critical reviews
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Literatūra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-87
Maria Mikhailova ◽  
Sofya Kudritskaya

This article analyzes the reception of the figure of O. Wilde, the 19th-century English writer, and his works in the prose and criticism of Alexandra Mikhailovna Moiseeva (1874-1913), who entered the history of Russian literature of the Silver Age by the name of “Mire”. The study focuses mainly on her story Black Panther (1909), in which the author provides an original perspective on the tragic love episode in Wilde’s life. Attention is also paid to the thematic similarities between the works of Wilde and Mire in terms of genre, plot and literary image, as well as Mire’s interpretation of Wilde’s works in her critical reviews.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-66
Iris Nieding ◽  
E. Katharina Klaudy

Neben formalen Bildungsprozessen werden auch die Lebenswelten von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Familien zunehmend von Entwicklungen und Auswirkungen des digitalen Wandels durchdrungen. Im Fokus dieses zweiten Critical Reviews stehen Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation auf Organisationen der Sozialwirtschaft, die soziale personenbezogene Dienstleistungen und einen non-formalen medialen Bildungsraum für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien bereitstellen. Das Ziel des Reviews besteht in der Darstellung und Diskussion der Auswirkungen auf soziale Organisationen basierend auf einer Synthese aus acht Studien aus den Jahren 2017 bis 2020 sowie kontextbildender Literatur. Die Ergebnisfokussierung erfolgte anhand der Themen ‚Relevanz‘, ‚Verantwortlichkeiten‘, ‚Strategien, Konzepte, Partizipation‘, ‚Aufgabenfelder‘, ‚Ausstattung und Software‘ und ‚Hürden‘ von Digitalisierung in Organisationen der non-formalen Bildung relevant erscheinen.

2021 ◽  

Für die Umsetzung von Konzepten zur digitalen Bildung spielt der Prozess der Organisationsentwicklung eine entscheidende Rolle. Organisationsentwicklung setzt in Bildungseinrichtungen an mehreren Ebenen an und zielt auf Veränderungen in den Bereichen technische Infrastruktur, strategische Planung, Management, Kompetenzförderung und Ausgestaltung neuer Lernumgebungen. Entsprechend stellt der Gesamtprozess der Organisationsentwicklung große Anforderungen an die Leitungen von Bildungseinrichtungen, die die Digitalisierung idealerweise als ihre Kernaufgabe betrachten, Strategieprozesse anstoßen, als Gemeinschaftsprojekt in der Einrichtung verankern und die Umsetzung einzelner Maßnahmen begleiten. Die verschiedenen Beiträge betrachten diese Veränderungsprozesse in den Sektoren Bildung in Kindheit, Jugend und Familie, allgemeinbildende Schule, Lehrkräfteausbildung, in der Berufsbildung sowie der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung und stellen – bei unterschiedlicher Schwerpunktsetzung – aktuelle Entwicklungen der Forschung in Form von Critical Reviews zusammen. Dieser Sammelband mit fünf Reviews zur Organisationsentwicklung und Digitalisierung sowie einer Darstellung und Diskussion der methodischen Vorgehensweise ist der zweite Teil einer mehrteiligen Reihe mit Reviews zur Digitalisierung in der Bildung, deren Anliegen es ist, aktuelles Forschungswissen zu synthetisieren und zu strukturieren.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-111
Natalya A. Medvedeva

The article analyses the plot and genre features of the comedy “The Handsome Man” by Alexander Ostrovsky. In particular, such features of comedy as a comic contradiction, a prosperous denouement, typification of heroes and such qualities of vaudeville as the rapid development of action, the motif of a joke, as well as of a deception, are highlighted. The special vaudeville character of the intrigue is emphasised, it is also occupied with dynamism – the heroes change masks, deceive, pretend. It is noted that the psychological complexity of the characters, the main conflict, characterised by depth and sharpness, bring the play closer to the genre of drama. The study uses materials from letters of drama, memories of it, as well as critical reviews of the play “The Handsome Man” – the presence of harsh, often contradictory assessments testifies to the topicality of the comedy. and values. Particular attention is paid to the image of the protagonist, Apollon Okoyomov, who belongs to the “handsome” type, certainly in many respects corresponding to the late-19th-century environment and era. It is concluded that in the play “The Handsome Man” by Alexander Ostrovsky organically combined comic and dramatic elements: this gives her brightness, dynamism, artistic persuasiveness.

