adding a bottom-up path to spread the low-level information. Furthermore, three output layers were employed in CraneNet to further improve the accuracy of small objects. Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP) was integrated at the end of the backbone stage which increases the receptive field of the backbone, thereby increasing the accuracy. The CraneNet has achieved 92.59% of accuracy at 19 FPS on a portable device. The proposed machine learning model has been trained with the Standford Drone Dataset and Visdrone 2019 to further show the efficacy of the smart crane approach. Consequently, the proposed system is able to detect people in complex industrial operational areas from a distance up to 50 meters between the camera and the person. This system is also applicable to the detection of any other objects from an overhead camera.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-184
Josep Àlvarez Montaner ◽  
Francesc Planas-Vilanova

Divisors whose Jacobian ideal is of linear type have received a lot of attention recently because of its connections with the theory of $D$-modules. In this work we are interested on divisors of expected Jacobian type, that is, divisors whose gradient ideal is of linear type and the relation type of its Jacobian ideal coincides with the reduction number with respect to the gradient ideal plus one. We provide conditions in order to be able to describe precisely the equations of the Rees algebra of the Jacobian ideal. We also relate the relation type of the Jacobian ideal to some $D$-module theoretic invariant given by the degree of the Kashiwara operator.

Andreas Hohl

AbstractDifferential systems of pure Gaussian type are examples of D-modules on the complex projective line with an irregular singularity at infinity, and as such are subject to the Stokes phenomenon. We employ the theory of enhanced ind-sheaves and the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence for holonomic D-modules of D’Agnolo and Kashiwara to describe the Stokes phenomenon topologically. Using this description, we perform a topological computation of the Fourier–Laplace transform of a D-module of pure Gaussian type in this framework, recovering and generalizing a result of Sabbah.

Dario Beraldo

AbstractWe characterize the tempered part of the automorphic Langlands category $$\mathfrak {D}({\text {Bun}}_G)$$ D ( Bun G ) using the geometry of the big cell in the affine Grassmannian. We deduce that, for G non-abelian, tempered D-modules have no de Rham cohomology with compact support. The latter fact boils down to a concrete statement, which we prove using the Ran space and some explicit t-structure estimates: for G non-abelian and $$\Sigma $$ Σ a smooth affine curve, the Borel–Moore homology of the indscheme $${\text {Maps}}(\Sigma ,G)$$ Maps ( Σ , G ) vanishes.

Ibrahim Nonkané

In this paper, we study a decomposition D -module structure of the polynomial ring. Then, we illustrate a geometric interpretation of the Specht polynomials. Using Brauer’s characterization, we give a partial generalization of the fact that factors of the discriminant of a finite map π : spec B ⟶ spec A generate the irreducible factors of the direct image of B under the map π .

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