runway incursion
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Priyanka Peter ◽  
Prof. Vaibhav S. Umap

Aviation crashes all over the world have recently been on the high rise, stemming from negligence, mechanical faults, weather, ground control errors, pilot errors, taxing and maintenance crew errors as are probable reasons for such accidents. This case study models the probabilistic risk assessment of runway incursion data endeavored to determine the correlation in between the reported incursions that occurred at Nagpur airport between fiscal years 2005 and 2015 and the meteorological conditions, times of day, and presence of an air traffic control tower of Nagpur Airport. With runway incursions long-plaguing the safety of aviators, their passengers, and aviation refining the body of knowledge underpinning incursions coupled with ongoing prevention efforts aspire to diminish the annual incidence of incursions, increase safety, and save lives. In accordance with this mission, mining the Civil Organization (ICAO), and Federal Aviation Association (FAA) runway incursion databases and analyzing the resulting hours, and at airport with an air traffic control tower.


Abstract: The aim of the present study is to examine case studies from extended investigations of runway incursions in Norway from 2009-2019. Runway incursions involves an incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the runway and represents a relatively frequent threat to safety in the aviation industry. A content analysis and classification of the extended investigation reports (N=7) revealed 42 explanatory factors that could be condensed into four categories related to perception, procedural errors, memory and decision-making. When mapped onto the theoretical framework of situational awareness about 70% of the explanatory factors were related to misperception of information, improper comprehension of information or incorrect projection of future actions, respectively. The present study suggests that situational awareness can serve as a useful theoretical framework to identify deficits in human factors associated with runway incursion incidents. The results from this study contributes to inform investigation into aviation hazards and training of air traffic controllers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 6724-6738
Bo Sun ◽  
Ming Wei ◽  
Binbin Jing ◽  

<abstract> <p>This paper presents an optimization model for assigning a set of arrival and departure flights to multiple runways and determining their actual times with consideration of incursions. Due to the lack of data, fuzzy incursion time is used to describe the uncertainty with the help of artificial experience. Moreover, the multiple-goal priority considerations of air traffic controllers are also fully considered in this model. The two objectives are to simultaneously minimize delays in arrival and departure flights. Since this problem is NP-hard, a novel polynomial algorithm based on queuing theory is also proposed to obtain acceptable solutions efficiently. Finally, a real-world example is provided to analyze the effect of different times and places of incursion events on the scheduling scheme, which can verify the correctness of the model. Results show that higher runway incursion times lead to longer queue lengths for take-off and landing flights, resulting in more flight delays.</p> </abstract>

Divya Bhargava ◽  
Karen Marais

A runway incursion occurs when an aircraft, ground vehicle, or a pedestrian is incorrectly present on the runway. This incorrect presence can lead to a collision resulting in fatal injuries and aircraft damage. Despite the aviation community’s measures to reduce incursions, they continue increasing. Most runway incursions are a result of human error. Our limited knowledge of these human errors and their causes is hindering our ability to reduce runway incursions. While previous researchers have analyzed past runway incursions to identify types of human error, we still know little about the causes of these errors. The narratives in the NTSB database often provide detailed information to identify human errors and their causes. In this paper, we analyze the narratives of runway incursion reports in the NTSB database. We use task analysis to map human error to tasks they perform, and map the causes of these errors to the error itself.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1570 ◽  
pp. 012052
Li Jiang ◽  
Ping Yang ◽  
Xiaodan Ma ◽  
Hao Yang ◽  
Tuo Li ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Kustori Kustori

Konsep pembuatan rancangan sistem otomatisasi pada stopbar light ini adalah untuk mempermudah dan membantu pekerjaan ATC dalam melaksanakan pengawasan dan meningkatkan keselamatan penerbangan. Saat ini di bandara Juanda mempunyai suatu masalah yang berhubungan dengan runway incursion, yaitu baik manusia,mobil,alat berat bahkan hewan sekalipun dilarang melewati daerah tersebut,yaitu pada daerah taxiway N3. Karena telah terdapat dalam Notam bahwa hanya pesawat yang telah landing saja yang diperbolehkan melewati daerah tersebut. Pada beberapa saat lalu hampir terjadi accident yang terjadi akibat pilot yang salah dalam pengambilan keputsan,antara tower dan pilot sebenarnya tidak ada pihak yang salah dalam melakukan komunikasi sampai read back pun benar. Hanya saja dalam melakukan implementation pilot mengalami kesalahan. Diharapkan dengan kejadian tersebut alat ini dapat membantu sebagai barikade saat pilot dan ATC mengalami kesalahan.

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