mixed gender
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2022 ◽  
pp. 000276422110407
Mary C. Banwart ◽  
Dianne G. Bystrom

Recent studies of the content of television ads of female versus male political candidates have shown that women and men are increasingly similar in their communication styles and strategies, with some notable exceptions. However, few studies examining gender and political ad content have focused exclusively on US Senate races, considered the influence of the candidates’ political party, or compared the messages of women running against female versus male opponents. This study examines 236 political ads—160 from mixed-gender and 76 from female–female—U.S. Senate races in 2020 for their verbal and visual content. Results show gendered and partisan differences in the issues emphasized and the tone used. Candidates were similar in the images emphasized. Female candidates were more balanced between formal and casual attire compared to previous election cycles. And candidates in mixed-gender races used different strategies than those in female–female contests as to the issues and political actors mentioned.

2022 ◽  
Elizabeth Brooker

In the main research into cognitive anxiety has focused on the conscious mind. The aim of this chapter is to review two psychodynamic psychotherapies, cognitive hypnotherapy (CH) and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR). Both therapies focus on implicit or unconscious processes for the rapid relief of cognitive anxiety. The objective is to give credence to CH and EMDR both in the scientific and medical domains. The philosophy is concerned with changing negative cognitions and dysfunctional feelings through a process of desensitisation and reprocessing, utilising positive imagery. CH and EMDR were investigated in an intervention study with advanced pianists (n = 46). Participants were of mixed gender aged 18–26 and were randomly assigned to a therapy or control group. The therapy groups received two therapies of either CH or EMDR during a two week period between two concerts. Quantitative data were collected through the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results showed that both therapy groups (but not the control) experienced a significant reduction in state anxiety post-therapy and trait anxiety decreased significantly below baseline levels in the EMDR group. This chapter further reviews research into CH and EMDR documented through a case study allowing for qualitative assessment of the therapies where two sessions only were required to effect positive change.

Aixiu An ◽  
Anne Abeillé

Abstract Contrary to most French grammars claiming that French only allows masculine agreement when mixed-gender nouns are conjoined, we show that closest conjunct agreement (CCA) does exist in contemporary French, as in other Romance languages, and is the preferred strategy for prenominal adjectives. Using data from a large corpus (FrWac) and an acceptability rating experiment, we show that (feminine) CCA is well accepted in contemporary French, and should be distinguished from attraction errors, despite the norm prescribing masculine agreement. We also show the role of the adjective position, i.e. prenominal or post-nominal, and humanness. CCA is the preferred strategy for prenominal adjectives, and non-human nouns favour CCA for post-nominal adjectives. Assuming a hierarchical structure for coordination, the closest noun is the highest in A-N order, whereas it is the lowest in N-A order. Thus CCA in prenominal position may be favoured by a shorter structural distance. One can also see CCA with a prenominal adjective as ‘early’ agreement. Regarding humanness, grammatical gender is interpreted as social gender with human nouns, and a masculine plural can refer to a mixed group. This ‘gender neutral’ plural may favour masculine agreement for human nouns, or the prescriptive norm is more influential for human nouns.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-35
Leena El-Ali

AbstractWomen were an important source of hadith, most notably Aisha, the Prophet’s wife. Female scholars of hadith and other Islamic “sciences” were aplenty and were well-respected for at least nine centuries. They travelled widely and held public lectures to students of mixed gender who would also travel far to hear them. But references to women scholars gradually began to disappear from the literature from the sixteenth century on.