2021 ◽  
pp. 182-219
A.S. Sokolova ◽  

The article focuses on the Kursk exhibitions with the participation of Kazimir S. Malevich, the history of their organization, exhibitors, reaction of critics. Notes in the local newspapers and magazines and preserved exhibition catalogs became the main sources of the research. This documents show that Malevich began to exhibit his works at the first exhibitions of the Kursk artistic community. Critical reviews give an idea of the titles of his paintings, the impression they made, or simply record participation. These texts can supplement the information of modern researchers about some facts of the artist’s biography. The paper is the first attempt to describe art exhibitions of 1910 and 1913 in details. Special attention in the text is paid to description of exhibition of the Association of Kursk Artists in 1910, where Malevich showed for the first time some paintings of “white series”, for example Rest (Otdyh), Bathing (Kupanie) and White Horse (Belaya loshad’). The exposition of “Cubists, Futurists and Ko”, which became part of the XIV exhibition of the Association of Kursk Artists, is introduced to the scientific audience for the first time. The author tried to find out the names of the exhibitors and the number of works, based on reviews in newspapers and photographs from the archive of Oleg Radin (Kursk). Malevich brought to Kursk at least 23 paintings. Some of these works were presented at the Oslinyj Hvost exhibition in Moscow in 1912, but the artist changed the composition of his paintings.

wisdom ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-44

The article presents the ideological and worldview tendencies in Armenian reality in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and their influence on the literary criticism of the time. Firstly, the article focuses on the social-political situation that influences the formation of social-political ideologies, then the approaches of representatives of various directions on different spheres of life. The study also discusses the influence of these currents on the formation of the views of the literary critics of the time. As an obvious example of a literary work that was exposed to diverse literary criticism, some pieces of critical reviews on the poem “Loretsi Sako” by H. Toumanyan are presented. These reviews prove that artistic and philosophical approaches of the social-political currents of the time serve as the basis of subjective evaluations carried out by literary critics.

2021 ◽  
pp. 215-238
Yu. S. Romaykina

The article tells the story of a rivalry between two remarkable nonperiodicals of the Russian Silver Age: the literary and artistic almanacs printed by Shipovnik [Wild rose] publishers (Petersburg, 1907–1917) and the Zemlya collections published in Moscow (1908–1917). Using the memoirs (including unpublished) left by employees of the two publishing houses and critical reviews from the early 20th c., the article pinpoints the reasons why readers perceived Zemlya as an analogue of Shipovnik. In the period from 1910 to 1917, the editor-cum-proprietors S. Kopelman (Shipovnik) and G. Blumenberg (Zemlya), neither with significant previous experience in the publishing business, made sure that their respective almanacs boasted stellar authors, a unique composition and cover design; however, Zemlya was consistently labelled as a cousin of Shipovnik. Such a description was caused by Zemlya directly copying the Petersburg-printed collections in its first issues (1908–1909), the special characteristics of the almanac as a publication type, and critical reviews of Soviet literary scholars.

Elena S. Zotova

The article provides a review of a book by S. D. Bodrunov “Noonomics: the Trajectory of Global Transformation”, which is constructed in the form of a summary of the main ideas developed in the theory of noonomics – ​a noneconomic method of economic activity focused on meeting specific human needs based on the criteria of reasonableness determined by the development of knowledge and culture. The article presents the position of the author of the book, who singled out eight steps towards the development of the human community to noonomics through the new industrial society of the second generation (NIS.2). It is shown that the theory of noonomics developed by the author of the book offers a scientific basis for resolving the contradictions of modern human civilization. It is emphasized that technological transformations are determinable to shape the future of human civilization. Critical reviews of the proposed concept are considered.

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