symbolic space
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T.V. Zvereva

Repetition and variation of some baseline motives and images are a hallmark of A. Pushkin’s poetic system. A comprehensive system of A. Pushkin’s writing arises due to complex and contradictory relationships of specific elements. A principle of ‘resourceful contradiction’ forms the basis for the system. The square is one of the key space images which not only unites a wide range of works (from ‘Boris Godunov’ tragedy to ‘The Captain’s Daughter’ novel) but forms a recurrent plot as well. The author of the paper demonstrates the functioning of this image and elicits its semantics by means of numerous texts. The square space in Pushkin’s works is both a death site and a place of salvation; both a place of historic resolutions and a place of historic dead end. Special attention is paid to the allusive principle which is constitutive in Pushkin’s fiction system. The image of the square is inseparable from the events of December, 14, 1825 and July, 25, 1826 in a number of works (‘The Bronze Horseman’, ‘The Captain’s Daughter’ and others).

Nataliya Rotar

The article analyzes the practices of local self-government in Ukraine in the field of decommunization of urban spaces in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnieper. The peculiarities of the implementation of the policy of de-communization of the symbolic space indicate that since 2015, at the level of local macrocommunities, they have become public arenas of interpretations of the past. Their memorial symbolic structure reflects the competition between political actors representing competing commemorative orders. Local self-government practices have acquired their expressive specificity in each of the local macrocommunities. In particular, in Kiev, the policy of local self-government bodies is designated by us as “political”, which is associated with its status as the capital of Ukraine. It was this status that subordinated the symbolic space of local history and the retrospective reverse to historical names. Local authorities in Odessa and Kharkov carried out decommunization with the involvement, in addition to the political, pragmatic (Kharkov) and historical (Odessa) practices of renaming toponyms. Historical practice has become the core of the practice of decommunization of the symbolic space of the Dnieper. At the same time, local governments in all four cities of Ukraine were subjects of political competition (“symbolic struggle”) for the right to form and approve the idea of the legitimate order of the city's symbolic space. By referring to Ukraine's policy in the field of decommunization as one that has elements of symbolic violence, local governments fueled the social tension that accompanied the implementation of this policy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 209-222
Yevgeniya Horiunova

The purpose of the article is to analyze the basic principles of Russian memorial policy in Crimea in the context of Russia's current imperial ambitions. Research methodology is based on a systematic approach, which allows us to consider the policy of memory in Russia as part of public policy to restore the status of "great power" in the world. Scientific novelty of the study is that it has been proved that Russia is actively filling the symbolic space of Crimea with imperial symbols at the same time as preserving the symbols of the Soviet times to restore the imperial status in modern realities. Conclusions. Russia has always considered Crimea its own territory and was not going to give up the peninsula. To support the dominance of pro-Russian sentiment, they actively used symbolic space, trying to fill it with their own cultural symbols. With monuments in honor of Empress Catherine II, the Russian authorities reminded of the first annexation of Crimea and demonstrated their own historical claims to the peninsula. Even, partial decommunization in Crimea took place according to the Russian scenario – the streets were given back the names of the times of the Russian Empire. After the annexation, the Kremlin implemented its own memory policy on the peninsula, demonstrating through new monuments the «Russian status» of the peninsula and its role in the formation and development of the Russian Empire. Accordingly, imperial symbols, along with Orthodox ones, are beginning to play a key role in Crimea. At the same time, Moscow preserves and enlarges the Soviet symbolic space to accelerate the process of building the «Fifth Empire» through the reconciliation of «white» and «red» projects in the mental field, the expansionist foundation of which was laid by the annexation of Crimea.