Somatechnics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 432-450
Zoë Avner ◽  
Emma Boocock ◽  
Jenny Hall ◽  
Linda Allin

In this article we examine women-specific adventure sport skills training courses in the UK utilising a feminist new materialist approach. Drawing on Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's (1987) concepts of ‘assemblage’, ‘lines of territorialisation’, and ‘lines of flight’, we apply a new lens to ask: what type(s) of material-discursive assemblages are produced through human and non-human, discursive, and non-discursive intra-actions on women-specific adventure sport skills courses? To what extent do these courses enable participants to engage with an alternative praxis and ethics and to think, feel, practice, and become otherwise? Our Deleuzian reading showed that the affective capacity of these courses is currently limited by dominant understandings of these courses as bridges to the real outdoors and as primarily designed for women who lack the confidence to participate in mixed-gender environments. However, these courses also enabled productive lines of flight and alternative understandings and practices related to the self, the body, others, material objects, learning, movement, and physical activity to emerge. These were both characterised and supported by less instrumental and hierarchical flows of relations and an openness to not knowing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Megan Cherewick ◽  
Sarah Lebu ◽  
Christine Su ◽  
Lisa Richards ◽  
Prosper F. Njau ◽  

Abstract Background The transition from childhood to adolescence is a uniquely sensitive period for social and emotional learning in the trajectory of human development. This transition is characterized by rapid physical growth, sexual maturation, cognitive and behavioral changes and dynamic changes in social relationships. This pivotal transition provides a window of opportunity for social emotional learning that can shape early adolescent identity formation and gender norms, beliefs and behaviors. The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of a social emotional learning intervention for very young adolescents (VYAs) to improve social emotional mindsets and skills. Methods Discover Learning is a social emotional learning intervention designed for VYAs (10-11 years of age) to support development of social emotional mindsets and skills from four primary schools in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The intervention delivered three different packages of learning experiences to three arms of the study. 528 VYAs were randomized to each of the three study arms (A-Content learning, B-Content learning and reflection, and C-Content learning, reflection and experiential practice). A quantitative survey was administered to all participants before and after the intervention to capture changes in social emotional mindsets and skills. A discrete choice experiment measured changes in gender norms, beliefs and behaviors. Results 528 VYAs were included in the analysis. Participants in all three arms of the study demonstrated significant improvements in social emotional mindsets and skills outcomes (generosity, curiosity, growth mindset, persistence, purpose and teamwork). However, Group C (who received experiential social learning opportunities in small, mixed-gender groups and a parent and community learning components demonstrated larger treatment effects on key outcomes in comparison to Groups A and B. Results indicate Group C participants had greater change in gender equity outcomes (OR = 1.69, p = <0.001) compared to Group A (OR = 1.30, p = <0.001) and Group B (OR = 1.23, p = 0.004). Conclusion These findings provide evidence that social emotional learning interventions targeting VYAs can improve social emotional mindsets and skills and gender equity outcomes. The findings indicate the importance of experiential learning activities in mixed-gender groups during the unique developmental window of early adolescence. The study also provides support for the inclusion of parental/caregiver and community engagement in programs designed for VYAs. Trial registration Retrospectively registered on July 7th, 2020. NCT0445807

2021 ◽  
pp. 026540752110547
Rebecca M. Horne ◽  
Stephanie Raposo ◽  
Amy Muise ◽  
Cheryl Harasymchuk ◽  
Emily A. Impett

Romantic partners often regulate their emotions and affection to achieve certain goals, but research has yet to explore how partners regulate their expression of sexual desire during sex and its implications for couples’ well-being. In two multi-part dyadic diary studies of primarily mixed-gender couples in longer-term relationships residing in North America, we examined three questions. First, is amplifying desire and suppressing disinterest during sex associated with both partners’ daily sexual and relationship satisfaction? Second, do these associations differ by level of sexual desire and gender? Third, tested in our second sample, can these associations be explained by feelings of sexual inauthenticity? Across both samples (Ntotal = 225 couples, 450 participants), amplifying desire was associated with lower sexual satisfaction, while suppressing disinterest was not associated with daily satisfaction. Importantly, sexual desire played a role in the links between desire regulation during sex and satisfaction: on days when people were low in sexual desire, amplification was associated with both partners’ lower sexual satisfaction, while suppression was associated with a partner’s higher relationship satisfaction. In addition, amplification (on low desire days) and suppression (regardless of desire level) were associated with lower sexual authenticity which, in turn, was linked to lower relationship satisfaction. The findings suggest that desire regulation during sex plays an important role in couples’ daily sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction—in part because it feels sexually inauthentic—with the implications of this regulation being particularly strong when people feel low sexual desire.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Tenna Bering ◽  
Henrik Hertz ◽  
Martin Fredensborg Rath

