audience interaction
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2021 ◽  
pp. 025576142110695
Daisuke Terauchi

In 2017, I developed a computer application entitled “Sanka Play,” which enables audience members to participate in improvisational performances by making real-time requests to performers. In most cases of free improvisation, the audience atmosphere influences performers. While audience–performer interaction is generally nonverbal, Sanka Play allows timeous written verbal interaction. This study determines the positive pedagogical possibilities of using Sanka Play for elementary school music classes. It was expected that using Sanka Play for group improvisation activities in music classes would encourage various styles of expression among the students. Sanka Play was used in two fifth grade (age 10–11 years) music classes in a Japanese elementary school. Observation of class videos revealed that the application induced students to use various modes of expression, such as music, dance, theatrical acting, and even karate. Furthermore, various requests the students made not only improved performance in general but also helped highlight particular strengths in each student’s performing ability. The observations reveal Sanka Play’s pedagogical usefulness and several factors that teachers should consider when using the application. This research illustrates the possibilities of employing a new teaching approach to encourage students to creatively use their inherent expressive abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 611-627
Peter Bull ◽  
Maurice Waddle

Speaker-audience interaction in political speeches has been conceptualised as a form of dialogue between speaker and audience. Of particular importance is research pioneered by Atkinson (e.g., 1983, 1984a, 1984b) on the analysis of rhetorical devices utilised by politicians to invite audience applause. Atkinson was not concerned with emotionalisation in political speech-making, rather with how applause was invited in relation to group identities through ingroup praise and/or outgroup derogation. However, his theory has provided important insights into how speakers invite audience responses, and a powerful stimulus for associated research. The purpose of this article is to address the shortfall of emotionalisation research within the realm of political speeches. We begin with an account of Atkinsons influential theory of rhetoric, followed by a relevant critique. The focus then turns to our main aim, namely, how key findings from previous speech research can be interpreted in terms of emotionalisation. Specifically, the focus is on audience responses to the words of political speakers, and how different forms of response may reflect audience emotionality. It is proposed that both duration and frequency of invited affiliative audience responses may indicate more positive emotional audience responses, while uninvited interruptive audience applause and booing may provide notable clues to issues on which audiences have strong feelings. It is concluded that there is strong evidence that both invited and uninvited audience responses may provide important clues to emotionalisation - both positive and negative - in political speeches.

2021 ◽  
Pericles Pericleous ◽  
Ianthi Assimakopoulou ◽  
Andri Ioannou ◽  
Christos Fidas ◽  
Nikolaos Avouris

2021 ◽  
Xiaoxue Chen

<p>Within the traditional patriarchal ideology in China, feminism is gradually being accepted by the Chinese, especially Chinese women, and has brought benefits to women’s liberation today. However, inequality between men and women still exists. There is growing popularity among Chinese women artists to use their artistic status as their weapon to actively and effectively communicate the ideologies of feminism. However, their expression of feminism still mostly manifests through traditional artistic mediums. My research focuses on how wearable technology can depict and criticize gender inequality in Chinese marriage, and promote feminism. The garment design development is based on the results of a study I conducted about the perception of marriage equality in China, which revealed several areas of inequality in marriage. The final garment is designed for presentation, where movement and audience interaction are considered to enhance the opportunities of wearable technology to best communicate aspects of marriage inequality in China. My design research realises how ideologies of feminism, specifically marriage equality in China, might be advocated for through the design of contemporary garments and wearable technology.</p>

2021 ◽  
Xiaoxue Chen

<p>Within the traditional patriarchal ideology in China, feminism is gradually being accepted by the Chinese, especially Chinese women, and has brought benefits to women’s liberation today. However, inequality between men and women still exists. There is growing popularity among Chinese women artists to use their artistic status as their weapon to actively and effectively communicate the ideologies of feminism. However, their expression of feminism still mostly manifests through traditional artistic mediums. My research focuses on how wearable technology can depict and criticize gender inequality in Chinese marriage, and promote feminism. The garment design development is based on the results of a study I conducted about the perception of marriage equality in China, which revealed several areas of inequality in marriage. The final garment is designed for presentation, where movement and audience interaction are considered to enhance the opportunities of wearable technology to best communicate aspects of marriage inequality in China. My design research realises how ideologies of feminism, specifically marriage equality in China, might be advocated for through the design of contemporary garments and wearable technology.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 11690
Linda Leung ◽  
Daniel Feldman