2021 ◽  
Yevhen Rachkov

Symbolic and Ritual Practices in the Post-Soviet Urban World: Symbolic Space and Festivity in the Cities of Eastern and Southern Ukraine, 1990s–2010sThe article examines symbolic and ritual practices in five cities of southern and eastern Ukraine – Dnipro, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Odesa, and Kharkiv – during the 1990s to 2010s. The author considers the ways in which urban symbolic and ritual practices (primarily expressed in such symbolic forms as municipal ceremonies and festivals) are connected with the cultural and symbolic space of cities. First and foremost, these practices represent a kind of “symbolic mediators” of urban cultural memory and participate in the preservation, broadcasting, and actualization of the cultural semantics of the city. During the 1990s to 2010s, urban symbolic and ritual practices in Ukraine were characterized by efforts to leave behind the most objectionable manifestations of the Soviet culture of festivity and create a fundamentally new festive canon. To an extent, these developments were part of the so-called “decolonization of historical memory,” initiated by the central government and urban communities. Undoubtedly, they were facilitated by the ongoing socio-political transformations, particularly those connected with the Orange Revolution (2004) and Euromaidan Revolution (2013–2014), the Russian aggression against Ukraine, etc. At the same time, the transformation of the Soviet complex of symbolic and ritual practices progressed only slowly; the change of political regime did not lead to a large-scale “ceremonial revolution.” Modern Ukrainian festive culture involves a combination, often quite eclectic, of at least several elements: a “new” style of festivity, generally based on borrowed “Western” cultural patterns; “traditional” forms, stressing national aspects and attempting to revive pre-Soviet cultural models; and “Soviet” forms, which preserve the Soviet festive canon, often adapted and rethought within the framework of the new urban tradition. Overall, the process of constructing a new model of urban festivity in Ukraine is far from complete; this emerging cultural complex remains fluid and capable of “turning” towards the festive traditions of different historical periods. Символічні та ритуальні практики в пострадянському міському середовищі: символічний простір і святкування в містах Східної та Південної України протягом 1990–2010-х рр.Стаття присвячена дослідженню символічних і ритуальних практик п’яти міст Південної та Східної України – Дніпра, Донецька, Запоріжжя, Одеси та Харкова – протягом 1990–2010-х рр. Відзначається, що міські символічні та ритуальні практики (передовсім, виражені у таких символічних формах, як міські урочисті церемонії та свята) особливим чином пов’язані з культурно-символічним простором міста. Насамперед, вони являють собою своєрідні «символічні медіатори» культурної пам’яті міста та беруть участь у зберіганні, трансляції та актуалізації культурних смислів міста. Протягом 1990–2010-х рр. для міських символічних і ритуальних практик в Україні були характерними спроби позбутися найбільш одіозних проявів радянської святкової культури та створити принципово новий святковий канон. Частково ці процеси відбувалися в межах так званої «деколонізації історичної пам’яті», ініціаторами якої була центральна влада та міські спільноти. Безперечно, сприяли цьому суспільно-політичні трансформації, зокрема, пов’язані з Помаранчевою революцією (2004 р.) та Єврореволюцією (2013–2014 рр.), російською збройною агресією проти України тощо. Водночас, процеси трансформації радянських символічних і ритуальних практик були помірними: зміна політичного режиму не призвела до масштабної «церемоніальної революції». Сучасна українська святкова культура передбачає поєднання, часто доволі еклектичне, щонайменше кількох складових: «нової» святкової традиції, що загалом базується на запозичених «західних» культурних зразках; «традиційної», що містить національні акценти та являє собою спробу відродження дорадянських культурних зразків; «радянської», що зберігає радянський святковий канон, часто він адаптований та переосмислений у нових міських традиціях. Загалом, маємо підстави казати про незавершеність процесу конструювання нової міської святкової культури в Україні, що характеризується невизначеністю та можливостями «повороту» до святкових традицій різних історичних епох.Praktyki symboliczne i rytualne w postsowieckim środowisku miejskim: przestrzeń symboliczna i obchody świąt w miastach wschodniej i południowej Ukrainy w latach 90. i na początku XXI w.Artykuł jest poświęcony badaniu praktyk symbolicznych i rytualnych w pięciu miastach południowej i wschodniej Ukrainy: Dnieprze, Doniecku, Zaporożu, Odessie i Charkowie, w latach 1990-2010. Symboliczne oraz rytualne praktyki miejskie (wyrażone przede wszystkim przy użyciu takich form symbolicznych jak miejskie święta, uroczystości) są szczególnie związane z kulturową i symboliczną przestrzenią miasta. Są one przede wszystkim swego rodzaju „symbolicznymi mediatorami” kulturowej pamięci miasta i uczestniczą w utrwalaniu, transmitowaniu i aktualizowaniu jego kulturowych znaczeń. W latach 90. i dwóch pierwszych dekadach XXI w. miejskie praktyki symboliczne i rytualne w Ukrainiecharakteryzowały się próbami pozbycia się najbardziej odrażających przejawów sowieckiej kultury świętowania oraz stworzenia zupełnie nowego kanonu świąt. Po części procesy te odbywały się w ramach tzw. dekolonizacji pamięci historycznej, inicjowanej przez władze centralne i społeczności miejskie. Niewątpliwie ułatwiły to przemiany społeczno-polityczne, w szczególności związane z pomarańczową rewolucją (2004) oraz Euromajdanem (2013-2014), rosyjską agresją zbrojną na Ukrainę itp. Jednocześnie procesy transformacji sowieckich praktyk symbolicznych i rytualnych były umiarkowane: zmiana ustroju politycznego nie doprowadziła do „rewolucji ceremonialnej” na dużą skalę. Współczesna ukraińska kultura świąteczna łączy, często dość eklektycznie, przynajmniej kilka elementów: „nową” tradycję świąteczną, która na ogół opiera się na zapożyczonych „zachodnich” wzorcach kulturowych; element „tradycyjny”, zawierający akcenty narodowe i będący próbą ożywienia przedsowieckich wzorców kulturowych; „sowiecki”, który zachowuje sowiecki kanon świąteczny, jest często adaptowany do nowych tradycji miejskich. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, można zauważyć, że proces budowy nowej miejskiej kultury świętowania w Ukrainie nie jest ukończony i charakteryzuje się niepewnością i możliwością „zwrócenia się” do tradycji świątecznych różnych epok historycznych.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-145
Katarzyna Jędraszczyk