The central circadian clock resides in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, but an SCN-dependent molecular circadian oscillator is present in the cerebellar cortex. Recent findings suggest that circadian release of corticosterone is capable of driving the circadian oscillator of the rat cerebellum. To determine if additional neuroendocrine signals act to shape cerebellar clock gene expression, we here tested the role of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3) in regulation of the cerebellar circadian oscillator. In cultured cerebellar granule cells from mixed-gender neonatal rats, T3 treatment affected transcript levels of the clock genes Per2, Arntl, Nr1d1, and Dbp, suggesting that T3 acts directly on granule cells to control the circadian oscillator. We then used two different in vivo protocols to test the role of T3 in adult female rats: Firstly, a single injection of T3 did not influence clock gene expression in the cerebellum. Secondly, we established a surgical rat model combining SCN lesion with a programmable micropump infusing circadian physiological levels of T3; however, rhythmic infusion of T3 did not reestablish differential clock gene expression between day and night in SCN lesioned rats. To test if the effects of T3 observed in vitro were related to the developmental stage, acute injections of T3 were performed in mixed-gender neonatal rats in vivo; this procedure significantly affected cerebellar expression of the clock genes Per1, Per2, Nr1d1, and Dbp. Developmental comparisons showed rhythmic expression of all clock genes analyzed in the cerebellum of adult rats only, whereas T3 responsiveness was limited to neonatal animals. Thus, T3 shapes cerebellar clock gene profiles in early postnatal stages, but it does not represent a systemic circadian regulatory mechanism linking the SCN to the cerebellum throughout life.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0258486
Taneli Heikkinen ◽  
Timo Bragge ◽  
Juha Kuosmanen ◽  
Teija Parkkari ◽  
Sanna Gustafsson ◽  

Huntington’s disease (HD) results from an expansion mutation in the polyglutamine tract in huntingtin. Although huntingtin is ubiquitously expressed in the body, the striatum suffers the most severe pathology. Rhes is a Ras-related small GTP-binding protein highly expressed in the striatum that has been reported to modulate mTOR and sumoylation of mutant huntingtin to alter HD mouse model pathogenesis. Reports have varied on whether Rhes reduction is desirable for HD. Here we characterize multiple behavioral and molecular endpoints in the Q175 HD mouse model with genetic Rhes knockout (KO). Genetic RhesKO in the Q175 female mouse resulted in both subtle attenuation of Q175 phenotypic features, and detrimental effects on other kinematic features. The Q175 females exhibited measurable pathogenic deficits, as measured by MRI, MRS and DARPP32, however, RhesKO had no effect on these readouts. Additionally, RhesKO in Q175 mixed gender mice deficits did not affect mTOR signaling, autophagy or mutant huntingtin levels. We conclude that global RhesKO does not substantially ameliorate or exacerbate HD mouse phenotypes in Q175 mice.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Yen Thi Hai Nguyen ◽  
Pataporn Sukontamarn

Abstract This paper investigates the relationship between women’s education and desire for additional children across the six economic regions of Vietnam. The study employed data from the nationally representative Vietnam Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014. Probit regression results showed that for women with one child, higher levels of education were associated with higher fertility desire in two out of six regions. Similar results were found for women with two or more children. Children’s sex composition played a role in the desire for additional children, reflecting both son preference and mixed-gender preference. In Vietnam overall, among women with at least one boy, those with lower levels of education were more likely not to want another child. The results, however, differed by region. The findings suggest that the social and economic context of each region, particularly sex ratio at birth and total fertility rate, should be taken into account when designing population policies in Vietnam.

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