In designing a brand-new sport, do basic tenets of digital entrepreneurship such as ‘solve a user problem’ apply? How is it possible to understand who the potential audience might be for a product and experience that does not yet exist in a Culture Industry such as sports? The paper examines the beginnings of an Australian startup with an early-stage product in the sports and entertainment industry and its use of digital ethnography to investigate key audience segments. The process of audience development occurred alongside the prototyping and testing of a high-tech product that is central to the sport. As the product underwent iterations of development and release, audience interaction with the product was tracked through social media. Discourse analysis of audience engagement with the product on Facebook was conducted to inform a series of user personas that indicated a heavy male bias in the future audience. In exploring the intersection of sports, Cultural Industries and digital entrepreneurship, the paper concludes with observations of how this case challenges each of those notions through the process of ‘starting up’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3A) ◽  
pp. 599-607
Halyna Horbenko ◽  
Olena Voskoboinikova-Huzieva ◽  
Leonid Novohatko ◽  
Margaryta Netreba

This article aims to examine video scribing as a new marketing tool that can effectively influence a target audience through information visualization using the educational programs of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University as an example. The empirical basis for the research comprised 27 scribe videos shared on the official social media platforms of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University between 2017 and 2020. Data collected included static web analysis for effectiveness and audience interaction as demonstrated by their watching and liking of a scribe video series. The total number of scribe video views on social media was approximately 68,000. This total suggests that video scribing technology is an effective tool to incorporate into Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University’s marketing strategy. This experimental research, based on the implementation of video scribing technology (the implementation, in this case, was a part of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University’s marketing strategy), opens wide further opportunities for the promotion of educational programs and projects through this type of visual communication for other institutions of higher education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105-117
М. Ю. Гладчук

Purpose: the objective of this study is to offer the classification of design objects with variable geometry by the criteria which specify qualitative characteristics of dynamics and interactivity of their transformation within the framework of artistic approach to design. Methodology. In this study both general and special research methods are used, the most relevant being the method of analysis of a sample of design objects with variable geometry by creating a descriptive matrix based on specified criteria. Results. Two criteria were identified, relevant to this study, namely the “nature of the transformation dynamics” and “the degree of audience involvement in the transformation process”. The nature of the transformation dynamics criterion takes into account the factors and conditions necessary to ensure the functioning of the transformation process of the object. This factors and conditions determine the specificity of the object-environment interaction and its corresponding expected or, conversely, spontaneous transfiguration. Design objects according to this criterion are divided into two types. The degree of audience involvement in the transformation process criterion takes into account the existence and options of the object-audience interaction, and determines the nature of its impact on the process of transformation of the object (or lack thereof). In this case, eight types of objects were determined. Scientific novelty. The analysis of transformational objects of conceptual design and art (constructed within the artistic approach to design) in terms of qualitative evaluation of their interactivity, dynamism, and the level of audience involvement (direct or indirect) in the process of their transformation was performed; criteria for qualitative evaluation of these characteristics were derived and results were summed up in the accordant typology. Practical significance. The obtained results are key to understanding the role and specifics of objects with variable geometry in the context of modern design and allow the further identification of the most relevant trends in design of such objects with the acknowledgement of the modern visual culture.

2021 ◽  
Stephen Jay Kershaw

Through interviews and a survey, this thesis examines blog reading along several dimensions, including motivations for reading weblogs, audience interaction with the weblog format, and the use of tools to find and keep track of blogs. It proposes a typology of 'audience activity' based on the structural features of the weblog format, which includes the navigation of, contribution to, and promotion of blog content. It identifies reading behaviours, impediments to audience activities, and the ways that readers judge the credibility of blogs. This research serves to inform the design of tools that interface with the blogosphere, and it provides a foundation to help software developers to harness different types of audience activity.

2021 ◽  
Stephen Jay Kershaw

Through interviews and a survey, this thesis examines blog reading along several dimensions, including motivations for reading weblogs, audience interaction with the weblog format, and the use of tools to find and keep track of blogs. It proposes a typology of 'audience activity' based on the structural features of the weblog format, which includes the navigation of, contribution to, and promotion of blog content. It identifies reading behaviours, impediments to audience activities, and the ways that readers judge the credibility of blogs. This research serves to inform the design of tools that interface with the blogosphere, and it provides a foundation to help software developers to harness different types of audience activity.

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