The aim of the article is historical, political analysis and analysis of scientific discourse on the direction of decommunization transition since Ukraine’s independence. The main research question concerns the effectiveness of the process. When describing the decommunization of public space in Ukraine, it should be stressed that it was characterized by varying intensity and regionality. The process can be divided into two main phases – 1990- 2014 and after 2015. The first period was determined by the historical policy pursued by the presidents of Ukraine. During the presidency of Yushchenko, with the increasing interest in historical politics, and especially the theme of Holodomor 1932/33, the names and monuments in honor of those responsible for these events were removed. The last phase of decommunization involves four acts passed in April 2015. The pace and consistency with which the laws were implemented, especially 317-VIII on communist symbolism, was linked to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. It determined the need for radical steps towards the Ukrainian state taking control of its own symbolic space. A parliamentary majority and a social atmosphere have made the implementation of the laws effective and today Ukraine can be considered to have decommunized public space. This does not apply, of course, to occupied areas.

2021 ◽  
pp. 183-189
Johanna Seibt

AbstractSocial robotics does not create tools but social ‘others’ that act in the physical and symbolic space of human social interactions. In order to guide the profound disruptive potential of this technology, social robotics must be repositioned—we must reconceive it as an emerging interdisciplinary area where expertise on social reality, as physical, practical, and symbolic space, is constitutively included. I present here the guiding principles for such a repositioning, “Integrative Social Robotics,” and argue that the path to culturally sustainable (value-preserving) or positive (value-enhancing) applications of social robotics goes via a redirection of the humanities and social sciences. Rather than creating new educations by disemboweling, the humanities and social sciences, students need to acquire full disciplinary competence in these disciplines, as well as the new skill to direct these qualifications toward membership in multidisciplinary developer teams.

Iryna Kushchyk

The purpose of the article is the formation of a base for fashion research in Ukrainian culturological science. Carrying out a culturological analysis of gender transformations in the evolution of fashion and fashion trends. The methodology of the research is due to the need of using specific culturological methods for the analysis – diachronic and synchronous methods, comparative-historical method, semiotic method. The scientific novelty of the article includes conducting a cultural analysis of the phenomenon of fashion and gender; conducting a semiotic analysis of the fashion industry; identifying the features of the functioning of fashion in the context of the symbolic space of culture. Conclusions. In postmodernism, fashion begins its transformation from a symbolic unit that provides information about certain means to the means of communication that help people realize their own human potential, encourage freedom of choice, self-identification, and self-expression, which is reflected in the gradual leveling of gender and other sociocultural clothes. Modern fashion is beginning to blur the boundaries between social status, gender and age. After all, the transformational processes taking place in society are directly related to the transformation of culture and changes in fashion, because fashion is one of the structural elements of culture.

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-100
B. B. Ilyin

The article is devoted to the consideration of the category of space in the Old Russian text. The text of the live of Erasmus was used for analysis.  The novelty of the work lies in the reference to the text of the monument, in which the category of space was not previously considered.  The research is based on nominative vocabulary with spatial meaning. In the course of consideration, various types of spaces in the live were identified: real-geographical, urban, sacred, biblical, symbolic. The axiological attitude of the genre becomes important for understanding space in live: space is interpreted in a religious-symbolic way. It is showed in the article that the living space is built horizontally and vertically. It is emphasized that the horizontal movement of the hero reflects the movement of the hero in the geographic space. The path is understood both literally and metaphorically. Particular attention is paid to the opposition of the top and bottom that is significant for the text of the live: the top is associated with the divine, the bottom is associated with the concept of the devil. It shows how the biblical space is created by references to the biblical text. The symbolic space is also associated with vertical opposition and has a religious and ethical interpretation: the image of the city of the saint appears, intended for the righteous. The axiological attitude is also reflected in the transformation of space or its overcoming when describing some miracles in the text.

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